DIY tree house for children. Do-it-yourself treehouse: photos, drawings, step by step making a children's treehouse out of wood. Flooring installation

Building a tree house is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Every child will be incredibly happy if he has his own home. This is especially interesting for boys. After all, they love to climb, climb higher and show off to their friends.

A tree house for children will be such a great option to gather all your friends and have fun away from adults.

To make a childhood dream come true, first of all you need to make sure that there are several dense and large trees on your site.

How to determine whether a tree is suitable for building a house on it? To do this, it is important to consider several points:

  • the tree must have a thick trunk;
  • a dense and well-branched root system is visible;
  • the diameter of the branches for the tree house is at least 25 cm;
  • what type of wood (ash, oak, maple are suitable).

As a preparatory stage for the start of work, you need to cut off dried branches that will interfere with construction. You should be prepared for the fact that it may be necessary to cut off some branches if the tree grows too much.

If you decide to build a summer house and install a children’s tree house nearby, then keep in mind that you will not be there all the time, so you need to take such points into account.

The height at which you can make a children's tree house should not exceed more than 2-2.5 meters, because children do not always play carefully.

If you decide to make the house taller, evaluate the wind speed and climate conditions.

If the winds in your area are strong, a DIY tree house at high altitude will be a dangerous place for both children and adults.

How to build a treehouse with your own hands

You will need a lot of materials. Of course, there is no need to create a foundation here, so the range of materials is still narrowing, but it is worth remembering that nails are a completely unreliable option, which is better replaced with nuts and bolts.

If the treehouse is being built primarily for children, all nuts should fit into the tree in such a way that they cannot cause injury or snags.

The tree house should be as light as possible, so it is especially important to make the walls more durable by using high-quality wood for construction, but make the roof more simplified, light and not too strong - this will not be necessary.

The main task is to make the tree house for children light and therefore reliable.

Tools you will find useful:

  • drill;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • tree house plane;
  • roulette;
  • sandpaper;
  • level.

How to build a tree house

When we build a house, we need to start by building the floor.

An ordinary house on the ground requires the creation of a foundation, which a wooden house will not have. Therefore, the floor must be securely attached not only to the tree, but also to the ground using wooden shafts, the reliability of which cannot be doubted.

First, in order to build a tree house, you need to build the largest elements, attach them to each other, and then begin to secure the small ones.

After the floor is ready, you need to smoothly move on to the walls, starting with the side shafts, which will become the corners of the interior of the house.

After the walls are ready, we create the roof.

All actions are done to secure large parts, taking into account the roof, and only then we put up walls and make windows.

You may not have walls; it is enough to make reliable sides. This will greatly simplify the task, but children may not like it.

A wooden house with your own hands will stand on a tree stronger if
Do not cut off the top branches of the tree, but make holes in the structure of the house that will allow these branches to pass through.

Advice: if you want to make a treehouse with your own hands with walls and windows, it is better to assemble them on the ground and raise them after everything is ready for installation.

It is important, after completing the work, to treat all parts with an antiseptic, which will prevent the wooden parts from deteriorating under the influence of moisture. In addition, a tree house treated with an antiseptic will certainly not be “eaten” by insects.

Decorating a tree house for children

After all work on the construction of the treehouse is completed, you can begin to decorate it.

In a sense, the design is even more complicated than the construction itself, because you will probably have to create some kind of children's infrastructure, which may include:

  • pole for raising and lowering;
  • slide for games;
  • rope ladder in a tree house;
  • suspension bridges.

Also, children’s furniture will be useful for children inside the house, and it’s good if you already have it, but if you are building a small house, you may need to create a small sofa, chairs, and table.

Of course, buying a table with chairs is much easier and more economical than a sofa, which, by the way, is also quite possible to create from old chairs.

The design also includes original exterior solutions, for example, painting the house in bright colors.

If you are creating a tree house for yourself to relax in, you can use a regular varnish coating, but children will probably like something colorful and bright.

You can resort to applying patterns and images through the use of stencils.

When decorating the inside of a tree house, the wall decor requires special attention, because it is unlikely that they can be decorated as beautifully as in an apartment due to the unevenness of the surface, since you will not cover it with plaster, level it, and then cover it with wallpaper. Therefore, to diversify the design and decorate the walls, colored three-dimensional figures or letters with your own hands are perfect.

In any case, no matter what size your wooden treehouse is, the main thing is to check it for reliability every spring. After winter, a large amount of moisture falls, and sooner or later the tree begins to collapse.

By building a tree house in the garden, you will at the same time instill in your children a love of nature. Of course, the treehouse must have a floor that will serve as a supporting frame. The treehouse has an open platform that can be reached via a fixed ladder or rope ladder.

Safety precautions
Ensure that your treehouse is structurally sound.
Give this enough time.
The exact construction method will depend on your garden situation, but these step-by-step instructions can be used as a guide.
You can choose materials from various types of wood.

Necessary materials
Boards, wooden beams, roof tiles or corrugated sheets.

  1. Tree selection

  2. Check if you need permission

    Before you begin, check to see if you need a special permit to build your treehouse. If necessary, contact your city council and check to see if there are any local directives, laws or other regulations that may affect treehouse construction (such as height restrictions). In some cases, it is necessary to apply for a permit before starting construction of the cabin. In addition, there may be restrictions if you have legally protected trees in your garden.

    It is also recommended to talk to your neighbors; this will help prevent their complaints and maintain friendly relations. A treehouse could obstruct the view from their home windows, or it could look into their rooms and interfere with their privacy. You should also contact your insurance company to make sure the treehouse is included in your property warranty. If this is not the case, then any type of loss or damage caused by the treehouse will not be covered.

  3. Choosing a suitable location

    After choosing the most suitable tree, you can decide what type of house you want to build. To build a standard 3 x 3 meter treehouse, choose a trunk with a diameter of at least 30 cm. The diameter can be calculated by measuring the circumference of the trunk with a tape measure in the location where you decide to build the house. Then divide the measurement by π (3.14) to get the diameter. It is also important to first check how the base of the house will be located on the tree. Carefully mark where you will need to make cuts in the trunk and branches. Leave a large enough space around the tree trunk. The thickness of the support beams depends on the specific situation and the size of the platform.

  4. Treehouse supports

    There are several ways you can secure a treehouse using supports. Regardless of the method you choose, remember that the tree will sway in the wind. Therefore, make sure that the house will not be damaged as a result of this movement.
    You can choose different ways to attach the house:

    1) Fastening with screws to wood
    This means that the platform support beams are screwed in place directly to the tree trunk. This is the most common method of attaching platform supports. But this method is likely to damage the wood, although this danger can be minimized if you use the right materials.

    2) “Floating” method
    In this option, the treehouse is suspended from strong, high branches using ropes, cables or chains. However, this method is not suitable for all types of trees that you might choose to install a heavy house. For example, it is ideal only for securing a platform, but without a heavy guardrail.

    3) Use of support pillars
    Support posts are dug into the ground next to the tree and are not attached directly to the tree itself. A large enough space should be left around the platform so that the tree can sway freely in the wind. When using this method, the likelihood of damage to the tree is minimal.

  5. Treehouse access

    Before you start building your treehouse, you need to decide how you will climb into it. First of all, remember the safety of children! The means of access to the treehouse must be strong and secure.
    There are several different designs:

    1) Rope ladder
    You can make a ladder like this from a rope and several short steps attached to the rope, one below the other, and going down straight to the ground. Using a rope ladder takes some getting used to, and you may feel unsteady and wobbly when climbing it.

    2) Fixed ladder
    This is a standard ladder that you can buy from various stores. It provides a quick and easy way to climb into the treehouse.

    3) Fixed flight of stairs
    A fixed flight of stairs is the safest way to climb into the house. If you decide to use a fixed flight of stairs, it is recommended to add a handrail or handrail to the side of the stairs for added safety.

  6. Obstacles

    Should the house be built so that the branches pass through it, or is it better to cut them down? Obstacles can affect the design of your treehouse. Difficulties often arise when changing the design, given the asymmetrical shape of the tree. But after completion, you will look at your design with great satisfaction!

  7. Safety comes first

    Before you start building a treehouse, remember that the possibility of falling is the most serious danger. You can take the following steps to reduce this danger:

    1) Don't install the house too high
    If the house is located too high, it is dangerous for children who will use it. Therefore, do not install the platform higher than 1.5-2.5 meters.

    2) Install a safety fence or railing around the perimeter of the platform
    A safety fence or railing around the perimeter of the platform will prevent children from falling. The safety fence or railing around the perimeter of the platform should be 70 to 90 cm high, the distance between the vertical posts should be 10 to 15 cm.

    3) Create a soft surface on the ground under the house
    You can lay soft natural materials, such as wood shavings, on the surface of the ground under the house. This alone will not prevent you from falling, but it will ensure a soft landing!

  8. Attachment points

    A tree with V-shaped branches provides additional strong support for the house, since it provides four attachment points instead of two. Drill holes at four attachment points on opposite branches. Use a 10mm drill bit and make sure the holes are horizontal and at the same height (A). If the mounting holes are not aligned, the platform will not be level.

  9. Support beams

    Measure the distance between the mounting holes on both sides of the tree branches and mark this distance (A) on the two support beams. Make sure this distance is the same on the left and right sides of the support beams. Starting from this reference point, draw a 5cm line on the left and right (total length 10cm) and mark the ends of this line. Do the same at the other end of the beam. Drill two 12mm holes on either side of the marked ends of the drawn line. After this, use a jigsaw to cut a 12 mm wide groove between the two drilled holes.

    This groove is necessary so that the tree can swing freely during the wind without splitting the tree trunk or damaging the platform.

  10. Support beams (continued)

    Attach the two support beams to the wood at the marked height using 4 socket screws (hex head wood screws) 12mm in diameter and 200mm in length. Place washers between the screws and the support beams. Repeat these steps on the other support beam on the opposite side of the tree trunk. Make sure the support beams are at the same height and parallel to each other. Pre-drilling the mounting holes will prevent the tree trunk, branches, and support beams from splitting. If your house has a relatively large overall mass, you will need to use thicker, stronger support beams.

  11. Cross beams

    Install 4 cross beams measuring 50 x 150 mm, placing them at equal distances and parallel to each other. Attach these cross beams using 80mm long wood board screws. Then attach two 50 x 150mm beams to the ends of the four cross beams using 80mm long wood board screws.

    the platform must be positioned at right angles to the two support beams as otherwise the floor boards will not be positioned straight when you install them at a later stage.

  12. Beam support brackets

    Attach the platform to the cross beams using 8 beam support brackets. Make sure that the entire structure is strictly horizontal and that all beams are installed at right angles to each other. Attach 4 beam support brackets to both sides of the platform.

  13. Support beams under the platform

    The platform is still a little unstable, but we will secure it using two 30 x 100mm support beams. These beams are secured using two brackets attached to the top side of the platform. Attach the undersides of the support beams to the tree branches.

    Saw the tops of the support beams to size at approximately a 45° angle depending on the specific configuration. Attach the support beams to the inside of the platform, again using the two beam support brackets. Fasten the two overlapping support beams together at the bottom using a 100mm long M8 bolt or threaded rod. Install washers between the support beams and the bolts.

  14. Fastening the house floor boards

    Check to see if you need to make cutouts in the floorboards so that they neatly follow the contour of the tree trunk and branches. Leave a distance of 10 mm between the boards. If necessary, use a jigsaw to cut round holes where the trunk and branches should pass through the floor. Secure the ends of the floor boards with at least two screws. Use a stepladder or ladder for this job and finish the floor to ensure it is free of burrs.

  15. Perimeter fencing

    Install 80 cm long vertical supports at each corner of the platform to create a perimeter fence. Make the corners of the fence using two 60 x 10mm pieces of wood. You can use thicker wood if desired, but remember that overall weight has a big impact on stability. Install these wooden blocks in place using screws screwed into the sides. Attach handrails made from 60 x 10mm timber pieces to the top of these vertical supports. Cut the handrails exactly to size and at a 45° angle (see the inserted circled image in the picture showing the detailed connection diagram). After this, install the railings in place on top of the vertical supports, then the vertical posts with an interval of approximately 10 cm between them. Install these posts into place using countersunk wood board screws. Remember that safety is of the utmost importance, especially when there are (small) children!

  16. Fixed flight of stairs

    A durable, fixed flight of stairs is attached to the side of the platform. A safe installation angle for a platform ladder at a height of 2.5 meters will be ensured if the bottom of the ladder is located at a distance of 1.35 to 1.80 meters from its top. Make a staircase with 50 x 10 mm vertical supports and 50 x 12 mm treads. You need to choose the width and length of the stairs depending on your specific configuration. Place the steps on vertical supports at equal distances and mark where each step needs to be secured. You can screw the bars with screws to the vertical supports, and then screw the steps to them. Or you can make grooves in the vertical supports 25 or 30 mm deep and then forcefully insert the steps into these grooves. Cut the vertical supports and steps to the required length and install them in place using glue and screws.

  17. House with three walls

    Treehouses come in a variety of designs, such as three walls and a roof made of corrugated sheets. But you can also make a roof simply from a strong plastic sheet supported by wooden beams, or install a small tent on a platform.

  18. A-frame

    We will be making a house based on an A-frame with a 60° slope.
    You can make a house like this with the supports we used before.
    You must select the height and width to suit your specific configuration. If one of the branches will have to pass through the roof, an additional beam with a cross beam will need to be installed.

  19. Waterproof roof

    To make your treehouse roof completely waterproof, staple thick plastic sheeting to the A-frame before attaching roofing shingles or slats to the roof.

  20. Completing the tree house

    Screw the first roofing strips into place on top of the A-frame and then firmly insert the other roofing strips underneath them. Screw the roofing strips into place so that they overlap each other. Cut the front and back panels to size, with windows (if necessary), and screw them into place on the A-frame. Pre-drill screw holes and use countersunk screws for a smooth appearance.

  21. CLUE!

    If you want your treehouse to be able to withstand harsh weather conditions, or simply want to make it more attractive, you can use a coat of tung oil (Chinese wood oil) beyond just plain varnish. It is non-poisonous and will protect the wood. This oil is used by professionals and is one of the best natural finishes available. Additionally, you might consider painting the playhouse the same color as your home!

Probably every child in the world, yes, in principle, you and I, when we were little, wanted to have our own “secret place” to gather there with friends, play, discuss our affairs, and so on. To do this, we often paid attention to trees, especially in the summer when the crown of the tree is completely covered with leaves and no branches are visible.

It was then that thoughts arose, and subsequently their implementation, to make your own tree house. After all, for us it was not just a place for games, but, so to speak, its own little world, with its own rules and traditions.

Therefore, I would like to provide instructions for assembling a tree house for children's play. First you need to decide on the choice of tree. It should not be old and dried out, it should have a good root system branched enough to withstand the weight of the house and the weight of children, as well as natural conditions - windy weather and snow. The branches should be thick enough.

During construction, it is recommended to immediately remove thin and diseased branches so that they do not subsequently fall and break. Trees such as poplar, willow or birch are not very suitable for building such a structure on them, because they have very fragile branches that will not withstand the weight. Since such a house is being built for children, it is not recommended to raise it higher than 1.5-2 m above the ground. In addition, the crown of the tree will sway in the wind and such a house will not have sufficient strength. It is advisable that the base of the house have several large branches underneath it for greater strength.
In this article I will describe one of the options for building such a house.

The next step, based on how the tree grows and how its branches are located, creates a drawing of the house and the main points of attaching the structure to the tree.

For the work, the following tools and materials were needed that are indicated in the photographs below.

Next comes the manufacture of the base of the house, which will be attached to the tree using long screws. To do this, he uses thick boards, in which he makes slots for ease of adjustment when mounting on a tree.

These boards are attached to both sides of the tree and leveled using a level.

A start. Now you should install the cross beams and diagonal supports. The transverses are installed at equal distances from each other. Attached to the base using special devices.

To make it easier to deliver the tool to the tree, you can make a winch from a roller and rope. After building the house, it can be left for children's games.

When the base is completely ready, you can begin laying the floor. Here you need to remember that when making the floor, you don’t need to bring it too close to the branches of the tree. It is necessary to take into account the factor of further growth of the tree and leave small gaps in order to avoid further destruction of the structure.

Since the structure is intended for children, all necessary measures must be taken to ensure that the child does not fall and get injured when playing at height. Therefore, we build walls from boards, leaving small gaps between them. We also install railings.

The roof of this house was made of camouflage tarpaulin, which was secured to the ends of the beams.

Next, the staircase is assembled and installed.

How to build a tree house, an excellent playground for children of primary and secondary school age? There is nothing complicated. You just need to build it right. So, in order to protect its future “tenants” as much as possible.

How to build a tree house, an excellent playground for children of primary and secondary school age? There is nothing complicated

When thinking about how to build a treehouse, many people do not know how to do it. The material below and the photos provided here will help you make a decision and implement it.

For example, you can build it around a trunk.

You can make additional supports from logs. The photo shows happy boys playing with pleasure on such an unusual playground.

We will consider the simplest option - building a house between the trees. You can see one of the options in the photo.

It is unlikely that you will be able to build such a home alone, so first of all you need to find a person who will help you. You will also need two stable stepladders, a hammer, nails, staples and building material (boards, slats and beams, roofing). When everything is ready, you can begin construction.

It is unlikely that you will be able to build such a home alone, so first of all you need to find a person who will help you

First, select the trees on which the house will be located. It can be one large spreading tree or 2 or 3 trees growing nearby. The latter are much easier to find.

Let's look at the stages of building such a house on three trees located at a short distance from each other. The house should not be built too high. The trunks in the place where it will be located must be thick enough and strong.

First, a foundation is built on which the house will rest. Like the foundation on the ground, the foundation for such a house at a height must also be strong. It is built from thick timber, which is attached to the trees with brackets. You can make the base from boards, but from timber it will be stronger.

Then thinner square or rectangular bars, installed vertically, are attached to the beam. They will “outline” the wall. It should look like a box. The scheme is quite simple - thinner bars rest on the base beam, which are connected to each other.

Then the floor is laid. The boards must be strong enough to completely prevent them from breaking. If the floor of a tree house breaks, it can cause serious injury. After the floor is ready, rafters for the roof are installed. It will be easier to install them, because the stepladder can be placed on the floor.

To make a roof covering, choose a lightweight material. For example, you can cover the roof with waterproof plywood, on which you can then lay soft tiles. There is an option to simply cover the roof with roofing felt and build a decorative covering of straw on top.

After installing the roof, you can begin building the walls. It's quite simple. Place the boards onto vertically positioned timbers. You can stuff it both from the outside of the house and from the inside. Since this is a summer building, no thermal insulation is required.

Tree house for children (video)

Interior of a tree house

If you built a house for children, then consult with them what they want the house to look like from the inside. You can install a table and stools and a small bed there. Or you can decorate it like a ship’s cabin. It all depends on the imagination of the children and on your abilities.

You just need to comply with one important condition - there should be no objects in the house that could cause it to catch fire. Avoid candles and incense sticks with pyramids completely. When supplying electricity to such a wooden building, entrust it to professionals and install a high-quality circuit breaker that will turn off the electricity in the event of a short circuit.

To make a roof covering, choose a lightweight material

Gallery: tree house (25 photos)

We equip the stairs

How to build a house with a safe entrance? After all, you will have to rise several meters above the ground. Pay enough attention to the construction of a high-quality staircase. It must have railings. But a house built for children can be equipped with a rope ladder. And the children are interested, and you have less work. If you want to make an ordinary staircase, then the easiest way would be to take a large and high-quality extension ladder, secure it well and make the steps wider. Do not forget about the railings that a person will hold on to when ascending and descending.

Additional Security Measures

If children will play in a house built on a tree, it would be a good idea to take additional safety measures. An excellent solution would be to stretch a mesh between the house and the ground. If it is present, the child will not be injured, even if he falls down the stairs, out of a window or falls out of a doorway.

If children will play in a house built on a tree, it would be a good idea to take additional safety measures

DIY tree houses for children are gaining more and more popularity. Many people build them on their summer cottage or in the courtyard of a private house. Moreover, you can subsequently find other uses for such a structure. Tree houses built with your own hands will bring you a lot of joy, because it is always pleasant to contemplate your work. To gain experience, you only need to build once and then you will be able to build tree houses without much difficulty. For example, when changing your place of residence or when purchasing a new summer cottage. You can quickly build such buildings for different needs. For example, this can be a great place to retreat if you are into meditation.

DIY tree house (video)

Other uses for this structure

The construction of such a structure for children was considered. Now you know how to make a tree house and have gained some experience in it. No special skills are required and any man can do this work. You no longer think that making a treehouse with your own hands is difficult. But such a structure can serve not only a gaming function. When the children grow up, you can use the finished building for other purposes. For example, make a hunting lodge there, a place to relax, and even a billiard room, if the floor is level enough. You can also make the exterior design of the house different, for example, cover the facade with clapboard. You can also add a more convenient staircase. Tree houses built with your own hands will become your pride. After all, your imagination is not limited by anything, and you can give it free rein. This will be a kind of creativity, which is also useful. We really hope that you have found comprehensive information in the material presented. And you will definitely try to build such a house.

Attention, TODAY only!

You can build a lot of different things on a country plot, which will allow you to spend your leisure time pleasantly and interestingly.

A great idea is to build a tree house: here children will play with pleasure, and an adult will be happy to sit down with a book during the afternoon rest.

How such a construction is made - we’ll talk about it now.

Externally, houses built on trees can be very different: they build both simple huts and the like of castles and even spaceships. But according to their design, they are all divided into only three types:

  1. Houses mounted on branches and trunk. The tree must be healthy and strong, the branches must be thick enough. Such a house is difficult to construct: to secure the base, the tree has to be drilled, and the installation of struts from below is often required. But it is stable and reliable.
  2. House on suspensions. The load from the weight of the structure also falls on the branches, but it is suspended on chains or cables. It is easier to build such a house, but it should be used with great care. If it is intended to be used as a place for children's games, then it is better to give preference to the less traumatic first option.
  3. House on stilts. It is built in such a way that the trunk and branches penetrate it, but the entire load falls on the piles dug into the ground.

For the third option, wood of any age and strength is suitable.

What should a tree house look like?

The structure of the building is designed so that it has the following features:

  1. Light weight. A tree is not a stone foundation, especially since in addition to the house it will also have to support the weight of the “tenants”. Therefore, the building is constructed using frame technology: a structure is made from ribs and then sheathed with light sheet material. The most affordable material for the frame is wooden bars and boards. Aluminum construction is more expensive, but it is stronger, more durable and looks impressive.
  2. No elements blocking tree growth. If possible, gaps should be left between the house and the tree to allow the plant to develop properly. In places where the branches or trunk bend, the structure of the house is also bent.
  3. Roundness of shape. It is needed to reduce windage. Of course, a round house is difficult to construct and not everyone will undertake its construction. Then it is necessary to take into account the prevailing wind direction and build the house so that its narrow side faces the air flow.
  4. If the house is being built for children, safer fasteners are used instead of nails- bolts with nuts. The bolt heads are recessed from the inside.

Bricks, concrete, and plaster mortar cannot be used to build a tree house.

A tree house is not designed to protect you from cold and weather, so it can be left without walls at all. But it needs to be equipped with some kind of fencing, otherwise the user may inadvertently fall down.

Modern tree house

You can climb into the house using a rope ladder - it is the easiest to make. But if children will play here, it is better to work hard and make a more reliable wooden or metal ladder: the likelihood of falling in this case will be much lower.

Remember that there are roots in the ground that need to breathe. There should be no asphalt or tiles here - only soft soil, which needs to be loosened once a year.

They build a tree house at a height of 1.5 to 2.5 m.

What kind of wood is suitable for construction?

To build a house, unless it is a pile type, choose a tree with durable wood and a strong root system. These are:

  • maple;
  • birch;
  • fir.

Preference is given to hardwood as it is more durable. If the species is coniferous, it is better to build on two trees.

You cannot build on chestnut, willow and poplar: the roots of these trees are weak, so they can collapse under the weight of the house. It is possible to build on linden, but its wood is sticky and this makes it difficult to attach elements.

A particularly lightweight house that only children can climb into can be built on an apple tree.

The requirements for the tree are:

  1. It must be healthy. All branches are alive and covered with leaves. The bark is without defects, with an even color corresponding to the breed. There are no cracks or rot. Dry branches need to be cut down: in windy weather they can fall and damage the house.
  2. The trunk at the point of application of the load from the house must have a diameter of at least 30 cm. This parameter is easier to determine by the circumference: its minimum value is 94 cm.
  3. Acceptable age. An old tree loses its strength, so its branches under the house may break off.
  4. The soil on which the tree grows must be strong - sandy soil is not suitable.
  5. It is desirable that the trunk be branched. There are many horizontal branches on such trees, which means that the house will have many supports.

When leaning on several trees or a tree and a support, the minimum acceptable diameter is 22–23 cm, which corresponds to a circle 70 cm long.

Tools and materials

To build the simplest wooden house you will need the following:

  • wood hacksaw;
  • milling cutter;
  • bubble and water levels;
  • drill;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • spanners;
  • square;
  • coarse and fine sandpaper;
  • ladder.

The materials used are:

  1. Board with a section of 5x25 cm and a length of 4 m: 2 pcs.
  2. Board with a section of 5x15 cm and a length of 3 m: 6 pcs.
  3. Board with a section of 5x15 cm and a length of 4 m: 3 pcs.
  4. Plywood for cladding walls and making railings.
  5. Steel cable with a diameter of 6 mm.
  6. Mounting perforated plates: 8 pcs.
  7. Fastening parts: stainless steel or equipped with anti-corrosion coating (zinc plating, oxidation, phosphating) screws, nails, bolts with nuts, staples and hooks.
  8. Tarpaulin.

Lumber is subjected to double treatment with a bioprotective composition.

Building a tree house

The following procedure can be suggested:

  1. A board of the smallest cross-section (this is just a fitting for now) is nailed to a branch located 30 cm below the design floor level.
  2. The second end of the board is laid on another branch so that it takes a horizontal position (controlled with a bubble level). Having found the correct position, the second end is also nailed.
  3. On the other side of the trunk, another board is placed and nailed in the same way, and it should lie in the same horizontal plane as the first. It is convenient to control this with a water level.
  4. Next, having taken out the nails and removed the boards, measure the distance A between the holes from under the nails.
  5. We calculate the size: B = (4 – A)/2, where size A is taken in meters. Stepping back from the end of the boards with a section of 5x25 cm, size B, a hole with a diameter of 15 mm is drilled in each of them. Next, size A is set aside from the center of the hole and another hole with the same diameter is drilled in the board.
  6. Between the holes, grooves are made with a hacksaw or jigsaw for installing spacers. The location of the grooves is chosen so that the spacers are at some distance from the trunk and branches - then it can grow unhindered.
  7. The holes in the branches are drilled to a diameter of 15 mm and boards with a section of 5x25 cm are installed on the tree, screwing them with bolts and nuts.
  8. Blanks for flooring are cut. A board with a section of 5x15 cm is used. A total of 6 boards are needed: 2 with a length equal to the length of the flooring, and 4 10 cm shorter.
  9. Short ones are screwed perpendicularly to one of the long blanks using self-tapping screws. Next, this part of the flooring is placed on beams fixed to the tree and tied to them.
  10. The second long piece is installed in place, after which the flooring is fastened with fastening plates.
  11. If necessary, the base of the house is strengthened with stops made of boards with a section of 5x10 cm.
  12. A plank floor is laid on the base frame. The latter are laid with a gap of 1 cm, necessary for water drainage. The boards must first be cut so that there are holes for the branches and trunk. A gap of 3 cm is left between the edges of the holes and the tree, thanks to which it will be able to grow freely and will avoid damage from the boards in strong winds.
  13. The remaining lumber is used to make stairs and railings. It is better to line the gap between the railings and the floor with plywood - such a fence will be safer.
  14. A cable is stretched over the middle of the platform, 2 m from it. You can secure it to the branches by placing bars (so as not to scratch the bark), or you can screw threaded hooks into the branches and hook the cable to them.
  15. A tarpaulin is hung on the cable, which will act as a roof. The corners of the panel are pulled and tied to the railings of the wooden platform.

Scheme for building a children's tree house

If possible, carry out all work away from the tree so as not to accidentally injure it or trample the ground underneath it.

That's all, the tree house in its simplest form is ready. At the discretion of the owner, you can paint it and decorate it with a variety of decor. You can attach a swing or slide to the bottom for children's amusement.

Construction of a pile house

The process of building a pile house is also accessible to the average person; no pile driving equipment is required. So-called bored piles are used, which are cast directly on site. Here's how to proceed:

  1. Mark the area under the tree, noting the position of the piles. They are installed in the corners of the building, and if it is large, then also in the middle of the walls. It is important to check the length of the diagonals of the marked rectangle: if they are equal, then it is really a rectangle and not a rhombus.
  2. In the marked places, holes are made with a garden drill to the depth of soil freezing. The depth of freezing varies with latitude: the further north the construction region is located, the deeper the soil freezes. This parameter for each region is specified in SNiP “Building Climatology”. If the depth is insufficient, the force of frost heaving will gradually push out the piles.
  3. Moistened sand is poured into each hole in a layer 10 cm thick, it is compacted and a layer of crushed stone of the same thickness is poured on top. The backfill is carefully compacted.
  4. Next, a plastic or roofing felt pipe is installed in each hole. It will serve as waterproofing for the concrete that will later be poured into the hole.
  5. A frame in the form of a trihedral parallelepiped is made from reinforcement. Its ribs made of reinforcement with a diameter of 8 - 10 mm are fixed by crossbars made of reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm. The dimensions of the frame are selected so that after installing it in the hole, the ribs are 2 cm from the waterproofing pipe. Welding cannot be used, since the reinforcement in the welded areas becomes fragile. All elements are connected with annealed wire. A pin must be tied to the frame so that it protrudes from the center of the pile.
  6. Having installed the frames in the holes, concrete is poured there. To get rid of air bubbles in the solution, professionals use a special tool - a vibrating paver. If this is not available, the mortar is often pierced with rebar.

Covering the piles with polyethylene and periodically watering them with water, wait until the concrete hardens, which takes 28 days. Next, the house is assembled using frame technology:

  • and the piles are laid on top of the roofing felt lining (waterproofing) with bars of the bottom trim with holes drilled for the studs;
  • lay the floor, not forgetting to make a hole in it wide enough for the tree trunk;
  • vertical posts are installed on the harness;
  • The racks are secured at the top with an upper harness;
  • hanging rafters are installed on the top trim, onto which the sheathing is then laid;
  • install door and window frames;
  • the house is sheathed with plywood, and corrugated sheeting or other roofing material is laid on top of the rafter system.

It’s easier to install racks like this:

  • a U-shaped structure is assembled on the ground, consisting of two racks and one beam of the upper trim;
  • the assembled frames are installed on the lower frame and secured to it.

The frames are fastened with the two remaining bars of the upper frame.


House in the form of a hut

Children's house and playground

DIY tree house

Unusual round house