How to make a tree house with your own hands. The tree house is a cozy place for adults and children. Installing the platform on supports

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

The time for summer holidays is approaching and a completely natural question arises - what to do with your children. Knowing the craving of most of them for various games outside, it would be a good idea to learn how to build a tree house. The project of the most suitable option can be found on our website, watch the video, or proceed with the step-by-step construction described below.

In order to build a treehouse with your own hands, you will need two or three small trees (or separate but large branches) - this way the house will be stable. It cannot be said that the structure will reliably protect from any bad weather, but even in the event of rain, the structure will remain dry.

Tree selection

The construction of a tree house for children must be carried out taking into account all safety standards. The ideal option is when the tree has a strong trunk at the bottom and triple branching at the top (as shown in the photo).

You should start by determining the height at which the house will be located. The optimal height is about 2 m from the ground.


It’s not that difficult to build a children’s tree house yourself; the main thing is to take everything into account from the beginning so that you don’t have to redo it again.

Preparation of materials and tools

Next, you should begin preparing the necessary materials, depending on the volume of the future structure. These can be old and new boards, galvanized screws and washers, nails, screws, camouflage tarpaulin, etc.

Tools you will need: hammer, saw, level, tape measure, adjustable wrench, drill, jigsaw. You will also need to find a stepladder or a regular ladder.

Installation of main supports

Take one of the boards and attach it to the tree 30 cm lower than the expected floor of the house (it is advisable that it be at least 20-30 cm above head level).

Level the board exactly horizontally using a level and attach the other end to another tree. The same should be done with the second board, which needs to be attached to the back side of the trees.

Installation of cross beams and diagonal supports

Select appropriately sized cross beams and attach them to the main supports.

This should be done evenly, at the same distance from each other, while the tree trunks should be located between the beams.

In order to give the house greater stability and safety, the base can be strengthened with additional diagonal supports.

Make a rope mechanism

This can be useful both for children’s play (using a roller and a rope, you can lift a basket of food into the house and lower it down, etc.), and for delivering the necessary tools upstairs during construction. At the bottom of the rope you can attach a regular mountaineering carabiner.

Install the floor

When working with floor installation, the hardest part is making the holes for the trunks correctly.

Before making a tree house, consider the factor of further tree growth and branch movement.

Installation of railings and walls

Once the floor is ready, move on to installing the railings and filling the walls.

Everything must be made strong enough so that children cannot slip into any openings.

By building a tree house in the garden, you will at the same time instill in your children a love of nature. Of course, the treehouse must have a floor that will serve as a supporting frame. The treehouse has an open platform that can be reached via a fixed ladder or rope ladder.

Safety precautions
Ensure that your treehouse is structurally sound.
Give this enough time.
The exact construction method will depend on your garden situation, but these step-by-step instructions can be used as a guide.
You can choose materials from various types of wood.

Necessary materials
Boards, wooden beams, roof tiles or corrugated sheets.

  1. Tree selection

  2. Check if you need permission

    Before you begin, check to see if you need a special permit to build your treehouse. If necessary, contact your city council and check to see if there are any local directives, laws or other regulations that may affect treehouse construction (such as height restrictions). In some cases, it is necessary to apply for a permit before starting construction of the cabin. In addition, there may be restrictions if you have legally protected trees in your garden.

    It is also recommended to talk to your neighbors; this will help prevent their complaints and maintain friendly relations. A treehouse could obstruct the view from their home windows, or it could look into their rooms and interfere with their privacy. You should also contact your insurance company to make sure the treehouse is included in your property warranty. If this is not the case, then any type of loss or damage caused by the treehouse will not be covered.

  3. Choosing a suitable location

    After choosing the most suitable tree, you can decide what type of house you want to build. To build a standard 3 x 3 meter treehouse, choose a trunk with a diameter of at least 30 cm. The diameter can be calculated by measuring the circumference of the trunk with a tape measure in the location where you decide to build the house. Then divide the measurement by π (3.14) to get the diameter. It is also important to first check how the base of the house will be located on the tree. Carefully mark where you will need to make cuts in the trunk and branches. Leave a large enough space around the tree trunk. The thickness of the support beams depends on the specific situation and the size of the platform.

  4. Treehouse supports

    There are several ways you can secure a treehouse using supports. Regardless of the method you choose, remember that the tree will sway in the wind. Therefore, make sure that the house will not be damaged as a result of this movement.
    You can choose different ways to attach the house:

    1) Fastening with screws to wood
    This means that the platform support beams are screwed in place directly to the tree trunk. This is the most common method of attaching platform supports. But this method is likely to damage the wood, although this danger can be minimized if you use the right materials.

    2) “Floating” method
    In this option, the treehouse is suspended from strong, high branches using ropes, cables or chains. However, this method is not suitable for all types of trees that you might choose to install a heavy house. For example, it is ideal only for securing a platform, but without a heavy guardrail.

    3) Use of support pillars
    Support posts are dug into the ground next to the tree and are not attached directly to the tree itself. A large enough space should be left around the platform so that the tree can sway freely in the wind. When using this method, the likelihood of damage to the tree is minimal.

  5. Treehouse access

    Before you start building your treehouse, you need to decide how you will climb into it. First of all, remember the safety of children! The means of access to the treehouse must be strong and secure.
    There are several different designs:

    1) Rope ladder
    You can make a ladder like this from a rope and several short steps attached to the rope, one below the other, and going down straight to the ground. Using a rope ladder takes some getting used to, and you may feel unsteady and wobbly when climbing it.

    2) Fixed ladder
    This is a standard ladder that you can buy from various stores. It provides a quick and easy way to climb into the treehouse.

    3) Fixed flight of stairs
    A fixed flight of stairs is the safest way to climb into the house. If you decide to use a fixed flight of stairs, it is recommended to add a handrail or handrail to the side of the stairs for added safety.

  6. Obstacles

    Should the house be built so that the branches pass through it, or is it better to cut them down? Obstacles can affect the design of your treehouse. Difficulties often arise when changing the design, given the asymmetrical shape of the tree. But after completion, you will look at your design with great satisfaction!

  7. Safety comes first

    Before you start building a treehouse, remember that the possibility of falling is the most serious danger. You can take the following steps to reduce this danger:

    1) Don't install the house too high
    If the house is located too high, it is dangerous for children who will use it. Therefore, do not install the platform higher than 1.5-2.5 meters.

    2) Install a safety fence or railing around the perimeter of the platform
    A safety fence or railing around the perimeter of the platform will prevent children from falling. The safety fence or railing around the perimeter of the platform should be 70 to 90 cm high, the distance between the vertical posts should be 10 to 15 cm.

    3) Create a soft surface on the ground under the house
    You can lay soft natural materials, such as wood shavings, on the surface of the ground under the house. This alone will not prevent you from falling, but it will ensure a soft landing!

  8. Attachment points

    A tree with V-shaped branches provides additional strong support for the house, since it provides four attachment points instead of two. Drill holes at four attachment points on opposite branches. Use a 10mm drill bit and make sure the holes are horizontal and at the same height (A). If the mounting holes are not aligned, the platform will not be level.

  9. Support beams

    Measure the distance between the mounting holes on both sides of the tree branches and mark this distance (A) on the two support beams. Make sure this distance is the same on the left and right sides of the support beams. Starting from this reference point, draw a 5cm line on the left and right (total length 10cm) and mark the ends of this line. Do the same at the other end of the beam. Drill two 12mm holes on either side of the marked ends of the drawn line. After this, use a jigsaw to cut a 12 mm wide groove between the two drilled holes.

    This groove is necessary so that the tree can swing freely during the wind without splitting the tree trunk or damaging the platform.

  10. Support beams (continued)

    Attach the two support beams to the wood at the marked height using 4 socket screws (hex head wood screws) 12mm in diameter and 200mm in length. Place washers between the screws and the support beams. Repeat these steps on the other support beam on the opposite side of the tree trunk. Make sure the support beams are at the same height and parallel to each other. Pre-drilling the mounting holes will prevent the tree trunk, branches, and support beams from splitting. If your house has a relatively large overall mass, you will need to use thicker, stronger support beams.

  11. Cross beams

    Install 4 cross beams measuring 50 x 150 mm, placing them at equal distances and parallel to each other. Attach these cross beams using 80mm long wood board screws. Then attach two 50 x 150mm beams to the ends of the four cross beams using 80mm long wood board screws.

    the platform must be positioned at right angles to the two support beams as otherwise the floor boards will not be positioned straight when you install them at a later stage.

  12. Beam support brackets

    Attach the platform to the cross beams using 8 beam support brackets. Make sure that the entire structure is strictly horizontal and that all beams are installed at right angles to each other. Attach 4 beam support brackets to both sides of the platform.

  13. Support beams under the platform

    The platform is still a little unstable, but we will secure it using two 30 x 100mm support beams. These beams are secured using two brackets attached to the top side of the platform. Attach the undersides of the support beams to the tree branches.

    Saw the tops of the support beams to size at approximately a 45° angle depending on the specific configuration. Attach the support beams to the inside of the platform, again using the two beam support brackets. Fasten the two overlapping support beams together at the bottom using a 100mm long M8 bolt or threaded rod. Install washers between the support beams and the bolts.

  14. Fastening the house floor boards

    Check to see if you need to make cutouts in the floorboards so that they neatly follow the contour of the tree trunk and branches. Leave a distance of 10 mm between the boards. If necessary, use a jigsaw to cut round holes where the trunk and branches should pass through the floor. Secure the ends of the floor boards with at least two screws. Use a stepladder or ladder for this job and finish the floor to ensure it is free of burrs.

  15. Perimeter fencing

    Install 80 cm long vertical supports at each corner of the platform to create a perimeter fence. Make the corners of the fence using two 60 x 10mm pieces of wood. You can use thicker wood if desired, but remember that overall weight has a big impact on stability. Install these wooden blocks in place using screws screwed into the sides. Attach handrails made from 60 x 10mm timber pieces to the top of these vertical supports. Cut the handrails exactly to size and at a 45° angle (see the inserted circled image in the picture showing the detailed connection diagram). After this, install the railings in place on top of the vertical supports, then the vertical posts with an interval of approximately 10 cm between them. Install these posts into place using countersunk wood board screws. Remember that safety is of the utmost importance, especially when there are (small) children!

  16. Fixed flight of stairs

    A durable, fixed flight of stairs is attached to the side of the platform. A safe installation angle for a platform ladder at a height of 2.5 meters will be ensured if the bottom of the ladder is located at a distance of 1.35 to 1.80 meters from its top. Make a staircase with 50 x 10 mm vertical supports and 50 x 12 mm treads. You need to choose the width and length of the stairs depending on your specific configuration. Place the steps on vertical supports at equal distances and mark where each step needs to be secured. You can screw the bars with screws to the vertical supports, and then screw the steps to them. Or you can make grooves in the vertical supports 25 or 30 mm deep and then forcefully insert the steps into these grooves. Cut the vertical supports and steps to the required length and install them in place using glue and screws.

  17. House with three walls

    Treehouses come in a variety of designs, such as three walls and a roof made of corrugated sheets. But you can also make a roof simply from a strong plastic sheet supported by wooden beams, or install a small tent on a platform.

  18. A-frame

    We will be making a house based on an A-frame with a 60° slope.
    You can make a house like this with the supports we used before.
    You must select the height and width to suit your specific configuration. If one of the branches will have to pass through the roof, an additional beam with a cross beam will need to be installed.

  19. Waterproof roof

    To make your treehouse roof completely waterproof, staple thick plastic sheeting to the A-frame before attaching roofing shingles or slats to the roof.

  20. Completing the tree house

    Screw the first roofing strips into place on top of the A-frame and then firmly insert the other roofing strips underneath them. Screw the roofing strips into place so that they overlap each other. Cut the front and back panels to size, with windows (if necessary), and screw them into place on the A-frame. Pre-drill screw holes and use countersunk screws for a smooth appearance.

  21. CLUE!

    If you want your treehouse to be able to withstand harsh weather conditions, or simply want to make it more attractive, you can use a coat of tung oil (Chinese wood oil) beyond just plain varnish. It is non-poisonous and will protect the wood. This oil is used by professionals and is one of the best natural finishes available. Additionally, you might consider painting the playhouse the same color as your home!

Who didn’t dream as a child of a secluded corner for games and secret operations away from adults? Films and stories in which a group of children gathered in an abandoned attic or in a tree house aroused imagination and aroused envy.

You can make your old dream come true by building a tree house for your children. On the plot of a private house or in a country house you will always find a fairly strong tree suitable for building a house.

There are a lot of ideas for designing and arranging a children's playhouse, but before you begin to implement them, you need to choose a tree, design a house, select materials and tools for fastening, perform installation and check the reliability of the entire structure.

Choosing a tree for the base of the house

The choice of tree for placing a children's house on it must be taken very seriously. The success of the entire project will depend on this. If the tree cannot withstand the load, not only the reputation of the builder may suffer, but also the children playing in the house.

Trees with hard wood and a good root system, such as oak, maple, ash, and apple, are suitable for building a children's house.

Attention! Coniferous trees are not suitable for building a house because of their instability, and most fruit trees have fragile branches.

Main selection criteria wood for a children's house:

    • The tree must be healthy, without damage to bark and dry branches;

Advice! Branches with damage or sudden changes in diameter must be removed, and the cuts must be puttied and painted over.

  • Age the tree should be average for the selected species, since young trees may not withstand the load, and too old ones are susceptible to disease;
  • Roots trees should not reach the surface of the ground; well-branched and deep roots are a reliable foundation for a tree house;
  • For a small house measuring 2x2 m, the tree trunk should be at least 30 cm in diameter, and the branches on which the base of the house will be attached should be from 20 to 25 cm in diameter.

Important! To build a house, it is better to choose a tree growing in dense clay soil. Sandy soils reduce the stability of trees.

Designing a treehouse structure

Based on the size and configuration of the tree crown, a sketch of the project and the planned structure is made. The first step is to decide on the supports. Since the tree can sway from gusts of wind, the supports must be reliable.

Types of supports and methods of their fastening:

  • Pillar supports are dug in next to the tree. This is the most gentle type of support for wood;
  • Bolted the supports are attached directly to the tree. In order not to cause irreparable harm to the tree, special types of fastenings are used.

At the design stage, the dimensions, main structure, platform of the house, stairs and method of fastening are determined.

Design requirements

  • The height of the house should not exceed 2.5 m;
  • Materials must be calculated for strength;
  • For reliable fastening, only bolted connections are used;
  • The platform of the house must be fenced with walls or railings;
  • The ladder must be securely attached to the platform of the house.

Traditionally, a house is built in y-shaped fork branches, fixing the floor platform inclined supports to the tree trunk.

Tools and lumber

To complete the work you will need tools:

  • For woodworking: saw, jigsaw, chisel, hammer, plane;
  • For fastening: drill, screwdriver, screwdriver, wrench;
  • For measurements: tape measure, square, level.

Construction and fastening materials:

  • 2 boards 5*25 cm By 4 m for load-bearing beams;
  • 6 boards 5*15 cm By 3m for the floor platform frame;
  • 2 boards 5*10 cm By 4 m for inclined supports of a supporting structure;
  • boards, sheets of plywood or chipboard for floors, walls and roofs;
  • roofing felt or other roofing material;
  • fastening material: bolts, nuts, self-tapping screws, galvanized fasteners for beams, etc.

The base of the house will have to be done at a height, for this you will need ladder. To connect power tools necessary let down source of electricity to the work site.

Advice! To facilitate the work, the enclosing structures and roof can be assembled on the ground.

Stages of work on installing a children's playhouse

    1. On the branches of a Y-shaped fork note places for attaching load-bearing beams at the same distance from the ground;

    1. Measure the distance between the marks on opposite branches and put half of this distance on both sides of the center of each 2 load-bearing boards ( 5*25 cm);

    1. Marks received on the boards drill for fastening with bolts. Similar holes are drilled on tree branches;

    1. In load-bearing beams for organization sliding fastening the beams to the wood, using a drill and a jigsaw, make a 10 cm groove with the center in the marked place. When the branches sway, the platform will also move, which will prevent them from destroying the base structure;

    1. Produce fastening 2 beams ( 5*25 cm) on both sides of the branches, into drilled holes using bolts of length 15–20 cm;

    1. Perpendicular to the supporting beams install 4 boards ( 5*15 cm). The boards are placed on their ends and secured to the beams with galvanized fasteners using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver;

    1. The edges of the installed boards are secured with two framework boards ( 5*15 cm). Fastening is done using galvanized corners and self-tapping screws;

    1. Crossbars additionally o secured to the load-bearing beams with rafter bolts;

  1. For stability frame structure platform prop up inclined beams 5*10 cm. At the points where they are attached to the platform frame, the boards are cut at an angle 450 degrees. The lower ends of the supports rest against the trunk or fork of a tree, where they are securely bolted;
  2. The result is a stable frame for installation of a children's playhouse.

Rest structures are assembled on the ground, and then attached to the base of the house. Depending on the installation height of the house, the staircase is made with steps and railings or with crossbars.

As a rule, they are made for a tree house - it is convenient to attach it to the base of the house, but the design of the staircase can be different, not only, but also semi-revolving. You can also provide access to the treehouse using a rope ladder.

When making and installing a ladder for a children's playhouse, do not forget to use a special impregnation that protects it from moisture and rotting. If desired, a wooden staircase can be painted (read how and with what).

Advice! The floor, enclosing structures and roofing are best made from lightweight material - chipboards, plywood sheets or plastic.

Exterior and interior design of children's treehouse

After finishing construction, you can decorate children's playhouse for every taste. Useful for this handy e materials, bright colors, household utensils, skillful hands and imagination. You can do this together with your children.

If the house was made of wood, it can easily be turned into fairy teremok. Carved frames for windows and doors are made of plywood. The roof ridge can be decorated with a wooden cockerel or a funny shape, and the roof slopes and walls colorize bright colors.

You can place benches inside the house and hang them on the wall, made by yourself. "vintage" walkers, put a wooden one on the table dishes.

For lovers of sea travel, the house can be designed in the shape of a ship under sail. Attach a rope ladder, place a steering wheel inside, and hang gear and rigging on the walls.

By covering the house with camouflage netting, you can set up a hunting lodge. Robinson's hut, St. John's wort's secret home, Rapunzel's tower - there are many options. In general, it is better to entrust the choice of design and decoration of a children's house to its inhabitants. Wild imagination and favorite characters will give you ideas for creativity.

  • To build a treehouse, choose lightweight materials;
  • To fasten parts, you can cut off only the top layer of tree bark without disturbing the covering layer of the core;
  • Parts for load-bearing beams and frames are made of natural wood;
  • To fasten structures to a tree, use long bolts, since fastening with several short bolts destroys the structure of the tree, which can lead to the death of this area;
  • All wooden structural elements must be impregnated with an antibacterial and fire retardant compound.

As you can see, building a tree house with your own hands is possible, you just need to be careful and follow the construction technology. Who knows, maybe at the end of the process you will want to continue? Then make a beautiful one for your child, or you can try your hand at construction. Go for it!

For your attention video on how to build a tree house:

Warm days force us to spend our leisure time outdoors. It is worth taking care of the children and creating a great play space in the garden. A tree house is a great way to make outdoor play attractive. Building a children's hut is not very difficult and will bring a lot of pleasure to the builder himself. The benefits are guaranteed provided that the building is safe and reliable. We will describe in detail below how to build a tree house for children with your own hands.

What will you need?

It is important to know how to make a children's playhouse so that the design guarantees safe children's play. You need to prepare drawings, house design in advance, and prepare the necessary materials. Those who like to make things with their own hands will cope with the task, enjoying the work.

You can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing the necessary building structural elements by using pallets and scrap materials left over from construction and renovation of a summer house.

You will need:

  • drill,
  • jigsaw,
  • saw,
  • accessories – screws, hammer, scoop, ladder, safety glasses;
  • wooden beams, beams, boards, corrugated sheets, OSB boards.

The boards chosen are durable and impregnated - they will last for several years. The use of natural building materials will ensure safety, durability, and the design will harmoniously fit into the environment.

An interesting option is to build a house from pallets. Pallets are cheap, they are sold in large stores and warehouses. Used pallets require careful cleaning, sanding, and impregnation.

Choosing the right tree

It is extremely important to make the right choice of wood for the base of the house on which the structure is built. If the tree is large and spreading, you can place the structure between the branches at any height.

Which tree is suitable?

The tree must meet the following requirements:

The trees most suitable as the foundation of houses are the following:

  • oak is a durable wood, famous for its spreading horizontal branches;
  • beech – durable, strong;
  • walnut is the owner of durable wood;
  • Apple tree;
  • poplar with branching branches;
  • Linden;
  • maple.

You cannot choose flexible trees, such as willow.

Choosing the right type of tree is not enough - to build a house with an area of ​​9 m² (3 × 3 m), a trunk diameter of at least 30 centimeters is required.

Calculation example. To install a house with an area of ​​9 sq.m., you will need a tree with a trunk circumference of at least 95 cm:

90/3.14=30 centimeters

If the main branches of the tree are located in the shape of the letter “V”, the floor should be located just above the junction of the main branches of the crown.

The house must have a strong enough foundation to make play completely safe. During the construction process it is important not to damage the tree, although sometimes the structure requires pruning of some branches. Professional pruning will not harm the tree or stop further development. It is not recommended to place the house too high. It is necessary to ensure free ascent and descent without the risk of falling.

If there is no suitable tree

If children ask to build a house, but there is no suitable tree in the garden with the proper shape and load-bearing capacity, you can build a house on a stump or log. The structure, after construction, will take the shape of Baba Yaga’s hut, which will certainly attract demanding kids.

You need to purchase a solid wooden beam, a healthy tree stump, which is buried in the ground to a depth sufficient for stability. A concrete mixture should be poured into the ground to ensure complete safety of the structure.

What to build a house from?

Before starting work, you need to prepare the necessary materials:

  1. thick boards, possibly pallets;
  2. wooden supports to support the house and attach it to the ground;
  3. the supports need to be concreted in the ground - you will need cement and sand;
  4. regardless of whether the house is located entirely on a tree trunk or partially resting on the trunk, additional brackets will be needed;
  5. fastening elements: screws, bolts, pegs;
  6. you may need ropes when building stairs and railings;
  7. the frame is made from any wood, usually boards from pine (the cheapest), beech, and oak are used;
  8. impregnation will help make the wood resistant to moisture and frost.

Construction of a house

Drawing up a plan, diagram

Assembling the structure requires precision and strength calculations. You should not place the house high; strong wind will become a serious obstacle when the branches begin to sway, shaking the structure.

A good plan is the key to success. First you need to make a drawing of the house, taking into account the space for the growing tree and the location of the branches. This implies the need to leave free space in some places so that the built object does not collapse under the pressure of the growing plant. It is important to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the wood species. It is necessary to leave the holes 5-8 cm wider for further growth of the tree trunk.

When designing a children's house, plan its dimensions. It is convenient if the floor has a size of at least 2.5 × 2.5 meters. Such proportions guarantee fun, placement of some furniture, toys, leaving space for children, without overly burdening the tree. At the design stage, the location of the door is chosen where branches do not grow to limit the entrance. It is necessary to place the windows on the sunny side, providing natural light to the interior of the house.

Floor designation, choice of installation method

First you need to install supports and build a floor platform for the house.

There are 3 ways to install the floor platform:

  1. The first method is to install support beams on a tree trunk. The method is often used, although it damages the tree.
  2. The second method is a floating suspended platform. The house is mounted suspended on chains, ropes suspended from high, strong branches. Installation of a suspended platform can be done on a tall tree with strong branches; the house should be light.
  3. The third method is the most environmentally friendly - the supports are buried, concreted into the ground, and not attached to the tree trunk. For support, a wooden beam with a cross-sectional dimension of more than 10 centimeters is used. It is necessary to choose reliable brackets. The timber is buried to a depth of 8-10 centimeters, covered with gravel, and the timber is concreted into the ground, strengthening the structure. Usually 4 supports are used; in the case of a large house, 5-6 beams will be required.

Home construction

Thick boards are used to build the floor platform, thin boards and OSB boards are used for the walls.

Floor installation

The floor platform must be additionally reinforced with beams attached to the side. The number of beams and distance are adapted to the size of the house and expected loads. To make the top layer of the floor you can use:

  • traditional wooden planks;
  • OSB board.

OSB board is more durable and resistant to adverse weather conditions.

We proceed to install two very strong beams that support the structure between the branches. The floor is mounted on their basis.

We complete the structural frame of the house by attaching the elements with screws or using ready-made metal connectors to attach the structural elements.

Reinforce the structure with two supports on each side to ensure safety.

The boards of the future floor are laid out in 2 ways:

  1. parallel between the branches - the tree is severely damaged by the screws being screwed in;
  2. on a wooden frame to which the boards are attached - the branches are almost not injured and will not dry out.

Boards cannot be laid without support for spans longer than 1.5 meters. For strength from below, you need to lay the beams in a perpendicular direction.

When the frame and brackets are fully assembled, it is worth trimming the ends of the pillars protruding above the floor so that they do not interfere.

House support diagram.

Wall installation

When the floor of the house is ready, they begin to create side structures. To build the side walls of the house, it is better to use wooden beams along the edges; the middle can be filled with any material, often used:

  • OSB boards, characterized by exceptional strength and resistance to adverse weather conditions;
  • wooden boards;
  • plywood boards;
  • siding;
  • in a light summer version, the walls are made of canvas or camouflage mesh.

When building the side walls of the house, you need to leave openings for windows and doors. The height of the house should correspond to the height of the child plus 20-30 centimeters, because children grow quickly. A children's playhouse must guarantee safety and comfort.

Individual elements are connected with self-tapping screws; experts especially recommend CSA screws and CNA rough nails. You cannot skimp on fastening elements; you need to ensure maximum strength, reliability, and stability of the structure.


The roof structure is attached directly to the side walls. Roofs are made flat and gable. Gable roofs are better suited for winter conditions when snow falls. A thick layer of snow can overload the structure.

The following is used as a roof:

  • boards,
  • corrugated sheets,
  • bitumen slabs.

The roof can be made of sheet metal, boards and covered with resin paper. Interesting accents - thatched roof, wood chipboard roofing. Creating such a roof requires professional skill and significantly increases the cost of building a house.

A thick polyethylene waterproof film attached to the frame, to which the roof boards are attached, will help ensure 100% waterproofness. You can treat the roof boards with resin, protecting them from moisture and destruction.

Entrance, staircase

Since the structure is located at a certain height above the ground, it is necessary to ensure safety and comfort during ascent and descent.

  1. Ladder. In the simplest version, a simple ladder is used; the solution poses a risk of falling, especially for small children. A minute of inattention and the ladder can tilt and stagger. It is advisable to attach the ladder to a tree.
  2. Do-it-yourself wooden staircase to the house. Some people build their own stairs from cross bars and two identical boards with cross-sectional dimensions of 5 × 10 centimeters. The planks are attached to wooden pegs and additionally secured with nails. It is important to adapt the load capacity of the ladder to the weight of the people.
  3. A rope ladder is an interesting solution for older children and will help the child develop climbing skills. When building a rope ladder, you should use special strong ropes designed for mountaineering.
  4. Constructing a solid, self-supporting wooden staircase on the side of a platform is quite a challenging task. When choosing this option, you need to remember the safe angle of inclination of the stairs; too steep a staircase is dangerous. Stairs are constructed from boards 50 × 10 mm and steps 50 × 12 mm. The size of the stairs is selected for specific conditions. Properly cut steps should be attached to the boards using screws and glue at regular intervals. A balustrade or railing is required to increase security.

A stable staircase with safety railings is the most optimal solution for very young children who have problems with coordination of movements.

Impregnation and painting of wood

A children's house in the country is an investment for many years, so it is worth thinking about proper impregnation of the wood. Before treating the boards with a suitable preparation, you should sand the surface, remove knots and lint. Some fragments require light grinding and thorough cleaning of dirt and dust. Before impregnation, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned.

It is necessary to use a special impregnating agent that protects the wood from adverse weather conditions. It is important to apply impregnating bases in accordance with the direction of the wood grain. It is recommended to apply at least 2 layers of impregnation. Impregnation plays an important role:

  • protects wood from excessive moisture absorption;
  • prevent mold growth;
  • prevents the proliferation of fungi.

Some impregnations contain dyes that allow you to paint the wood in a selected color, similar to a specific type of wood. The texture pattern will remain visible. If the impregnation does not contain dyes, it is necessary to apply varnish or paint.

Design safety

The greatest risks are associated with the possibility of falling; they should be minimized:

  1. The house is installed low. A height of 1.5-2 meters above the ground is most suitable. Although falling from such a height is traumatic.
  2. A security fence or railing needs to be installed around the platform. Ideally, the height of the railing is 70-90 cm, the distance between vertical balusters is 10-15 cm.
  3. You should not place a concrete platform or paving stones under the house. It’s a good idea to pour soft material (sand, sawdust) or make a green lawn. When falling, the child will land on fairly soft ground.

Interior design and play space

The design of the house inside is tailored to the interests of the children. You can include the following items:

  • boys and girls like to play board games;
  • good ideas - put up a mini table football, dollhouse;
  • You should place a basketball hoop on the tree;
  • in the house, under the platform, a table with pencils and paints will be useful;
  • a small bench with soft cushions;
  • inflatable chair;
  • bed with easy-to-clean air mattress;
  • if the child is small - under the house, you can install a sandbox, slide, small swing;
  • wooden toy box;
  • paintings on the walls.

The idea of ​​​​creating a house from pallets

The process of building a house from pallets is not much different from the one presented above. For the construction of a “building” of standard sizes, with an area of ​​2 square meters. meter will require 10-12 pallets. Half of the pallets are fully used, from the rest we will take only the top layer.

Hut for adults

A cozy tree house is the dream of many adults. Building a treehouse for children and adults is a more challenging task. In such a situation, it is worth taking the help of professionals who guarantee a durable, sustainable, and most optimal solution.

In our country, tree houses for adults are not common. In the USA, Germany, Austria, tree houses with full equipment are becoming popular.

Below are original huts in different parts of the world.


USA, Dakota

Bratislava, hotel

Photo gallery of interesting ideas


Everyone in childhood dreamed of a cozy, quiet house on a tall tree. The hut can be hung on a tree, but it is much safer to build a house under a tree, mounted on beams fixed in the ground. Then you can easily set up a small playground under the house, attach a swing, a slide, and hang a hammock under the platform. Making a structure with your own hands is quite difficult - you need to properly secure the base, provide supports, build walls, a roof, and stairs. Creating a wooden house for children requires a lot of work, time and effort, the joy on the faces of loved ones will certainly make up for the inconvenience of design and construction.

What child hasn't dreamed of a cozy tree house? This is not just an option for entertainment, but also a unique little world for children. There they will feel like real masters, hiding from the omnipresent parental care. If you want to give your children a great gift, we will tell you how to build a tree house with your own hands.

Choosing a suitable location

This is practically the most difficult stage of work, since not all domestic areas can boast of having trees suitable for this purpose. You should choose a strong tree with fairly good roots and trunk thickness.

Considering the weight of the structure, which, depending on the size, can be approximately 50-100 kilograms, you should focus on the thickness of the tree branches and their location. An ordinary children's playhouse should be located at a level of about two meters above the ground, so you need to focus on those branches that are approximately at this height.

It is advisable to plan the installation of a tree house in a place of horizontal branching - this type of trunk division is quite common. The ideal option would, of course, be two trees not far from each other, but you can get by with just one. If you decide to build a tree house with your own hands in a small format, you can do without supports, but if the structure is quite large, then you cannot do without special piles.

Be sure to inspect the tree and make sure there are no initial signs of drying out branches or the presence of any diseases. It is advisable to seek the advice of a specialist who will tell you whether the tree is healthy at the moment or whether it requires care. The thing is that problems may appear some time after the construction of the structure and it will have to be moved. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the tree itself.

Important: Choose an “aged” tree, since young trees will grow rapidly, thereby deforming the structure. Of course, this process is not very fast, but in just one year the tree house can become unusable.

Preparatory work

First of all, you need to thoroughly clean the area under the tree from debris and stones. It is recommended to dig up the soil to get rid of unnecessary elements and prepare the ground for installing the support.

It is recommended to make a drawing of the future structure with accurate measurements. This way you can choose the optimal format of the treehouse, as well as calculate its convenient location. Also, do not forget about the need to build a convenient staircase - it should be located at an angle of no more than 45 degrees to eliminate difficulties in accessing the house.

Prepare the material and tools. As for the material, for a standard design you will need a timber of suitable size, tongue and groove boards, and lining for the walls. The carriage can be replaced with ordinary plywood, although it is less durable and durable. Don't forget about metal fasteners (corners), nails and screws.

Supports for the frame

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the support - the future floor in the house. If the tree has a horizontal V-shaped branch, this will be an excellent place to install the frame. For convenience, the beams can be connected on the ground and then mounted directly on the branches, although this option is only suitable in cases where other branches do not interfere with the installation.

We do not recommend cutting down branches - this impairs the strength of the tree, and simply can lead to the appearance of diseases. If certain branches interfere with the location of the structure, you can make holes in it for the branches, that is, literally “surround” the branch with a frame.

To make the house stronger, it is recommended to create additional supports. To do this, we outline places (refer to the drawing) for installing piles and dig holes to a depth of approximately 0.5 meters. The length of the sides of the pits should be about 30 cm. The bottom of each pit must be thoroughly compacted and a cushion about 10 cm high must be created from dry sand and crushed stone. Fill the solution to approximately half and reinforce it with masonry mesh. Next, we install a special dowel for the thrust bearing to which the pile will be attached. Fill with the remaining solution.

For small houses it is recommended to make at least two additional supports. This will give the structure strength and stability. By the way, it is recommended to begin work on laying the foundation for the supports approximately 2-3 weeks before the actual construction of the tree house, so that the cement mortar has time to harden well.

Platform installation

As already mentioned, the platform frame can be assembled on the ground or directly on a tree. The first option is simpler and more convenient. So, we assemble a frame of suitable shape from timber and connect its parts with metal corners. Be sure to ensure that the fastenings are secure. Next, the platform rests on a tree trunk and installed piles. The trunk and branches of the tree will have to be drilled in order to secure the structure well. It is recommended to use bolts with wide washers. Do not forget to cover the drilling areas on trees with a special “medicinal” solution to avoid rotting and drying of the branches.

Be sure to use a level to check the horizontal position of the platform. The position can be adjusted by placing wooden parts under the platform and securing them securely.

Important: The frame should not be placed close to the trunk or branches. During installation, it is necessary to leave small gaps so that the tree, as it grows, does not deform the entire structure.

Floor and walls

The boards are fastened with ordinary self-tapping screws or nails. It is recommended to leave a gap every few boards through which rainwater entering the house will drain.

After finishing laying the floor, we begin installing the walls. We start by installing the frame - in each corner of the structure we install a vertical beam of small cross-section. The beam is attached to the base using metal corners. The racks should not be attached to the floor - this will cause the stability of the structure to be lost. The racks are attached to the base beams with mandatory intermediate cross members.

The pillars should be strengthened with spacers, after which you can begin sheathing. You can sheathe the walls with the boards that were chosen for the floor. The format of the cladding depends on the personal preferences of the builder, but it should be remembered that the wall structure must withstand high enough loads to maintain safety. The same applies to windows - you should not make them too wide.

The result should be a house structure without a roof, but with windows and an opening for the front door. The height should be selected at your own discretion, but not more than 1.5 meters, so as not to overload the tree with the weight of the house. Considering the future gable roof, even tall children will be able to stand at full height in the house.


It is recommended to make the roof in a gable format. Firstly, as already mentioned, this will create additional space inside the tree house, and secondly, it will ensure a minimum load on the roof during precipitation.

Prepare a beam that will act as a strap along the upper contour of the walls. Securely fasten the timber with nails around the entire perimeter. Next, you can begin installing the rafters. For a small house, you can get by with about three or four rafters on each side of the roof. To strengthen the roof, additional crossbars are installed, although you should not overdo it with the material so as not to overload the entire structure.

The roofing can be made from any lightweight material, such as corrugated sheets or polycarbonate. However, you can also use a sanded board, but this option is more expensive and time-consuming.


By and large, you can use several options for stairs, up to the usual rope one. But a more convenient and safer option would be a classic wooden structure at an angle of 45 degrees. Building a ladder is not at all a difficult part of building a tree house, but it should be assembled on the ground and then attached to the entrance opening.

So, from the existing beams it is necessary to create a frame suitable for the format of the entrance opening and with the appropriate height. Two beams are fixed at the bottom and top with fastening strips. Then, approximately every 20 cm, we nail steps to the beams. The steps must be secured in such a way that when installing the stairs at an angle of 45 degrees, they are horizontal. Use fairly strong wood for the steps, at least 5 cm thick. For reliability, you can install an additional longitudinal beam in the center of the stairs (under the steps).

Install the ladder and attach it to the house platform frame with metal corners. For the bottom of the stairs, there is no need to make a concrete base - just bury a small log in the ground, having previously strengthened the hole with sand and crushed stone. Secure the bottom of the ladder by nailing it to the base.

The railings are installed very easily - in increments of about 30-40 cm, fix the vertical bars on the stairs, then attach a long beam to their upper part. Check the entire structure for strength. If necessary, make an additional support post for the stairs using the method indicated at the beginning of the article, that is, on a concrete base. If your children are old enough and dexterous, you can simply make a vertical ladder, which is much easier.

Finishing work

Be sure to coat the wood with a protective coating. You can use simple paint or other, more expensive materials. You shouldn’t be particularly zealous with finishing - the main goal is to preserve the quality of the building material for as long as possible. As for the interior decoration, here you can already show your imagination and create an interior to your taste.

Now you know how to make a tree house with your own hands, but we advise you not to forget to monitor it regularly. Any, even the slightest, breakdown must be promptly eliminated. Also, do not forget to pay attention to the condition of the tree that serves as a support for the house. Constant monitoring will save you from security problems.