Transcendent Man. Transcendence - what is it? The concepts of transcendence and transcendence. New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova

Before Kant

Term background transcendent originated in ancient neoplatonism. Dionysius the Areopagite transcendence was closely associated with. Thus, Thomas Aquinas taught about the perfect transcendence of God in relation to creation.


The term "transcendental" was used in Kant's philosophy to characterize noumena, that is things-in-themselves, which, although they appear in the world of phenomena in the form of phenomena known to us, cannot nevertheless be perceived in sensory (empirical) experience, we learn about their existence only speculatively. Thus, Kant affirms the fundamental unknowability of the world: only phenomena are accessible to cognition, but there is no way to know what lies at their basis, what things-in-themselves really are.

close to transcendent concept, which, nevertheless, it is important to distinguish from it is the concept transcendent al foot. Initially, it characterized the area of ​​abstract mental categories (such as thing, being, truth, goodness, etc.), and later was developed by Kant, who began to call that what is inherent in consciousness: not acquired in the process of experience, but, on the contrary , conditions and determines the possibility of any experience, i.e. is a kind of "superexperienced given" given to a person by a special a priori(those. "before any experience") way. The need to introduce transcendental categories arose before Kant when he came to the conclusion that it was impossible to build a philosophical system only on experimental data, but initially refused to accept any other source of experience than the empirical one. Therefore, he had to admit that some noumena are still accessible to human cognition, although they are not objects of experience, such as: space and time as a priori forms of perception, logical categories, ideas of God, immortality of the soul, goodness (see the categorical imperative), beauty, etc.

After Kant

In the existential philosophy of Karl Jaspers, transcendence is present as an absolute and incomprehensible reality.

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See what "Transcendence" is in other dictionaries:

    transcendence- Transcendence ♦ Transcendance Something absolutely external and absolutely higher – “there” in contrast to all “here” (and even in contrast to all “there”) and their overcoming. Thus, it is the highest degree of absence, which at the same time ... ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    Incomprehensibility, irrationality, unknowability, inaccessibility, transcendence Dictionary of Russian synonyms. transcendence see unknowability Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide… Synonym dictionary

    TRANSCENDENCE, transcendence, pl. no, female distraction noun to the transcendent. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    TRANS ENDENT, oh, oh; ten, tna. In idealistic philosophy: being outside the world. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    I distraction noun according to adj. transcendent I II f. distraction noun according to adj. transcendent II Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

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    transcendence- transcendence, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

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    transcendence- English: Transcendence A term describing the separation of God and man and the superiority of God over man. God is transcendent in that He is holy and man is sinful. He is also transcendent because he is infinite and man is finite. God… … Dictionary of theological terms


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A philosophical term that denotes everything that goes beyond experience and is comprehended only by higher speculation.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


[lat. transcendens (transcendentis) - going beyond] - philosophy. in idealistic philosophy: going beyond the boundaries of possible experience, lying beyond experience, inaccessible to knowledge. Wed TRANSCENDENTAL.

Dictionary of foreign words. - Komlev N.G., 2006 .


it speaks of phenomena that can in no way be known by us through our senses, are not amenable to either experience or observation; about purely abstract concepts and ideas that have neither forms nor material boundaries, do not find any expression in reality, flow from the mind and exist only in our consciousness.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


exceeding the scope of everything limited and not subject to such knowledge as the phenomena of the environment. us nature (eg the idea of ​​God).

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


for etymology, see transcendental philosophy. Higher.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


(lat. transcendens (transcendentis) transcending)

1) in idealistic philosophy - inaccessible to knowledge, located outside of experience, lying on the other side of experience;

2) mat. m-th functions - analytic functions that are not algebraic, for example, exponential (exponential) function a*, trigonometric functions, etc.; m-th numbers - numbers that do not satisfy any algebraic equation with integer coefficients, are as follows, e.g., n = 3.14159..., e = 2.71828...

New dictionary of foreign words.- by EdwART,, 2009 .


[from Latin. transcendo - step over, step over]. 1. In idealistic philosophy - lying outside of experience, inaccessible to experimental knowledge; opposite immanent (philosophical). transcendental truth. 2. Not able to be calculated using the operations of algebra, not able to be expressed by an algebraic expression (mat.). Transcendental numbers, functions. || Studying the corresponding quantities, concepts (mat.). transcendent mathematics.

Big Dictionary foreign words.- Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


oh, oh, ten, tna ( lat. - cm. transcendental).
1. philosophy Inaccessible to knowledge, beyond experience.
|| Wed transcendental.
2. mat. About analytical functions: not being algebraic.
transcendence- property of the transcendent 1, 2.

Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words L. P. Krysina.- M: Russian language, 1998 .



See what "TRANSCENDENT" is in other dictionaries:

    See abstract ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. transcendent spiritual, abstract; unknowable, irrational, incomprehensible, inaccessible, beyond, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    TRANSCENDENT, transcendent, transcendent; transcendent, transcendent, transcendent (from Latin transcendo I step over, I step over). 1. In idealistic philosophy, lying outside experience, inaccessible to experimental knowledge; ant. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    The term, which arose in the scholastic. philosophy and characterizing everything that goes beyond the senses. experience, empirical knowledge of the world; subject of religion and metaphysical knowledge. Scholasticism distinguished between immanent and transcendent causes and ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Transcendental- Transcendental ♦ Transcendant In the classical sense of the word - external and higher in relation to the world. In this sense, God is transcendent, and, perhaps, only he. For Kant, it is external to experience and inaccessible to experience. U… … Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    Modern Encyclopedia

    Beyond in relation to any particular area, to the world as a whole; the opposite of immanent. One of the central concepts of a number of philosophical currents, a characteristic of the absolute, surpassing all being (the One in Neoplatonism); V… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    TRANSCENDENT, oh, oh; ten, tna. In idealistic philosophy: being outside the world. | noun transcendence, and, wives. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    A term that characterizes everything that goes beyond sensory experience, empirical knowledge of the world. Big explanatory dictionary of cultural studies .. Kononenko B.I .. 2003 ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

    Transcendental- TRANSCENDENT, transcendent in relation to any particular area, to the world as a whole; the opposite of immanent. One of the central concepts of a number of philosophical currents, a characteristic of the absolute, surpassing all being (one in ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Aya, oh; ten, tna, tno. [from lat. trānscendens (transcendentis) transcending] 1. Philos. Prohibitive in relation to what l. certain area, to the world as a whole. Infinity is transcendent. // In Kant's philosophy: being outside ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Analytics of human existence Introduction to the experience of self-knowledge Systematic essay Monograph , Yachin S. Based on the principles of existential analytics, the author reveals the multidimensionality of human existence-in-the-world as being reflexively correlated with the Other. The key question is how...


transcendent, transcendent; transcendent transcendent, transcendent (from Latin. transcendo - step over, step over).

    In idealistic philosophy - lying outside experience, inaccessible to experimental knowledge; opposite immanent (philosophical). transcendental world. transcendental truth.

    only full. forms. Not able to be calculated using the operations of algebra, not able to be expressed by an algebraic expression (mat.). Transcendental numbers, functions. ? Studying the corresponding quantities, concepts (mat.). transcendent mathematics.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Aya, oh; -ten, -tna. In idealistic philosophy: being outside the world.

noun transcendence, -and, f.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    adj. Lying beyond experience, inaccessible to knowledge, incomprehensible to the mind (in idealistic philosophy).

    adj. Not capable of being computed algebraically or expressed algebraically (in mathematics).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


transcendent in relation to any particular area, to the world as a whole; the opposite of immanent. One of the central concepts of a number of philosophical currents, a characteristic of the absolute, surpassing all being (the One in Neoplatonism); in theological teachings - a synonym for the otherworldly of God. In Kant's philosophy - going beyond the limits of possible experience ("the world of phenomena") and inaccessible to theoretical knowledge (for example, the idea of ​​God, soul, immortality).


a philosophical term, meaning, in contrast to the immanent, that which is transcendent in relation to the world of phenomena and inaccessible to theoretical knowledge. In this meaning, it was used by I. Kant in Op. the criticality of the period (see Soch., vol. 3, Moscow, 1964, p. 338). From the term "T." Kant distinguished (not always consistently) the term transcendental. Transcendent, according to Kant, God, soul, immortality; According to Kant, objects inaccessible to theoretical knowledge of T. are accessible to faith based on the postulates of practical reason. In Marxist philosophy, the concept of T. is not used.


Examples of the use of the word transcendent in the literature.

Transcendental the all-pervading Brahman is the quantum laws that the physicist begins to comprehend.

First comes awareness transcendent the all-pervading Brahman.

Paying tribute to his memory, I dedicate my most transcendental and the most rapidly famous portrait of Socrates, infested with flies, and most suitable to serve as a brilliant cover for this diary of my genius.

Then it was possible to move on to series of degrees and such elementary transcendent functions like sines, cosines, logarithms and exponents.

The vital element, which was lacking in the Olympian religion, but which is fully inherent in the mysteries and Orphism, is transcendental an extraterrestrial spirit that we expected to find in the religion of the time of troubles, but not the time of youth and growth.

Perceiving transience and our own frailty at a deep empirical level, we discover in ourselves that which, in essence, transcendent and immortal.

This is manifested in the enlightenment cult of a higher being who preserves transcendental character, although no anthropomorphic predicates can be attributed to it.

We were still having the glorious experience of the metaconcert, the merging of two minds, the possession transcendent a force greater than the sum of its components.

On a completely different plane, namely from the point of view of method, with all the extremes of such a position, Husserl and the phenomenologists restored the world in its diversity and rejected transcendent the power of the mind.

And as a result transcendental values, invented to protect against nullity and frailty, have themselves become a force directed at the nihilistic devaluation of life.

Thinking transcendent analytics is the distinction itself in its three hypostases: real, formal, speculative.

The experience of thinking and transcendent analytics is the experience of the relationship of some entity to something that shows itself in this respect, ontological experience, its essence in the distinction of philology and logic.

Transcendental the volume of the unbecoming is a kind of space for the evolutionary creativity of man, it is his potential freedom - to share the fate of the Creator, this is his opportunity to grow up, and then enter into a divine-human dialogue, this is both a right and a duty at the same time.

Dying survivors of this final review passionately affirm transcendent the meaning of the fact of their existence and include it in the world order, the meaning of which they comprehend.

For reason does not reach the level of the Divine and only enters into a compromise with the difficulties of life, and culture, in order to achieve transcendental and the Infinite is required to become a spiritual culture - that is,

TRANSCENDENTAL DEDUCTION OF CATEGORIES (German: Transzendentale Deduktion der Kategorien) is the key section of I. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. The main task of deduction is to substantiate the legitimacy of the a priori application of categories (elementary concepts of pure reason) to objects and show their possibility as principles of a priori synthetic knowledge. The need for a transcendental deduction of categories was realized by Kant 10 years before the publication of the Critique, in 1771. The central argument for the transcendental deduction of categories was first formulated in handwritten sketches in 1775.


TRANSCENDENT, transcending, transcendence (from Latin transcendens - stepping over, going beyond) - one of the fundamental terms of philosophy and theology; the Latin term goes back to Augustine, however, thanks to later translations into Latin (M. Ficino, B. Cordier, etc.) of a number of ancient Greek terms of Plato, Plotinus, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite as transcendent, the history of the concept goes into ancient philosophy.


TRANSCENDENT (from lat. transcendere - to go beyond) - going beyond the limits of any possible human experience, located on the other side of theoretical knowledge; it is not so much a matter of knowledge as of faith. A concept widely used by Kant, but developed in medieval scholasticism.

Kirilenko G.G., Shevtsov E.V. Brief philosophical dictionary. M. 2010, p. 384.

transcendental and transcendental

TRANSCENDENT and TRANSCENDENTAL (lat. transcendens - stepping over, going beyond) - terms of scholastic philosophy, fixing the specifics of the theism's interpretation of the existence of God as incomprehensible with the help of human abilities and immanently human (see about transcendentals: God, Theism) and subsequently received wide use in classical and non-classical philosophy thanks to Kant.


TRANSCENDANT. In the classical sense of the word - external and higher in relation to the world. In this sense, God is transcendent, and, perhaps, only he. For Kant, it is external in relation to experience and inaccessible to experience. For Husserl and the phenomenologists, it is external in relation to consciousness, which strives for this external and “explodes”. It is in this sense that Sartre speaks of the transcendence of the ego: "I" is not part of consciousness, it is just one of the objects of consciousness; it does not exist in consciousness, but for the sake of consciousness; not “inside”, but “outside, in the world”.