Where there are more saints on earth. Israel, holy places of Christianity: review, history and reviews. Church of the Assumption of the Virgin, Slovenia

Since the dawn of civilization, mankind has been obsessed with the desire to understand what is above them. People believed in different gods and life after death, followed certain traditions. With the rise of civilization, religion has become the main motivating factor for humanity - both good and bad. To pay tribute to God, people created simply amazing places of worship.

Since the birth of the first religions, nothing has fundamentally changed. Cult religious buildings are not just buildings, but original houses of gods and goddesses. So they just have to be great! Thanks to the need to glorify the gods, tourists have been able to visit the most beautiful and inspiring places around the world.

When it comes to building religious buildings, the real expert is the Catholic Church. The architecture of the cathedrals has changed a little in recent years, but the only thing that has remained the same over the centuries is that they were built solely for inspiration. Most of the Catholic cathedrals are very high, they are directed skyward to God.

One of the most famous cathedrals, of course, is Notre Dame. This is an early example of French gothic architecture. Rejecting the simpler style of Romanesque cathedrals, Notre Dame has buttresses, beautiful stained glass windows, skyward-pointing spiers, and impressive sculptures. It took 200 years to complete the construction of the cathedral.

The Bahá'ís are an obscure religion, although one of the fastest growing in the world with over five million adherents. Due to the lack of worldwide fame, Baha'i religious buildings are often forgotten. But this is a huge mistake, because the places of worship dedicated to her impress with their solemnity and grandeur.

Baha'i religious sites can be found all over the world. However, the two largest shrines are in the northern part of Israel. Both the Temple of Baha'u'llah and the Temple of the Bab are the resting places of the remains of the early founders of the religion. Around the tomb of Baha'u'llah is a garden that forms a circle around the mansion. It was in this place, according to believers, that the saint stayed in the last years of his life. In the third largest city in Israel, Haifa, there is a huge domed Shrine of the Bab. Nineteen terraced gardens surround it, stretching along the mountainside and reminiscent of the legendary hanging gardens Semiramis.

Built in the 17th century, Harmandir Sahib is the center of worship for all people professing the Sikh faith. Their fifth guru and religious leader built the temple as a place of spirituality for all monotheistic religions. As a sign of greeting to any person, the doors are open to all four cardinal directions. In the nineteenth century, the upper part of the temple was covered with gold, making the temple even more solemn, and bestowing on it the nickname "Golden Temple". Those who visit it will be able to see the Guru Sahib, the holy text of Sikhism.

One of the first religious places known to mankind is Stonehenge, a mystical place surrounded by mystery. Scientists suggest that it may have been built 4-5 thousand years ago. Huge stones, set according to some principle in the form of a ring, simply amaze the world. Without modern technology and machines, moving and setting up such huge boulders from the point of view of a modern person seems almost impossible. Today, there is a huge amount of speculation as to who, how, when, and most importantly why built Stonehenge. After ancient burials were found in this place, the idea of ​​Stonehenge's religiosity found even more fans. Although the cult meaning of this place was lost due to the spread of Christianity in England, the revival of pagan and druidic beliefs is returning the religious significance and holiness of this place.

In the sixth century, in Constantinople, the former capital of Byzantium, the Hagia Sophia, the center of power for the Eastern Orthodox Church, was built. For almost a thousand years it was the largest cathedral in the world. Unfortunately for the church, and even more so for the Byzantine Empire, in the 15th century, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks. The city became Turkish and was renamed Istanbul, and the cathedral was turned into a mosque. Later, four minarets were added, which today are an integral part of the structure of the building. And only in 1935 a secular museum was opened here.

The most widespread religion in the world, with over 2 billion people practicing it, is Christianity. Approximately half of all Christians are Catholics. For many years, the Catholic Church had a lot of power. In the past, it was one of the most powerful organizations in Europe, and although it has since lost much control, it still retains an important place on the world stage.

At the heart of the Italian capital of Rome is the independent city-state of the Vatican. This is the center of power of the Catholic Church, the home of the Pope and just a stunning historical monument. It is impossible to choose just one place that is worth seeing in the Vatican, because both the Apostolic Palace and the house of the Pope, built in the sixteenth century, are located here. It is here that you can see the famous Sistine Chapel with frescoes created by famous artist Michelangelo. Here is also one of the holiest places for Christians - St. Peter's Basilica, the burial place of the first Pope, St. Peter.

On the banks of the Nerenyan River is Bodh Gaya, the home of an ancient tree known as the Mahabodhi Tree, as well as the Mahabodhi Temple. It was under the ancestor of this tree that Gautama Siddhartha sat and meditated until he attained enlightenment, becoming the Buddha. Of the four Buddhist pilgrimage sites, Bodh Gaya is the most sacred. According to Buddhist teachings, Bodh Gaya is the holiest place on Earth and is considered the navel of the world. Visiting Bodh Gaya, you can also see the amazing pyramid of Mahabodhi, covered with gold.

Built on the banks of the Ganges River, Varanasi is one of the oldest cities in the world. For Hindus and Jains, it is sacred. The spiritual capital of India is considered the city of the main Hindu deity, Shiva. The settlement is also closely connected with Buddhism, because it was here that the Buddha gave his first sermon.

The Buddha is not the only famous person associated with the city, as many great spiritual leaders have lived in Varanasi and it is here that important sacred texts. This is a city of temples. Here visitors can visit Kashi Vishwanath, the famous temple dedicated to the god Shiva, as well as Vishalakshi, the temple of the main female deity of Hinduism. The river Ganges, on which the city is built, is itself a sacred place of the god Ganges. However, despite such popularity, you cannot swim in the river, because it is one of the dirtiest in the world.

Every year, Muslims from all over the world gather in the holy city of Mecca for a religious pilgrimage known as the Hajj, in honor of Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, and the Muslim prophet, Muhammad. At the end of the journey, the pilgrims arrive at the holy city, the place where they all offer prayer. The main attribute of Mecca is the Kaaba - a cube-shaped building, the Islamic mosque Al-Masjid al-Haram. Muslims believe that the Kaaba was built by Ibrahim (Abraham) as the first place of worship of Allah.

Many ancient maps show Jerusalem as the center of the world. From this you can judge how important the city was in those days. This is a holy place for the three major monotheistic religions of the world. It was there that Abraham tried to sacrifice Isaac, Solomon built the Jewish Temple, Muhammad went to Mecca, and Jesus preached and was crucified.

Visitors to Jerusalem can see several shrines. For the Jews, this is the city of King David. They can visit the Wailing Wall, the ruins of Solomon's Temple, which the Romans destroyed two thousand years ago. At the highest point of the city, you can see the Muslim Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, associated with the night of Muhammad's flight. Just a few blocks from these holy places, Christian pilgrims can visit the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, built on the site of the crucifixion of Jesus. And in Israel there is for which an amazing woman managed to grow

Recently, religious tourism has become more and more popular. There are more and more believers every day, people are awakening interest in religion.
In any case, the charm of religious places does not depend on the beliefs and religions that are promoted there. People come here to get closer to the saint, to gain faith and peace of mind.

1. Ta Prum.
It is one of the temples of Angora - a temple complex dedicated to the god Vishnu in Cambodia. The temple was erected at the end of the 12th century AD. King of the Khmen Empire Jayavarman VII. The structure is located in the jungle and looks like an overgrown and abandoned temple of a thousand years ago.

2. Kaaba.
It is the most important sacred place for Islamic believers. Its history began long before the time of the Prophet Muhammad. At one time, there was a haven of statues of Arab gods here. The Kaaba is located in the city of Mecca (Saudi Arabia).

3. Borobudur.
This sacred place was discovered in the 19th century in the thickets of the island of Java, Indonesia. Its amazing construction includes 504 Buddha statues and approximately 2,700 reliefs. The history of the temple remains a mystery so far, since it is still not known who built this temple and for what purpose. Also of interest is the question of why such a delightful structure was abandoned.

4. Church of Las Lajas.
The stunningly beautiful Las Lajas Church was erected in 1916 on the site where, according to legend, St. Mary appeared to people. According to one of the legends, a woman with her sick daughter walked through these places. When she stopped to rest, her daughter suddenly started talking.

5. Hagia Sophia.
The truly amazing Hagia Sophia in Istanbul has a very long history. It was once a Christian church founded by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine I (4th century AD). after the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks, the church ceased to exist, and a mosque was founded in its place. In Hagia Sophia, the internal images of Christians were not erased, but only hidden under a layer of plaster.

6. St. Peter's Cathedral.
The most beautiful Catholic St. Peter's Basilica is located in the Vatican. It was erected in the 17th century. In addition to the title of the most beautiful, this cathedral is also considered the largest and most spacious (up to 60 thousand people!). There is an opinion that under the altar is the tomb of St. Peter.

7. Sanctuary of Apollo.
This temple was built 3500 years ago. For the Greeks, it was the "center of the world", not only they, but also thousands of other pilgrims came here to hear the prophecies of the Oracle of Delphi - a priestess through whose mouth God seemed to speak with believers.

8. Mahabodhi Temple.
This is the holiest place for Buddhists. Thousands of believers and tourists come here every year. Buddhists believe that Siddhartha Gautama attained Enlightenment here, becoming the Buddha.

9. Luxor temple.
The amazing building was built in the 14th century BC. and was dedicated to Amon (Amon-Ra) - the most important god of the Egyptians. Hundreds of lights illuminate the temple every night, making it an unforgettable sight.

10. Notre Dame Cathedral.
Notre Dame Cathedral is the most famous cathedral in the world. It was built between 1163 and 1250 and is considered one of the most important monuments of Gothic architecture.

There are places in the world where you can feel the connection with the divine - one of them is the Rila lakes, known for their strong energy field. Sensitive people see strange things when they spend the night in this place.

Such places can give you answers to questions that have been tormenting you for a long time, where you can feel the concentrated energy on a higher spiritual level.

1. Rila - Bulgaria

Some people may be surprised, but this mountain range is one of the most powerful energy centers in the world.

It is no coincidence that one of the greatest spiritual masters of the twentieth century, Beinsa Duno, chose this place to transmit his wisdom.

The area around the Rila lakes actually has a very strong energy and sensitive people have strange dreams when they are in this area.

2. Machu Picchu in Peru

The Lost City of the Incas is one of the places associated with energy centers in the world. The Incas built Machu Picchu at a specific location, high in the Andes.

This place channels energy and allows people to experience something that just doesn't belong in our world.

3. Socotra

Socotra is an archipelago of four islands in the Indian Ocean in the Horn of Africa. The largest makes up 95 percent of the area.

Its specific landscape and wildlife is like from a sci-fi movie and you can easily imagine that you are on another planet or in prehistoric times.

As a result of isolation, many rare species are born on Socotra, which are not found anywhere else in the world.

Spiritual energy here connects the human soul directly with the Universe.

4. Uluru Plateau in Australia

Uluru is the spiritual center of Australia and is located in the center of the continent. Legends say that the plateau itself is hollow and is the source of energy, which are called Tiukurpa.

The ancient tribes that surround the plateau have left many painted stories in some of the caves in the area.

The tribes maintain the belief that when people surround the plateau, they receive spiritual vision.

5. Easter Island

It is one of the most isolated places in the world, famous for its breathtaking stone giants - "moai" that rise everywhere along the rocky coast. Scientists have absolutely no answer to the question: "Who made them and how?",

The entire island is the top of a large volcano that rises from the bottom of the ocean. Therefore, the ancients called it the Navel of the World - in the local language, known as "Te Pito O Te Henua", while the name "Rapa Nui" is now widespread. Another indigenous name for the island is "Mata" ("Eyes that look to the sky").

It is believed that the Navel of the World collects the most important spiritual energy of the Earth.

6. Belintash plateau

The Belintash Plateau is one of the three points (Belintash - Cross Forest - Caradiy Stone) that create one of the strongest energy zones in Europe.

There is a strong energy in and around Belintash, and hundreds of people have witnessed frequent paranormal activity.

7. Berat

Berat is the pride of Albanian architecture. The old city is under the protection of UNESCO. Berat is an excellent combination of Eastern and Western cultures, traditions and customs. The city is a treasure trove of Albanian history and evidence of harmony between faith and culture.

In Berat, people have a very strong spiritual healing energy. Today, people who do not believe in diseases still live outside the city walls, which makes this place unique and authentic.

8. Stonehenge

Stonehenge is the most famous megalithic monument in the world, probably dedicated to the Sun, dating back about 5,000 years. Located in the heart of Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK.

It is known for its huge stone blocks arranged in a circle. It is impossible to say with certainty what was the purpose of Stonehenge, but many scholars believe that the monument was used as a ceremonial or religious center.

According to one theory, Stonehenge is an ancient cemetery.

9. Bosnian pyramids

Bosnian pyramids are located near the city of Visoko, according to recent research, date back to the biblical past. The largest pyramid is the Pyramid of the Sun, and is the first of its kind in Europe, while the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Bosnian Dragon are much smaller.

Under the pyramids, three underground rooms and a small blue lake were found. A reservoir containing clean, sterile water free from bacteria, algae, fungi, microorganisms, animals, moss and dirt. It is called living water because it purifies the body.

This means that these sites are actually "places for healing". Human body regenerates faster and the disease disappears.

10. Mount Kailash in Tibet

Mount Kailash is the sacred site of four religions that originate from that part of Asia, Tibetan Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and the old pre-Buddhist religion of Tibet - Bongo.

All these religions have their own legends about the place, but they are unanimous in that the top of the mountain is the home of the gods and one of the energy centers of the world, where spiritual bliss is received.

The most important sacred places on the planet

Recently, religious tourism has become more and more popular. There are more and more believers every day, people are awakening interest in religion.
In any case, the charm of religious places does not depend on the beliefs and religions that are promoted there. People come here to get closer to the saint, to gain faith and peace of mind.

1. Ta Prum.

It is one of the temples of Angora - a temple complex dedicated to the god Vishnu in Cambodia. The temple was erected at the end of the 12th century AD. King of the Khmen Empire Jayavarman VII. The structure is located in the jungle and looks like an overgrown and abandoned temple of a thousand years ago.

2. Kaaba.

It is the most important sacred place for Islamic believers. Its history began long before the time of the Prophet Muhammad. At one time, there was a haven of statues of Arab gods here. The Kaaba is located in the city of Mecca (Saudi Arabia).

3. Borobudur.

This sacred place was discovered in the 19th century in the thickets of the island of Java, Indonesia. Its amazing construction includes 504 Buddha statues and approximately 2,700 reliefs. The history of the temple remains a mystery so far, since it is still not known who built this temple and for what purpose. Also of interest is the question of why such a delightful structure was abandoned.

4. Church of Las Lajas.

The stunningly beautiful Las Lajas Church was erected in 1916 on the site where, according to legend, St. Mary appeared to people. According to one of the legends, a woman with her sick daughter walked through these places. When she stopped to rest, her daughter suddenly started talking.

5. Hagia Sophia.

The truly amazing Hagia Sophia in Istanbul has a very long history. It was once a Christian church founded by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine I (4th century AD). after the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks, the church ceased to exist, and a mosque was founded in its place. In Hagia Sophia, the internal images of Christians were not erased, but only hidden under a layer of plaster.

6. St. Peter's Cathedral.

The most beautiful Catholic St. Peter's Basilica is located in the Vatican. It was erected in the 17th century. In addition to the title of the most beautiful, this cathedral is also considered the largest and most spacious (up to 60 thousand people!). There is an opinion that under the altar is the tomb of St. Peter.

7. Sanctuary of Apollo.

This temple was built 3500 years ago. For the Greeks, it was the "center of the world", not only they, but also thousands of other pilgrims came here to hear the prophecies of the Oracle of Delphi - a priestess through whose mouth God seemed to speak with believers.

8. Mahabodhi Temple.

This is the holiest place for Buddhists. Thousands of believers and tourists come here every year. Buddhists believe that Siddhartha Gautama attained Enlightenment here, becoming the Buddha.

9. Luxor temple.

Russia is often called the holy land. Judging by the number of saints for representatives of different religions of places, then this is true.

1. Diveevo

Where is? Nizhny Novgorod region, Diveevsky district.
What is holiness? Diveevo is called the Fourth Destiny of the Mother of God on earth. The main shrine of the Diveevo monastery is the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov. The Holy Elder invisibly but clearly consoles, admonishes, heals, opening the hardened souls of people who come to him for Divine love, and leads to the Orthodox faith, to the Church, which is the foundation and affirmation of the Russian land.

Pilgrims come for holy water from 4 springs, bow to the relics and walk along the holy groove, which, according to legend, the Antichrist cannot cross

2. Optina Desert

Where is? Kaluga region.
What is holiness? Svyato-Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage is one of the oldest monasteries in Russia, located on the banks of the Zhizdra River near the city of Kozelsk.

The origin of Optina remains unknown. It can be assumed that it was not the princes and boyars who built it, but the ascetics themselves, by calling from above, with repentant tears, labor and prayer.

The Optina elders had a great influence on the minds of people of various classes. Gogol has been here three times. After visiting Optina Pustyn, Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov was born. Leo Tolstoy had a special relationship with the monastery (as well as with the church in general).

3. Nilo-Stolobenskaya desert

Where is? Stolobny Island, Svetlitsa Peninsula, Lake Seliger.
What is holiness? The monastery is called the Nil Desert after the Monk Nil, who lived on the island for 27 years and bequeathed to build a monastery. In 1555, Nil reposed and was buried on Stolobny Island. After the death of the monk near his grave, prayer hermits began to settle on the island, and the monastery was founded by them.

Before the revolution, the Nilo-Stolobensky Monastery was among the most revered in Russia, thousands of people came here every year. In 1828, Emperor Alexander I visited the monastery.

After the revolution, the monastery had a difficult fate. He managed to stay and a colony, and a hospital, and a prisoner of war camp, and a camp site. During archaeological excavations on the territory of the monastery, it was found that in the 18th century the largest workshop for the production of pectoral crosses worked here.
Only in 1990, the Nilova Pustyn was transferred again Orthodox Church, and in 1995 the relics of St. Nile were returned here.

4. Kizhi

Where is? Kizhi Island, Lake Onega.
What is holiness? Many people think that Kizhi is a beautiful temple somewhere in the North. In fact, this is a whole reserve in which life and unique wooden architecture are carefully preserved.

The Kizhi churchyard with the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord became the center and main monument of the museum. It was laid in 1714 and built without a single nail or foundation. The most remarkable thing is that even in the Soviet years the shrine was not touched - they even left the iconostasis with one hundred and two images.

The entire Kizhi ensemble is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. You can get to the island in summer by rocket from Petrozavodsk and in winter along the ice track from the village. Great lip.

5. Solovetsky Monastery

Where is? White Sea.
What is holiness? Even in pagan times, the Solovetsky Islands were strewn with temples, and the ancient Sami considered this place holy. Already in the 15th century, a monastery arose here, which soon became a major spiritual and social center.

Pilgrimage to the Solovetsky Monastery has always been a great feat, which only a few dared to undertake. Thanks to this, until the beginning of the 20th century, the monks managed to maintain a special atmosphere here, which, oddly enough, did not disappear over the years of hard times. Today, not only pilgrims come here, but also scientists, researchers, historians

6. Trinity-Sergius Lavra

Where is? Moscow region, Sergiev Posad.
What is holiness? This monastery is rightfully considered the spiritual center of Russia. The history of the monastery is inextricably linked with the fate of the country - here Dmitry Donskoy received a blessing for the Battle of Kulikovo, local monks, together with the troops, defended themselves from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders for two years, and the future Tsar Peter I took the oath of the boyars here.
To this day, pilgrims from all over the Orthodox world come here to pray and feel the grace of this place.

7. Pskov-Caves Monastery

Where is? Pechory.
What is holiness? The Pskov-Caves Monastery is one of the oldest and most famous Russian monasteries. In 1473, the cave church of the Assumption was consecrated here, excavated by the Monk Jonah in a sandstone hill. This year is considered the year of foundation of the monastery.

The hill where the Assumption Church and God-given caves are located is called the Holy Mountain. On the territory of the monastery there are two holy springs

A feature of the Pskov-Caves Monastery is that it has never been closed in its entire history. During the interwar period (February 1920 to January 1945) it was within the borders of Estonia, thanks to which it was preserved.

8. Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery

Where is? Vologda region, Kirillovsky district.
What is holiness? Kirillo-Belozerskaya Monastery is a city within a city, the largest monastery in Europe. The giant fortress withstood the siege of the enemy more than once - two cars can easily pass on its three-story walls.

The richest people of their time took the tonsure here, and the sovereign's criminals were kept in the casemates. Ivan the Terrible himself favored the monastery and invested considerable funds in it. There is a strange energy here that gives peace.

In the neighborhood there are two more pearls of the North - Ferapontov and Goritsky monasteries. The first is famous for its ancient cathedrals and frescoes of Dionysius, and the second - for nuns from noble families. Those who have been in the vicinity of Kirillov at least once come back.

9. Verkhoturye

Where is? Sverdlovsk region, Verkhotursky district.
What is holiness? Once there was one of the main Ural fortresses, from which several buildings remain (the local Kremlin is the smallest in the country). However, this small town became famous not for its glorious history, but for the large concentration of Orthodox churches and monasteries.

In the 19th century, Verkhoturye became a center of pilgrimage. In 1913, the third largest cathedral of the Russian Empire, the Exaltation of the Cross, was built here. Not far from the city, in the village of Merkushino, lived the miracle worker Simeon Verkhotursky, the patron saint of the Urals. People from all over the country come to pray at the relics of the saint - it is believed that they cure diseases.

10. Valaam

Where is? Ladoga lake.
What is holiness? Valaam is one of the two "monastic republics" that existed in Russia. The time of foundation of the Orthodox monastery on the islands is unknown. At the beginning of the 16th century, the monastery already existed; in the XV-XVI centuries, about a dozen future saints lived in the monastery, including, for example, the future founder of another "monastic republic" Savvaty Solovetsky (until 1429) and Alexander Svirsky. It was at this time that monastic sketes appeared in large numbers on the neighboring islands.

In contrast to the Solovetsky archipelago, where the museum-reserve is the owner, monastic traditions have almost completely revived on Valaam. All monasteries operate here, the monastery also performs administrative functions on the islands, and the vast majority of visitors to Valaam are pilgrims. Throughout the area of ​​the island there are sketes, "branches" of the monastery, about ten in total. The incomparable nature of the Valaam archipelago - a kind of "quintessence" of the nature of South Karelia - contributes to the desire of the pilgrim to move away from the worldly bustle and come to himself.

11. Pustozersk

Where is? Virtually nowhere. Pustozersk is a disappeared city in the lower reaches of the Pechora, in the Zapolyarny region of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. It is located 20 km from the current city of Naryan-Mar.
What is holiness? Pustozersk was the place where Archpriest Avvakum lived in exile in an earthen pit for 15 years, wrote his life and was burned. Pustozersk is still a place of Old Believer pilgrimage and is revered by them as a holy place. A chapel and a refectory were built here, there are memorial crosses

12. Rogozhskaya Sloboda

Where is? Moscow.
What is holiness? Rogozhskaya Sloboda is the historical spiritual center of the Russian Old Believers. In 1771, the Old Believer Rogozhsky cemetery was founded near the Rogozhskaya Zastava, a quarantine, a hospital and a small chapel were also built here.

Then, at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, two cathedrals were built at the cemetery - Pokrovsky and Rozhdestvensky, the Nikolskaya chapel was rebuilt in stone, houses for clergy and a clergy, monastic cells, six almshouses and many private and merchant houses were erected next to the temples.

For two centuries, the Pokrovsky Cathedral was the largest Orthodox church in Moscow, accommodating up to 7,000 believers at a time.
By the beginning of the 20th century, the number of Old Believers living in the vicinity of Rogozhsky reached 30,000 people.

13. Great Bulgars

Where is? Republic of Tatarstan, 140 km from Kazan.
What is holiness? Bulgar, one of the greatest cities of the Middle Ages, today is an important place of worship for Russian Muslims. In addition to the ancient ruins, the village of Bolgari and the walls of a large mosque with a minaret of the 13th century remained from the Great Bulgaria. Across the road from the entrance to the mosque is the well-preserved Northern Mausoleum. To the east of the mosque is the Eastern Mausoleum.

The White Mosque is located near the entrance to Bolgar, at the South Gate of the Bulgarian Museum-Reserve. The architectural complex is the building of the mosque itself, the residence of the mufti and the madrasah, and the surrounding prayer area.

14. Aulia Spring

Where is?

Republic of Bashkiria, Mount Aushtau.
What is holiness? Aulia is translated from Bashkir as "saint". This spring is believed to have healing properties. It flows for just over 30 days in late May and early June and gathers tens of thousands of people every year.

People bathe in it in the spring and drink the sacred water, which they believe can get rid of kidney stones, as well as treat respiratory and stomach ailments. In spring, the spring water is said to acquire its healing properties only after May 15th.

Climbing Mount Aushtau consists of two stages: the first is reaching the sacred spring, the second is climbing to the top of the mountain, where there are three graves, in which, according to legend, the remains of three Islamic missionaries from the city of Osh, who were killed in the XIII century by local residents, are kept. After repentance, these same locals buried Sheikh Muhammad Ramadan al-Ush and his companions on the top of the mountain, on the slopes of which a sacred spring appeared.

15. Mausoleum of Hussein-Bek

Where is? Republic of Bashkiria, 40 km from Ufa.
What is holiness? The mausoleum is located at the Akzirat cemetery. According to legend, it was built in the 14th century for Hadji-Hussein-bek, the first imam on the territory of modern Bashkiria. The order to build the mausoleum was given by Tamerlane himself.

Not far from the mausoleum there are several tombstones with inscriptions in Arabic. It is believed that the commanders of Tamerlane were marked this way.

Mausoleum of Hussein-Bek is considered one of the most sacred Muslim places in Russia. Just 10 km from this place is another ancient mausoleum - the tomb of Turukhan. According to some historians, he was a descendant of Genghis Khan. According to historians, Turukhan, like Hussein-bek, was an enlightened Muslim ruler.

16. Ziyarat Kunta-Haji Kishiev

Where is? Chechen Republic, Khadzhi village.
What is holiness? In Chechnya, there are 59 holy burial places, ziyarats. Ziyarat Kunta-Haji Kishiev is the most revered of them. In the 19th century, the village of Khadzhi was the birthplace of the Sufi sheikh Kunt-Khadzhi Kishiev, a Chechen saint and missionary who preached dhikr (“remembrance of Allah”).
Near the place where Kishiev's house stood, there is a holy spring, the water from which has medicinal properties. Those who wish can also visit the grave of Kishiev's mother. It is located nearby on Mount Ertina, which the Chechens consider a sacred place.

17. Fortress Qala Quraish

Where is? Republic of Dagestan, 120 km from Makhachkala.
What is holiness? The mosque of the Kala Quraysh fortress is one of the oldest mosques in Russia, it was built in the 9th century. Also on the territory of the fortress are an ancient tomb and a museum.

The fortress is located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Because of his appearance Qala Quraysh is sometimes called Dagestan's Machu Picchu.

The Koreysh, or Quraish, were considered the closest relatives and descendants of the Prophet Mohammed himself, so the Kala Koreysh founded by them turned into the most important center for the spread of Islam in the region.

By the 20th century, Cala Koreish had actually turned into a ghost town. Local residents claim that in the 1970s, two women and one man lived in Kala Koreish. These were the last inhabitants of the ancient city of the descendants of Mohammed.

18. Mausoleum of Tuti-bike

Where is? Republic of Dagestan, Derbent.
What is holiness? The mausoleum of the Derbent khans is the only mausoleum that has survived in Derbent. It was erected in 1202 AH of the Muslim calendar (1787-1788) over the grave of the ruler of Derbent, Tuti-bike. In addition to her, her sons are buried in the mausoleum, as well as Hasan Khan's wife Hyp-Jahan Khanum.
The ruler of Derbent Tuti-bike is a very significant figure in the history of Dagestan. In 1774, during the assault on Derbent by the Kaitag utsmi Emir-Gamza, Tuti-bike personally took part in the defense, was on the city wall, controlling the actions of artillery. During the siege of the city, she did not interrupt her prayers, and at the end of it, she went out into the courtyard of the Juma mosque, where an enemy detachment broke in, and killed their leader with a dagger. Tradition says that, amazed by the courage of the woman, the enemies fled.
In the immediate vicinity of the mausoleum is Kyrkhlyar (“forty” in Turkic). This is the burial place of Islamic martyrs.

19. Mausoleum of Borga-Kash

Where is? The mausoleum is located on the northwestern outskirts of the modern rural settlement of Plievo, Nazranovsky district of the Republic of Ingushetia, on the left hilly bank of the Sunzha, which is a spur of the Sunzha Range.
What is holiness? Historians still disagree about how and why this mausoleum was built.

Borga-Kash is translated as "the tomb of Borgan". According to one version, the mausoleum was the tomb of Burakan Beksultan, one of the main leaders of the Ingush in the fight against Timur's troops, who invaded the local lands in 1395. Burakan did not die in the war with Timur, but died ten years later, which corresponds to the time the mausoleum was built.

The 600-year-old mausoleum is an important place of pilgrimage and one of the most valuable Ingush historical monuments. Until now, inscriptions in Arabic have been preserved on the building of the mausoleum.

20. Ivolginsky datsan

Where is? Republic of Buryatia, the village of Verkhnyaya Ivolga. 30 km from Ula-Ude.
What is holiness? Ivolginsky datsan - the main datsan of Russia, the residence of Pandito Khambo Lama - the Head of the Buddhist traditional Sangha of Russia, a large Buddhist monastic complex, a monument of history and architecture.
The body of one of the main ascetics of Buddhism of the 20th century, the head of Siberian Buddhists in 1911-1917, Khambo Lama Itigelov, is located in the Ivolginsky datsan. In 1927, he sat in the lotus position, gathered his students and told them to read a well-wishing prayer for the deceased, after which, according to Buddhist beliefs, the lama went into a state of samadhi.

He was buried in a cedar cube in the same lotus position, having bequeathed before his departure to dig out the sarcophagus in 30 years. In 1955, the cube was lifted. The body of the Khambo Lama turned out to be incorruptible, and analyzes carried out by scientists already in 2000 showed that protein fractions have lifetime characteristics, and the concentration of bromine exceeds the norm by 40 times.
Right there, in Ivolginsky Datsan, you can see a magic stone. Near it is an inscription: “According to legend, Nogoon Dari Ehe (Green Tara) touched this stone and left an imprint of her brush on it.

21. Nilovsky Datsan

Where is? In the Tunkinskaya valley, 4 km upstream from the resort "Nilova Pustyn" in the forest at 10 km of the road on Mount Kholma-Ula.
What is holiness? According to an ancient legend, the mythical god Khan Shargay Noyon, the head of the Khaats sitting on the crests of the Sayan Mountains, landed at this place. In honor of this, in 1867 a small blockhouse for prayers was built here. Subsequently, two wooden datsans were built here.

On the territory of the Nilovsky datsan there is a tower made of a long and smooth log with a round wooden barrel on top. This design is not found in any of the datsans of Buryatia. Local old-timers say that when the lamas converted the local population to Buddhism, they gathered all the shamans in this place and convinced them to accept the Buddhist faith.

All tambourines and shaman costumes were burned. Sacred relics and silver coins were placed in the barrel and lifted up so that the Buddha could see the gifts. The sand at the landing site of Khan Shargay Noyon is considered holy. It is widely believed that the sand taken by a man gives him strength.

22. Mount Belukha

Where is? The highest point of Gorny Altai. It is located on the territory of the Ust-Koksinsky district.
What is holiness? Many researchers correlate the highest Altai mountain Belukha with the sacred mountain Meru. In particular, the Russian philosopher Nikolai Fedorov tried to confirm this theory. Based on a map depicting the sacred Mount Meru, dated to the 2nd century BC, the Turkologist Murat Adzhi supplemented the popular hypothesis.

At an equal distance from Meru were four oceans known then, and Belukha is equally removed from the Indian, Pacific and Arctic oceans.

Belukha is considered a sacred mountain by Buddhists, here, in search of the legendary Belovodye, the Old Believers went to escape from the world. According to the beliefs of the Altaians, the goddess Umai lives on Belukha, the supreme female deity, comparable in importance to Tengri.

23. Olkhon Island

Where is? Olkhon is the largest island in Lake Baikal. It is located 256 km from Irkutsk.
What is holiness? One of the main places of worship is Shamanka rock. Women and children are not allowed to enter the cave located in the rock. There used to be a Buddhist shrine there.

What is holiness? According to the results of the competition of the republican scale "Seven Wonders of Nature of Buryatia", Baragkhan was recognized as the main Buryat natural miracle.

Since ancient times, the mountain has been revered as a shrine by both the Barguzin Buryats and the Mogul-speaking peoples. Buryat mythology tells about the owners of the mountain dune baabay and Khazhar-Sagaan-noyon - heavenly lords who descended to earth.

There is also a legend that a noble khan from the golden family of the Borjigins was buried on Barkhan-Uula. There is also a legend about Soodoy Lama, the great yogi who chose Baragkhan for his meditations.

It is believed that the one who ascended this mountain will be connected with mystical power, and the righteous can see the image of the Buddha on its slopes. Climbing the mountain is usually accompanied by the monks of the Ivolginsky datsan; a huge prayer service is written in Sanskrit in honor of Baragkhan.

On the Tepteehei plateau, at the very top of the mountain, there is an ancient and sacred stone building Obo, honoring the spirit of the mountain. There is also a lamaist sacred sign, symbolizing the eternity and infinity of the universe.

Today, Buddhist prayers and rituals are performed on Barkhan-Uula. Every year there are pilgrimages to the top of the mountain.
But not everyone can climb the mountain. To do this, you need to get permission from the lama in the Kurumkan datsan. Women are forbidden to climb Barkhan-Uula.

25. Merkit fortress

Where is? In the south of Buryatia, in the Mukhorshibirsky district, 110 km from Ulan-Ude, on the right bank of the mouth of the river. Push it.
What is holiness? According to legend, it was here that the first battles between Genghis Khan and the Merkits, who once inhabited these lands, took place. From 1177 to 1216, the Merkits fought fierce battles against Genghis Khan and Khan Jochi until they were defeated. The Merkit fortress today is not a fortress in the usual sense of the word. These are rocks, on which elements of former fortifications, recesses for signal lights, a well, and observation platforms have been preserved.
In the Merkit fortress there are two so-called "humming stones", which, according to legend, are able to heal a woman from infertility and bring good luck in love. Pilgrimages are held to the Merkit fortress, shamans and lamas come here.
in 2010, Buddhist scrolls and tanka icons were discovered here, which lamas hid here during the years of persecution of religion. Since nothing can be taken from the mountain, the scrolls were examined and returned to their place.