The concept of extremism among the youth. The current state of youth extremism in the Russian Federation. Main areas of work

The extremist behavior of young people is one of the most pressing socio-political problems. Elements of extremist behavior of young people are formed against the background of deformation of the social and cultural life of society. Researchers tend to include the following in the list of the main reasons for the growth of extremist behavior of young people: social inequality, the desire to assert themselves in the adult world, insufficient social maturity, as well as insufficient professional and life experience, and, consequently, a relatively low social status.

A special analysis of the problem shows that extremism in Russia is "getting younger", the most frequently committing crimes are young people aged 15-25 years. Young people are also more likely to commit crimes of an aggressive nature. According to statistics, the bulk of such serious politically motivated crimes as murder, grievous bodily harm, robbery, terrorism, are committed by persons under 25 years of age. It is important to bear in mind that youth extremism is currently growing at a faster rate than adult crime.

In modern Russia, youth extremist groups pose a great danger to the entire population. At first glance, these are spontaneously assembled associations of teenagers, but in fact they have vertical power, unconditional submission.

There are a large number of classifications of informal teenage associations according to various criteria. Currently, the most pressing issue of working with teenage formations is the preservation of public peace and the prevention of offenses.

The structure of youth movements and formations is influenced by the social stratification of society, which manifests itself both in the inequality of material opportunities and in the level of aspirations of adolescents. In this regard, it should be noted that there are many punks among poor teenagers, and rappers have become the most common movement among middle-class teenagers.

For the purposes of preventing and correcting the asocial behavior of adolescents, the classification based on the aggressiveness and intellectualization of formations turned out to be the most convenient. Thus, non-aggressive highly intellectual hippies are on one pole, and aggressive, low-intellectualized punks are on the other. Currently, among the non-aggressive protest movements, the largest (albeit few) are hippies, rappers and energy. Of the aggressive - punks, alisoman, movie fans, fans of role-playing games, football fans. There are also particularly aggressive extremist youth groups: skinheads (“skinheads”), pseudo-green extremists (“mushroom elves”), the youth group of the National Bolshevik Party of E. Limonov.

There are also formations that cannot be unequivocally categorized as either aggressive or non-aggressive movements, for example, "Satanists". A number of youth formations of the third sector (non-governmental organizations), for example, "green" ones, also distinguish their own specific subculture.

The concept of permissiveness emerged in the West in the early 1970s. It reflected a special type of youth behavior - a rebellion against the culture and morality of the "old" capitalist (and later socialist) world.

There is often a "double standard" in extremist organizations. Particularly indicative is the tacit (and even public) permissibility of various manifestations of permissiveness of “ours” in relation to others and the inadmissibility of such behavior for everyone else. Extremists are also characterized by the creation of paramilitary formations, and often not so much for any ideological reasons, but for reasons of prestige.

In ultra-right, ultra-left political organizations and in aggressive teenage formations with an extremist bias (skinheads, skinpunks), such activities are often expressed in the form of causing physical harm to people.

Consider some extremist youth organizations operating in Russia.

Skinheads (skins, "skinheads", "bald") - a youth movement, various groups of which are often influenced by extremist ideologies. Two large wings stand out in it - bonheads and anti-fascist skins.

Bonheads (boneheads) - “bone heads”, “dumb-headed” - Nazi skins - this name was given to right-wing radical skinheads by left-wing skinheads. The name stuck.

In Russia, the bonhead movement appeared in the late 1980s. In the early 1990s, the number of his supporters grew significantly, mainly in large cities - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, where attacks on people of Caucasian nationality and their mass beatings became more frequent. Bonhead groups are usually very close-knit, formed on the basis of racist ideology. However, a significant part of the skins is fond of only external paraphernalia (high army boots with high-rolled jeans or military trousers, braces for trousers, a shaved head, a fascist swastika often comes across).

Strong influence among bonheads in the early 2000s had the party "Russian national unity”(RNU) led by Barkashov (skinheads were the youth wing there), the National Republican Party of Russia (since 2001 renamed the Party of Freedom) Yu. Belyaev.

Extensive links between bonhead gangs and the underworld have been established. Skinheads created criminal groups engaged in robbery and robbery. Often these groups united with traditional criminal formations and were engaged, in addition to these types of criminal activity, in burglary.

Knowledge of the specific features of the developmental psychology of adolescents was used. For example, there was a very harsh criticism of the family as a social institution, which was seen as a competitor to the party. It should be noted that at a certain stage, the teenager begins to leave the full custody of the family. It was during this period that the danger of the influence of anti-family agitation on him escalated.

On the other hand, there is another stage in the life of young people when a newly formed family throws a person out of any form of social activity. Therefore, a certain way staged and well-thought-out propaganda campaign in the NBP (National Bolshevik Party), directed against the "philistine family", helped to increase its popularity among young people. Thanks to the literary gift of E. Limonov, criticism of the family in the NBP was staged really talentedly.

Anti-fascist skins are the ultra-left wing of skinheads. It includes red skins. Unlike right-wing skinheads, who love to display the national flag, state symbols, Celtic crosses and swastikas, red and anarchist skinheads are anti-patriots. They wear "anarchy" patches, "hammer and sickle" patches, and the like.

"Red Skinhead Anarchists" - or RASH for short. This organization unites mainly adherents of anarchist and communist ideology. RASH is now rapidly spreading around the world, publishing its own magazines, organizing extreme music groups. Its members are actively involved in the radical anti-fascist and anarchist movement. In addition to racism, they fight against sexism (the oppression of women) and homophobia (the persecution of sexual minorities). Their activities are often directed against the harmful effects of the dominance of transnational corporations, they are involved in radical environmental actions. They are always where poor people of other nationalities are shamefully attacked. They oppose imperialism, increased exploitation of the working people, police brutality and prisons.

As part of SHARP - representatives of national minorities, sex minorities and various leftist movements. They abandoned the radical leftist views of the red skins, leaving the ideas of anti-fascism and anti-racism as a "creed".

The problem of aggressive and extremist behavior of young people is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of Russian reality. Elements of extremist behavior of young people are formed against the background of deformation of the social and cultural life of society.

Currently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has 400 informal youth associations with signs of extremist beliefs. The victims of contemporary Russian extremism are often women and children.

There is no objection to the following classification of forms of manifestation of extremism:




Political extremism involves violent actions aimed at changing the political system or policies pursued by the government of the state. Political extremism is usually substantiated by various utopian social theories: from pseudo-revolutionary to fascist. In most cases, it is accompanied by various acts of terrorism, assassinations of political opponents, and attempts to destabilize the situation in the country.

Nationalist extremism acts under the slogans of protecting "one's own people", its economic interests, cultural values, national language, etc., as a rule, to the detriment of representatives of other nationalities living in this territory. It is noteworthy that, contrary to popular belief, nationalist extremist ideas can be expressed not only by representatives of the most numerous nationality in the state, “indigenous” residents of certain cities or certain groups of citizens. The so-called everyday nationalism, as a rule, can be observed in all segments of the population, and the fight against it should become a prevention of nationalist extremism.

Religious extremism is the denial of the system of religious values ​​and dogmatic principles traditional for society, as well as the aggressive propaganda of "ideas" that contradict them. In many, if not all, denominations, one can find religious ideas and the corresponding actions of believers that are antisocial in nature, that is, to one degree or another they express rejection of secular society and other religions from the standpoint of one or another religious dogma. This is manifested, in particular, in the desire and desire of adherents of a certain confession to spread their religious ideas and norms to the whole society.

The main goal of religious extremism is the recognition of one's own religion as the leading one and the suppression of other religious denominations through their coercion to their system of religious belief. The most ardent extremists set themselves the task of creating a separate state, the legal norms of which will be replaced by the norms of a religion common to the entire population. Religious extremism often merges with religious fundamentalism, the essence of which lies in the desire to recreate the fundamental foundations of "one's own" civilization, cleansing it of alien innovations and borrowings, and returning its "true appearance".

ON THE. Romanov builds a classification of extremist activity:

    by subjects (state, organizational-group, individual);

    objects of influence of extremism, the subject of which is the state (external and internal)

Features of youth extremism in the Russian Federation

Youth extremism in the territory of the Russian Federation is a three-level system:

    the first level, organizational, involves formal and informal membership in organizations and movements of an extremist nature (for example, in the movement of skinheads, football fans);

    the second level, mental, is represented by extremist political culture, as well as destructive actions of mass media (extremist ideas, value orientations);

    the third level, behavioral, at which specific actions and deeds of an extremist nature are manifested

Yu.M. Antonyan highlights such inalienable features of extremist consciousness among young people as:

    the division of the world into two distinct groups of "us" and "them";

    the transfer of negative traits of individuals to the entire social, religious or national group.

The age range of extremist-minded children, teenagers and youth groups ranges from 12-13 to 30 years old, however, adolescents and young men aged 15 to 18 years old show the greatest criminal activity.

Common features of modern youth extremism are also:

    increasing organization, cohesion of groups;

    the formation of ideological, analytical and combat structures in groups;

    strengthening of conspiracy measures;

    using the latest information and communication technologies to spread their ideology and coordinate actions.

Features of youth extremism are also manifested in the fact that, as a rule, young people become the object of law enforcement only when they commit crimes classified as grave and especially grave. This is due to the fact that the age of criminal responsibility for crimes of an extremist orientation, provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, is 16 years.

A feature of most youth extremist groups operating in Russia is that they are all politicized and often supported by a “parent” political organization that organizes propaganda support for them, trying to form a positive political image for extremists and attract new layers of youth to their ranks.

The analysis of modern Russian youth extremist crime allows us to highlight the following criminological features:

1. Active participation of young people aged 14 to 30 in organized mass extremist actions and their association in informal youth organizations of an extremist-nationalist orientation and extremist communities.

Currently, there are more than 300 disparate, sometimes contradictory in their ideological positions, youth extremist organizations operating in the Russian Federation with strict discipline and hierarchy.

Members of informal youth organizations of an extremist-nationalist orientation often become minors aged 14-18. Many members of youth extremist organizations are people who have recently graduated from high school.

It is the age from 14 to 18 that is the most optimal for absorbing radical nationalist, xenophobic and extremist ideas. Given that it is juvenile delinquency that forms the type of personality that will dominate and develop in the future, this fact is of particular concern.

It should also be noted that teenagers are increasingly acting not only as performers, but also as organizers of youth extremist organizations.

Moreover, in recent years, females have become members and even organizers of youth extremist organizations.

2. Expansion of the geography of the extremist threat in the Russian Federation and an increase in the number of nationalities, social groups, youth subcultures - victims of extremism

According to the Sova analytical center, the extremist threat currently covers 31 regions of Russia.

3. The murders committed in the Russian Federation of citizens of a different nationality or religion, foreign citizens are increasingly acquiring a serial, more cruel, sophisticated professional, mocking, ritual character, and the very commission of extremist acts is becoming not just an occupation for the sake of curiosity, but the professional "work" of certain groups of people.

4. Various types of public organizations, movements and associations: military-patriotic, military-sports, military-historical clubs are created with some specific, completely legitimate goal, but in practice they pursue extremist-nationalist goals.

5. Extremist-nationalist movements seek to involve in their ranks members of various aggressive youth subcultures, informal youth associations, groups, movements, as well as persons with previous convictions.

6. The desire of representatives of a number of radical parties, social movements and associations to manipulate for their political purposes the members of these informal youth organizations of an extremist-nationalist orientation and even use them as militant structures.

7. Members of informal youth organizations of an extremist-nationalist orientation are increasingly armed and increasingly use firearms and other types of weapons to achieve their goals, as well as the commission of terrorist acts.


SL. 1-.2-3. Introduction.

We live in a complex and constantly changing world, in which the problem of national, ethnic, social and political extremism is particularly acute.

Every day we hear about more and more new cases of xenophobia and nationalism, the main participant of which is the youth, as the layer most sharply and sensitively reacting to all changes in society.

The modern Russian Federation includes more than a hundred ethnic groups, including about thirty nations. The relationship between different nations, ethnic and religious groups has always been distinguished by its contradictory nature - the inclination towards cooperation and periodic explosions of conflict. And the "mirror" of all changes and changes was the youth - as the element most sensitive to all social and political changes. She notices and sharply reacts to what seems unfair to her, what does not coincide with her general opinion, often imposed by pseudo-heroes from the TV screen, the pages of newspapers and magazines.

Sl.4. Youth extremism

Every day we hear about more and more cases of xenophobia and nationalism,

the main participant of which is the youth, as the layer most sharply and sensitively reacting to all changes in society

Modern youth goes through its formation in very difficult conditions of breaking old values ​​and forming new social relations. Hence confusion, pessimism, disbelief in the future. Aggressiveness and extremism, chauvinism and criminality are growing. Therefore, such aspects of youth sociology as youth extremism and youth subculture are very relevant. Youth extremism as a mass phenomenon of the last decade of our life, expressed in disregard for the rules and norms of behavior in society or in their denial, can be viewed from different positions. Scientists have the right to investigate the philosophical and psychological nature of extremism in order to characterize this phenomenon in all its particular and general manifestations, to classify and typify cases of extremist behavior. No less important is the establishment of a connection between the political and economic state of society and the growth of extremism among the youth.

For young people brought up in traditional culture, the main conflict unfolds at the mental level, between the reality they perceive and the cultural stereotypes of perception and understanding of the world. Behavior is secondary here. With the necessary and sufficient development of a sense of the whole, people of this type more easily correlate their behavior with a meaningful integral

SL. 5-6-7(photo). What is extremism.?

What is extremism.? What are the forms of manifestation?

This is what we'll talk about today.

Why is this problem getting worse now?

Extremism should be viewed as a social and cultural phenomenon. This is a complex and heterogeneous form of expression of hatred and enmity.

The main definition used at the moment is the following: “extremism is a commitment to extreme measures and views that radically negate the norms and rules existing in society, as a set of violent manifestations committed for political purposes by individuals and specially organized illegal groups and communities ".

The emphasis should be on actions, not people.

Naming people and groups as extremists is rather ambiguous, since it depends on the position and group affiliation of the person using this term: one and the same group may be called extremists by some, and freedom fighters by others.

Today in Russia stand out: 1) terrorism within the so-called. a “surrogate war” organized from abroad and pursuing geopolitical goals hostile to Russia; 2) separatist terrorism, closely adjacent to the first; 3) Islamic terrorism associated only with a certain group of countries; 4) anarchist terrorism of an international character; 5) terrorism of extremists a) leftists; b) right.

list of acts considered as extremist.

As amended, these now include:

The activities of public organizations, the media or physical

persons to organize actions aimed at violent

a significant change in the foundations of the constitutional system;

violation of the integrity and undermining the security of the Russian Federation;

Seizure or appropriation of power;

Creation of illegal armed formations;

carrying out terrorist activities or its public

personal justification;

excitation of racial, national, religious or social

al strife;

humiliation of national dignity;

Mass riots, hooligan actions and acts of vandalism

ma based on various kinds of hatred or enmity;

propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or incompleteness

values ​​of citizens;

obstruction of the legitimate activities of state bodies

government, election commissions and officials

these bodies, connected with violence or the threat of its

public slander against a person holding state

official position, connected with the accusation of this person of

extremist activity;

The use of violence or the threat of its use against

a representative of the authorities or his relatives;

Encroachment on the life of a state or public

Actions aimed at violating human rights and freedoms

and citizen;

causing harm to the health and property of citizens in connection with their

beliefs, racial and other affiliation;

Creation and distribution of materials intended for

public distribution containing the above-

nye signs;

Propaganda or public display of Nazi

paraphernalia or symbols;

public appeals or distribution of materials that encourage

waiting to carry out extremist activities;

financing of extremist activities or other assistance

effect of its preparation and execution.

Extremists are characterized by uncompromising attitude, intransigence towards the position of their opponents, and a refusal to engage in dialogue and consensus on controversial issues. The ideological and theoretical basis of extremism are radical ideological concepts, religious fundamentalism, nationalism. Extremist leaders, as a rule, demand from their supporters complete obedience and unquestioning execution of any orders.

ST.8 - 9. The goal of extremism

The primary goal of extremist acts is not immediate physical harm, but their psychological impact in terms of

attracting public attention and undermining the authority of the state in ensuring the security of its citizens. In politics, extremism is manifested in the desire to undermine the stability of existing social structures and political institutions. Often this is done with the help of demagogy, calls for violence,

roristic acts and methods of guerrilla warfare.

Extremism has its roots and origins.

The social origins of extremism come from the urban lower classes, lumpen and outcasts, the lower and impoverished strata of the intelligentsia, unemployed youth, and some part of the students. The activity of these sections of society is growing with the deterioration of life in society.

The psychological origins of extremism are also linked to the state of the economy. They are formed by the economic downturn in the development of society, when living conditions deteriorate sharply. This makes a person powerless against unbearable circumstances, embitters, makes him aggressive. This mental state is a form of protection and compensation for a painfully bad life. On the basis of this aggression, there is a rallying with similar feelings of people into groups, organizations. Then these groups are ideologized, i.e. develop their own doctrine, program of activity, and, most likely, they join some ready-made extremist, most often of religious origin, doctrine. Today, the most common ideological cover for extremist use of politics and tactics is Islam.

SL. 10-11. Extremist acts

Extremism is an extreme form of intolerance, combined

with aggression and violence as methods of expressing intransigence towards

Acts of violence are categorized as extremist,

1. they are not only used as a direct way to achieve political, ideological and social goals, but are also an instrument of publicity and intimidation;

2. they are aimed at causing harm not to the direct enemy, but to other people.

Both of these criteria emphasize that the primary goal of extremist acts is not immediate physical harm, but their psychological impact in terms of attracting public attention and undermining the authority of the state in ensuring the security of its citizens. Despite the fact that individual extremists have already become famous all over the world, extremist acts are carried out for the most part by groups.

SL. 12-13. extremist factor.

The feeling of national superiority is also seen as a factor contributing to the outbreaks of aggression and extremism,

the emergence of the ideology of antagonism, caused by the initial division of “own”, “foreign” group, which then leads to the fact that extremely negative traits, often based on stereotyped representations, are attributed to the outgroup.

the ideology of national security, in which the continuous assessment of the enemy's danger and adaptation to it is replaced by the unconditional goal of dominating him at any cost.

seeing the world in the light of war-fuelled values ​​such as camaraderie,

devotion national pride or a worthy goal.

Here is a list of the so-called. "signs of extremism"

“1) public calls for the establishment of a dictatorship in Russia, that is, a system that significantly infringes on the political and civil rights of Russian citizens;

2) public calls for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order or the seizure of power;

3) creation of armed formations;

4) inciting social, national, linguistic or religious hatred and public expression of intentions to restrict the rights of citizens on these grounds;

5) presentation of their goals, ideals or distinctive features with the help of symbols, in the recent past, inherent in the National Socialist regime of Germany and the fascist regime of Italy;

6) public approval of national socialist, fascist and other totalitarian regimes; denial of the crimes committed by such regimes, justification of their leaders and policies.”

It is characteristic that it did not get here. Let's try to add something in the same style here:

1) public calls for the disintegration of Russia or its division into independent territories, including "Russian" ones;

2) public calls for the establishment of external control of Russia or its individual territories;

3) Russophobia, that is, inciting hatred towards the Russian people as a state-forming one;

4) public propaganda of various forms and methods of "family planning" as a way to depopulate the Russian people;

5) presenting one’s goals, ideals or distinctive features with the help of symbols that were characteristic of anti-state movements in the past, as well as those forces that sided with its opponents in wars with Russia (Bolsheviks during the First World War, “Vlasovites” during the Second World War, etc. .P.);

6) public approval of the revolutionary violence of England in the 17th century, France in the 18th century, or Russia in the 20th century.

SL.14. Types of mole of extremism

Extremism is distinguished between “right” and “left”.

"Right-wing extremism" usually appeals to the wealthy strata of society, to the conservative-minded layman. These are neo-fascism, chauvinism, various political directions, religious organizations and societies such as Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc. It is religiosity that gives a special character to terror - it is carried out by suicide bombers (martyrs). Political interest lies at the basis of the terrorist attacks carried out by members of Zionist and anti-Semitic organizations. For the purpose of mass intimidation, state terror is also practiced by Israel, the United States of America, Turkey, the Russian Federation, and others.

"Left extremism" appeals to the "ordinary" people, to the disadvantaged, to the "lower classes" of society, setting them against those who live in abundance. It includes anarchism of various shades, Trotskyism, the Red Brigades, etc.

Political extremism - extreme views in relation to

lytic system, organization of the form of government of the state

stvom, propaganda of violent or aggressive (based

based on fear and submission to force) ways of establishing

a fostered form of power, up to political terror;

intransigence, uncompromising attitude towards other political

parties and positions of opponents.

Nationalist extremism - radical, intolerant

ideas and actions in relation to representatives of another people

ness, nationality, ethnic group; striving for

lytic or physical elimination of a non-titular population

leniya; aggression, in extreme forms - terrorism against

people of a different ethnic group.

· Religious extremism is a rigid rejection of the ideas of another religion

religious denomination, aggressive attitude and behavior towards

Gentiles, propaganda of inviolability, "truth" of one

creeds; the desire to eradicate and eliminate the pre-

followers of a different faith up to physical extermination (which

receives theological justification and justification).

Adolescent and youth extremism - views and type of behavior

education of young people based on the cultivation of the principles

lia and murder. It implies intransigence towards dissent.

lying (especially to representatives of certain youth

movements), as well as the desire to create a totalitarian

community based on submission.

· Ecological extremism – radical views in relation to

research organizations and enterprises that contribute to the deterioration

ecological situation. Manifested in actions and sabotage

against the perpetrators of environmental crimes, in picketing

and demonstrations for the defense environment. Pre-

promoters of environmental extremism use extreme,

even terrorist means in order to draw attention

the public's mania for the most urgent and painful

ecological problems. Radical measures can be

particularly in attacking persons wearing animal fur and

· Anti-globalization extremism – radical views and

aggressive behavior towards organizations that influence

on globalization in the economic, political, cultural

space. Intransigence towards the creation of a single market,

political and economic monopolies. Extremists in en-

tiglobalist movement tend to organize mass

unrest, the use of direct violence to combat

transnational companies, international economies

and political institutions of a global nature.

Moral extremism is an extreme intolerance towards certain

a certain type of moral norms and rules of conduct, permissible

the use of violence to approve a propagandized set of immoral demands, virtues, commandments.

Each of them has its own specifics, but they are united by a sharply aggressive, cruel, character of manifestation that does not have a clear addressee.

SL. 15-16. The basis of the pier of extremism

Features of Russian extremism:

A protracted socio-economic crisis affecting all strata and parts of society;

The impoverishment and declassing of large sections of the population;

Total criminalization of public life, including power structures;

Youth extremism as a mass phenomenon of the last decade of our life, expressed in disregard for the rules and norms of behavior in society or in their denial, can be viewed from different positions. No less important is the establishment of a connection between the political and economic state of society and the growth of extremism among the youth. According to some data, it can be assumed that the explosion of youth extremism is due to the ongoing radical breaking of stereotypes of behavior that have developed over the centuries and consecrated by culture.

Modern youth goes through its formation in very difficult conditions of breaking old values ​​and forming new social relations. Hence confusion, pessimism, disbelief in the future. Aggressiveness and extremism, chauvinism and criminality are growing. Therefore, such aspects of youth sociology as youth extremism and youth subculture are very relevant.

What is youth as a subject of social relations? One of the first definitions of the concept of "youth" was given in 1968 by sociologist V. T. Lisovsky: social functions; depending on specific historical conditions, the age criteria for young people can range from 16 to 30 years.

Youth problems can be divided into two groups:

The first includes specifically youth social problems: defining the essence of youth as a social group, its role and place in the reproduction of society; establishing criteria for its age limits; study of the needs, needs, interests and ways of activity of the younger generation; study of the specifics of the process of socialization of young people, their social and professional orientation and adaptation in the team, analysis of the social aspects of the activities of informal associations and youth movements.

Another important area sociological analysis constitute such problems that are general sociological and at the same time either mainly concern young people (problems of education, family, marriage), or find a specific manifestation in the youth environment (features of educating young people, the effectiveness of its various forms, means and methods, the development of social and political activity youth, its role and place in power structures, etc.).

Youth extremism as a mass phenomenon of the last decade of our life, expressed in disregard for the rules and norms of behavior in society or in their denial, can be viewed from different positions. Scientists have the right to investigate the philosophical and psychological nature of extremism in order to characterize this phenomenon in all its particular and general manifestations, to classify and typify cases of extremist behavior. No less important is the establishment of a connection between the political and economic state of society and the growth of extremism among the youth.

Observations show that the process of socialization of young people goes in two main directions and directly depends on the development of a sense of the whole, on the strength of the spirit.

For young people brought up in traditional culture, the main conflict unfolds at the mental level, between the reality they perceive and the cultural stereotypes of perception and understanding of the world. Behavior is secondary here. With the necessary and sufficient development of a sense of the whole, people of this type more easily correlate their behavior with a meaningful, holistic picture of the world.

The so-called ethnocentrism lies -

a set of group conflict ideas, emotional-sensory states and an ideology of enmity between one's own and other groups.

Subjects carriers of ethnocentrism (conflict ethnic consciousness)

are different youth communities that are differentiated from others on ethnic, religious, social and other grounds

and may view themselves as "we" and others as "they".

Youth extremism as a mass phenomenon of the last decade of our life, expressed in disregard for the norms of behavior in force in society or in their denial.

SL. 17-18-19-20

There are 141 extremist youth groups operating in Russia. These groups include about half a million people.

They are concentrated in large cities of the Central, Northwestern and Ural federal districts. Their largest groupings are in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Groups of radical youth are also formed on the basis of fan clubs of football teams or musical groups. such as "Gladiators", "Kids", "Supporte", "White-blue dynamites". Their participation in joint actions with skinheads has been noticed.

15-17-year-old extremists are distinguished by the greatest criminal activity, but the general age limits extend from 13 to 30 years. Radicals come from families with different income levels, widely use modern means of communication and the Internet.

from 2000 to 2005, the number of attacks on foreign citizens increased by 84% - from 7.3 to 13.2 thousand incidents.

In the first half of 2004, there were 7 murders motivated by ethnic hatred,

in 2005 there are already 10 of them,

in 2006 - 16,

but in the four months of 2007, 25 people have already died ..

Last year alone, the statistics deteriorated three times, and 214 people were held accountable for the relevant crimes.

The main and determining factor in the existence of youth extremist organizations is ideology.

Many extremist movements are based on the ideas of racial superiority, taken from the ideology of classical Nazism.


Neo-Nazism (other Greek νέος - new, Nazism) is the general name for the ideology of political or social movements that arose after World War II, professing National Socialist or close to them views or declaring themselves followers of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) .

Differences of new currents from the original National Socialism

Many neo-Nazis profess a version of anti-globalism and white separatism (racialism), which differs from the imperial ideology of classical National Socialism.

In modern conditions, the principle of leaderism may be canceled or slightly distorted. Neo-Nazis usually either do not have or do not advertise their leaders, and sometimes use the image of Hitler as a symbolic personality.

Currently, neo-Nazi movements are widespread in most European countries (including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus), in a number of Asian countries (for example, Iran, Japan, Taiwan), America, in the Union of South Africa (among the white minority), Australia and New Zealand.

In countries where during the Second World War there were national socialist and fascist movements (for example, the NSDAP in Germany, the Ustashe in Croatia, the Arrow Cross in Hungary, etc.), modern neo-Nazi organizations consider themselves their successors. Many neo-Nazis use symbolism in the form of a Celtic, Maltese cross or swastika.

Celtic cross

"Sieg heil!" (German Sieg Heil! - "Long live victory!" or "Glory to victory!") - the slogan used at meetings and rallies of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Accompanied by a greeting gesture made with a straight right hand raised, with an open palm. Adolf Hitler and other party leaders most often repeated these words at the end of their speeches three times: “Sieg ... Heil! Zig... Heil! Sig… Heil!”, In Russia, a popular greeting among the neo-Nazi community is the exclamation “Glory to Rus'!” or “Glory to Russia!”, accompanied by a Roman greeting “from the heart to Heaven (God)” [source not specified 44 days].

By the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal, which formed the basis of the UN Charter and the legislation of many modern states, the dissemination of National Socialist ideology and symbols (including swastikas) was declared illegal.


Skinheads are groups of urban youth living by their own laws, with their own music, their own distinctive signs, their own fashion in clothes and the concept of "male friendship". Skinheads are mostly men, but there are also women in their ranks. Political ideas when joining the "tribe" play a secondary role. Some, both fascist and anti-fascist groups, have managed to create real gangs of "political soldiers" - a dangerous weapon in the political struggle. Some parties use these gangs as mercenaries to secure their rallies, to put up posters, and for other secondary tasks. Skins willingly agree to such work - it would be "beer, sex and fights."

Classification of skinheads anti-fascists.

"Red skinheads" (Red Skins).

Like the Nazi Skins, the Redskins call for violence as a modus operandi, but reject, in their own words, the "philosophy of violence". They declare their anti-racist and anti-capitalist views. Appearance"red skinheads" is the same as skinheads all over the world. However, "Red Skins" differ from neo-Nazi skins in their symbolism and red laces on their boots.

"Skinhead Anti-Fascists" (SHARP). Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice" originated in America in the late 80s. In 1988, in American skinhead groups, mostly apolitical, there was a sharp ideological stratification into neo-Nazi skinheads and all the rest, as a result of this, there was a sharp split.

Some skins joined the Ku Klux Klan and various Nazi groups.

Part of the skins, on the contrary, decided to counteract the growth of fascism, racism and neo-Nazism on the American continent. In 1989, they created the first SHARP organization in New York. In the 90s, this movement, in addition to America, gained popularity in Europe.

"Red Skinhead Anarchists" (RASH).

However, they were always on the side of the "red skins" if they needed help in a fight at a concert or in a bar. Ultimately, most of the differences between anarchist skins and "red skins" have become subtle at the moment.

"Gay skins ". (GSM - Gay Skinhead Movement). Oppose homophobia and promote homosexuality. The movement is developed mainly in Western Europe.

"Apolitical skinheads".

Along with the skinheads, who build their ideology in accordance with various directions in politics, there are also separate groups of skins that are completely apolitical. This type of skin is closest to the first - the English skinheads of the early 60s. Today, there are very few completely apolitical skins.

Hierarchy of Russian skinheads.


The first, most numerous group is the “youngsters”, these are teenagers 12-14 years old who still don’t really know what it is to be a real skinhead, but have already picked up Nazi or racist slogans, have understood some basic norms of behavior inherent in skinheads. Most often this happens with direct imitation of older and more experienced comrades. This category actively uses external symbols and attributes of the skin movement - the Celtic cross, Nazi symbols. Although it should be noted that at the moment there is no single, well-established uniform model.

"Young growth"

The second category is the "youngsters", older teenagers, 14-16 years old, actively participating in all kinds of neo-Nazi rallies and gatherings, gathering in large regular groups. This category of skinheads has a more clearly defined political orientation and the ability to more or less coherently state the main principles of the skin movement.


The third category - "starshaki", in addition to participating in rallies, gatherings and gatherings, have a solid, fairly well-established political orientation, they are able not only to coherently state the main points of the political program of their movement, but also conduct propaganda work.

"Old Skinheads"

This relatively small part of the skin movement consists of the most ideological, persistent and active skinheads. The average age of a skinhead of this species is over 20 years old. "Old skinheads" know the customs, traditions and principles of skinheads best, being their main guardians and interpreters for the bulk of skinheads. Each of them has a certain experience of being in the skin movement, from three to five to ten years, during which he must live and act, observing all the principles and commandments of the skin movement. Interruption of the length of service is not allowed, transition for a while to another informal course with a subsequent return is also not allowed, it must be a skin "throughout life".

"Old skinheads" are the main core of the skin movement, they form it, they unite it. With their beliefs, they try to influence those around them, and first of all, young people and teenagers, from which, over time, they form skin groups, where they become the main ones. One of their main tasks is to stimulate and radicalize both individual skin groups and the entire skin movement as a whole.


Separately and apart in the general mass of skinheads is the category of "mods" - skins - the lowest and most despised category. This type of skins is almost completely apolitical and inert - in fact, this is the main fault of the "mods". They wear skin trappings, listen to skinhead music, sometimes attend skin concerts, but for the most part they are quiet and non-aggressive. As a rule, they are not even able to repel insults and ridicule from the "correct" skinheads, all the more they cannot commit any serious act, "glorious" and "heroic" from the point of view of the main body of skinheads. The category of "mods" makes up the most significant part of the skin movement, especially during the period of its greatest subcultural popularity.

SL. 22-23. Caucasus and south of Russia

The North Caucasus is one of the most multinational and multi-confessional regions of Russia, a region of contact of many ethnic groups and cultures. The region became even more multinational after the formation of the Southern Federal District.

However, it was absolutely wrong to consider the situation with youth extremism one-sidedly, choosing the facts of extremist activity with the participation of exclusively persons of Slavic nationality, which is being done today in the media. The problem of youth extremism on the part of immigrants from the Caucasian republics is hushed up in every possible way. Now the territory of the district occupies 3.5 percent of the territory of Russia and is 589.2 thousand square meters. km, the population is more than 21.5 million people (14.3% of the population of the Russian Federation). The Southern Federal District includes 8 republics, 2 territories and 3 regions. Representatives of more than a hundred peoples belonging to various linguistic groups and professing all world religions live here. The North Caucasus is one of the most densely populated regions of the country (50 people per sq. km), here the population has not decreased, but increased in the last decade. The region has for Russia not only geopolitical and geostrategic, but also the most important economic significance. The district occupies one of the leading places in the Russian Federation in terms of cultural, educational and scientific potential.

Today, the ethnopolitical situation in the North Caucasus is characterized by the presence of armed conflicts, the growth of crime, attempts to implement various forms of separatism, and so on.

Despite the strengthening of federal power, various conflict factors continue to operate in the region.

These include:

Confrontation of social movements of the Adyghe-Abkhazian and Turkic-speaking groups of peoples (the leaders are the International Circassian Association and the interregional public organization "Alan", which unites Karachays, Balkars and Ossetians, as well as the "Congress of the Karachay People" created on July 2, 2005);

Conflict between Ossetian and Ingush social movements;

Creation of Wahhabi communities in the republics of the North Caucasus;

Radicalization of certain ("indigenous") national movements and the Cossacks in relation to public associations of migrants from the republics of the North Caucasus.

The Krasnodar Territory is one of the most multinational and multi-confessional regions of Russia. In addition, about 2 thousand foreign students study in the region. These circumstances make the region attractive to extremists of informal youth movements and organizations. The participation of these associations in public events organized by political parties and public associations can create a real threat to public order and the security of citizens in the region.

Currently, there are such regional programs in the region that contain measures to counter extremism among the youth, such as "Children of the Kuban" for 2006-2008, "Culture of the Kuban" for 2006-2008, "A comprehensive program to strengthen the rule of law, prevent crime and strengthening the fight against crime in the Krasnodar Territory for 2007-2009.

The Russian Ministry of Justice has published federal lists of extremist materials and a list of public and religious associations whose activities have been terminated or temporarily suspended due to their extremist activities.

Russia has a federal list of materials that are recognized as extremist by a court decision. The "black list" included several newspaper appearances, brochures, a movie, a book, and even a music album. The "black list" of extremist materials has been decided to be made public twice a year: in January and July. According to the head of Rosregistration, such a list is published for the first time. The federal service receives information from its territorial divisions and from the courts.

"The Prosecutor General's Office also provided us with assistance in compiling the list," Vasiliev said. He also explained the purpose of publishing this list.

"The citizens of Russia should know what is one of the sources of manifestation of extremism, this dangerous enemy of the stability and well-being of society," said the chief state registrar of the country. He expressed hope that such a "black list" would not be replenished.

SL. 25. Youth Committee

The Committee for Youth Policy and Interaction with Public Organizations is carrying out a set of preventive measures aimed at preventing manifestations of political and religious extremism, ethnic separatism.

Work is carried out in the following areas:

1. Monitoring the activities of informal public associations (hereinafter referred to as NMOs) in order to prepare descriptions of the subculture or identify their dynamics.

2. Tracking pro-extremist sentiments in the media and on open Internet resources

SL. 26-27. Government and extremism

In Russia, the legal definition of what actions are considered extremist is contained in Article 1 of Federal Law No. 114-FZ "On counteracting extremist activity."

Extremist activities (extremism) include:

forcible change in the foundations of the constitutional order and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation;

public justification of terrorism and other terrorist activities;

incitement of social, racial, national or religious hatred;

propaganda of the exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of a person on the basis of his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion;

violation of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and a citizen, depending on his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion;

preventing citizens from exercising their electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum or violating the secrecy of voting, combined with violence or the threat of its use;

obstruction of the lawful activities of state bodies, local self-government bodies, election commissions, public and religious associations or other organizations, combined with violence or the threat of its use;

commission of crimes for the motives specified in paragraph "e" of the first part of Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

propaganda and public display of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols, or paraphernalia or symbols confusingly similar to Nazi paraphernalia or symbols;

public calls for the implementation of these acts or the mass distribution of obviously extremist materials, as well as their production or storage for the purpose of mass distribution;

public knowingly false accusation of a person holding a public position of the Russian Federation or a public position of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation of committing by him, during the performance of his official duties, the acts specified in this article and which are a crime;

organization and preparation of these acts, as well as incitement to their implementation;

financing of these acts or other assistance in their organization, preparation and implementation, including through the provision of educational, printing and material and technical base, telephone and other types of communication or the provision of information services.

] Basic principles of countering extremist activity

Countering extremist activity is based on the following principles: recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, as well as the legitimate interests of organizations; legality; publicity; the priority of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation; priority of measures aimed at preventing extremist activity; cooperation of the state with public and religious associations, other organizations, citizens in countering extremist activity; the inevitability of punishment for carrying out extremist activities.

The main directions of countering extremist activity

Counteraction to extremist activity is carried out in the following main areas: the adoption of preventive measures aimed at preventing extremist activity, including the identification and subsequent elimination of the causes and conditions that contribute to the implementation of extremist activity; detection, prevention and suppression of extremist activities of public and religious associations, other organizations, individuals.

Subjects of counteraction to extremist activity

Federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government participate in countering extremist activity within the limits of their competence.

Prevention of extremist activity

In order to counteract extremist activity, federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, within their competence, as a matter of priority, carry out preventive, including educational, propaganda, measures aimed at preventing extremist activity.

Responsibility of officials, state and municipal employees for their extremist activities

Statements by an official, as well as another person in the state or municipal service, about the necessity, permissibility, possibility or desirability of carrying out extremist activities, made publicly, or in the performance of official duties, or indicating the position held, as well as the refusal by an official in accordance with with its competence of measures to suppress extremist activity entails liability established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The relevant state bodies and higher officials are obliged to immediately take the necessary measures to bring to justice the persons who committed the actions specified in the first part of this article.

Responsibility for carrying out extremist activities

Citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons bear criminal, administrative and civil liability in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for carrying out extremist activities. In order to ensure state and public security, on the grounds and in the manner provided for by federal law, a person who has participated in extremist activities may be restricted by a court decision from access to state and municipal service, military service under a contract and service in law enforcement agencies, and also to work in educational institutions and to engage in private detective and security activities. If the head or member of the governing body of a public or religious association or other organization makes a public statement calling for the implementation of extremist activities, without indicating that this is his personal opinion, as well as in the event that a sentence comes into force against such a person court for an extremist crime, the relevant public or religious association or other organization is obliged, within five days from the day when the said statement was made, to publicly declare their disagreement with the statements or actions of such a person. If the relevant public or religious association or other organization does not make such a public statement, this can be considered as a fact indicating the presence of signs of extremism in their activities. Yes.

International cooperation in the field of combating extremism

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the activities of public and religious associations, other non-profit organizations of foreign states and their structural subdivisions, whose activities are recognized as extremist in accordance with international legal acts and federal legislation, are prohibited. The prohibition of the activities of a foreign non-profit non-governmental organization entails: a) cancellation of state accreditation and registration in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

b) prohibition of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation of foreign citizens and stateless persons as representatives of this organization;

c) a ban on conducting any economic and other activities on the territory of the Russian Federation;

d) prohibition of publication in the media of any materials on behalf of a prohibited organization;

e) prohibition of distribution in the territory of the Russian Federation of materials of a banned organization, as well as other information products containing materials of this organization;

f) a ban on holding any mass actions and public events, as well as participation in mass actions and public events as a representative of a banned organization (or its official representatives);

g) a ban on the creation of its successor organizations in any organizational and legal form. After the entry into force of a court decision to ban the activities of a foreign non-profit non-governmental organization, the authorized state body of the Russian Federation is obliged, within ten days, to notify the diplomatic mission or consular office of the relevant foreign state in the Russian Federation of the ban on the activities of this organization on the territory of the Russian Federation, the reasons for the ban, as well as consequences of the ban.

The Russian Federation, in accordance with the international treaties of the Russian Federation, cooperates in the field of combating extremism with foreign states, their law enforcement agencies and special services, as well as with international organizations engaged in the fight against extremism.

Fight against child extremism

In Kaluga, a program was adopted to combat child extremism. Children will be trained not to use Nazi paraphernalia and not to participate in unauthorized events.

SL. 28 .N-E organizations

the main fascist movements on the territory of Russia OB88, "Pamyat", RNE, NBP, RNS, NNP, RNU (option 2), NNP (option 2), other national extremist organizations. Of course, there are many more of them (especially "unofficial" ones)

Russian national unity

The activities of the Russian National Unity - by far the most active of the organizations of the national extremist spectrum - clearly illustrates the thesis about the utilitarian approach of such parties to work with youth as a social group.

“According to its age parameters, the RNU is a completely youth organization, recruiting into its ranks mainly young men from the social lower classes - students of vocational schools and technical schools, as well as young unemployed people with the only prospect of life to go into hard drinking - this is the backbone of the Blackshirts.” This is how the chairman of the “Anti-Fascist Youth Action” P. Kaznacheev characterizes Russian National Unity

National Bolshevik Party

The National Bolshevik Party, based on the methods and goals of the political struggle practiced by its leaders, could be defined as the “Goebbels party”. Throughout the existence of the NBP, the main emphasis in its work was placed on the promotion of national Bolshevik views, the ideological enlightenment of young people and the organization of small protest actions in large cities; actions designed to confirm the real existence of the party rather than provoke serious political consequences. There were practically no activities to create combat detachments, physical training, etc.

Russian National Union

The activities of the Russian National Union can be described as a combination of Barkashov and National Bolshevik methods. On the one hand, the leaders of the RNS are trying to create their own assault squads, on the other hand, they are no less active than the NBP, working with potentially allied youth subcultures - skinheads, metalworkers, punks, football fans, etc. The RNC is significantly lower than that of the aforementioned parties.

Konstantin Kasimovsky became the coordinator of all work with youth in the RNS. The assault detachment of the RNS, covering almost the majority of the party, is divided into platoons and squads of 8 people each. The uniform of attack aircraft is a camouflage military uniform (front dress - black uniforms with an “imperial flag” on the sleeve). Combat and physical training takes place in our own gym and in a country camp. Kasimovsky is energetically looking for supporters among young people, paying attention primarily to fans of modern music. Domestic punks are not ignored either. Another area of ​​application of efforts - skinheads

The danger of the activities of the People's National Party and others like it, perhaps, lies in something else. Extensive propaganda opportunities, limited mainly only by their own financial potential, and only occasionally by attempts by the state authorities to create some kind of obstacles to the spread of fascist ideology in Russia, allow such organizations to replenish not so much their own ranks as the ranks of a much larger and more “prestigious” one. - RNU, where youth work, as we have already seen, is being carried out more and more actively.

The danger of the activities of the People's National Party and others like it, perhaps, lies in something else. Extensive propaganda opportunities, limited mainly only by their own financial potential, and only occasionally by attempts by the state authorities to create some kind of obstacles to the spread of fascist ideology in Russia, allow such organizations to replenish not so much their own ranks as the ranks of a much larger and more “prestigious” one. - RNU, where youth work, as we have already seen, is being carried out more and more actively.

youth work, as we have already seen, is being carried out more and more actively.

RNU (Russian National Unity)

“The RNU program looks like this: the nation as the highest value; the priority economic doctrine is “national socialism”; the number one enemy of the Russian people is the international Zionist-Masonic financial oligarchy, striving for world domination, the other enemies are the liberal-democratic part of society, “persons of Caucasian nationality”. The leader of the organization, A.P. Barkashov, usually denies accusations of fascism.”

There are 141 extremist youth groups operating in Russia. These groups include about half a million people. Such data are contained in the report of the Moscow Bureau for Human Rights (MBHR), which was at the disposal of the Novye Izvestiya newspaper. Sociologists of the Levada Center, in turn, reported that such< молодежной >they have not been active since 1988.

Sl. 33.- The spread of extremism and nationalist sentiments among young people can serve as a time bomb laid in the foundations of the state and society.

SL.34-38. Conclusion

Extremism as a social phenomenon is exacerbated where people have problems with self-realization. The fight against extremism in Russia has both successes and problems. On the one hand, Russian society has been able to successfully counter a number of such threats, such as those associated with the "cartoon scandal." The consistent position of the state authorities made it possible to prevent the escalation of interethnic conflicts. The consequences of the crisis in the North Caucasus region are effectively eliminated, and it is returning to normal life. The Russian state plays a key role in countering the forces of international terrorism. On the other hand, the situation remains quite difficult. Ethnic and racially motivated attacks and killings occur, and not all of these perpetrators have been punished to date. Nazi organizations and communities continue to exist, and not entirely underground. The corresponding ideology and actions are promoted in the media and on the Internet. Channels of foreign support for the organizers and preachers of extremism have not been eliminated.

The effectiveness of the fight against extremism largely depends on how consistently and strictly the requirements of the Federal Laws "On Combating Terrorism" and "On Combating Extremist Activity" are met.

Currently, extremism in all its manifestations has become one of the main internal threats to the security of the Russian Federation. Quite often in the media there are reports of committed terrorist acts, murders motivated by racial and religious hatred, and murders of government officials. In most cases, these acts are committed with particular cruelty and cynicism in order to cause the greatest public outcry, and, as a result, undermine the authority of state power and law enforcement agencies, and destabilize the situation in society.

Referring to the etymology of the word "extremism", we can say that it is derived from the Latin "extremus", that is, "extreme". In the traditional sense, extremism is a commitment to extreme views, measures most often manifested in politics, international relations, religion, etc. The legislator does not define extremism as a phenomenon. However, in 2002, in the Federal Law "On Counteracting Extremist Activity", a list of acts qualifying as extremist was legally consolidated. This paragraph has already been amended twice, each entailing discussion.

Currently, according to information provided on the official website of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee, 8 organizations have been recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. Youth extremist organizations cause the greatest concern of the society. Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation R.G. Nurgaliyev, at an expanded meeting of the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on February 6, 2009, noted that 302 informal youth associations with signs of extremist views are registered with the internal affairs bodies.

It is important to understand that it is young people who are often ordinary perpetrators of extremist actions, often even under the age of majority. For example, on October 21, 2009, a suicide bomber born in 1992 set off an explosive device in the Leninsky district of Grozny. And such cases are not isolated.

The main criterion for distinguishing youth extremism from extremism in general is the age of its adherents. The following age ranges are distinguished: 15-29 years and 14-30 years. The physical and psychological characteristics inherent in each age are reflected in behavioral responses. Scientists single out such a characteristic of youth behavior as "extremism", which refers to various forms of manifestation of maximalism in consciousness and extremes in behavior at the group and individual-personal levels. The extreme type of consciousness manifests itself in specific forms of behavior characterized by impulsive motivation, aggressiveness, risk-taking, outrageousness, deviations from accepted norms, or, conversely, depression, depression, and passivity.

Youth extremism usually begins with an expression of disregard for the rules and norms of behavior in society or in their denial, because young people at all times have been subject to radical moods due to their age characteristics. Yu.M. Antonyan highlights such inalienable features of extremist consciousness among young people as: 1) the division of the world into two different groups “we” (good, smart, hardworking, etc.) and “they” (bad, preparing to attack us, threatening us, etc. .d.) and 2) the transfer of negative traits of individuals to the entire social (religious, national) group.

In our opinion, the criminological features of modern Russian youth extremism were most clearly reflected by M.F. Musaelyan:

· active participation of youth aged 14 to 30 in organized mass extremist actions and their association in informal youth organizations (groups) of extremist-nationalist orientation and extremist communities;

· expanding the geography of the extremist threat in the Russian Federation and increasing the number of nationalities, social groups, youth subcultures, etc. victims of extremism;

· the murders of citizens of another nationality or religion committed in the Russian Federation, foreign citizens are increasingly acquiring a serial, more cruel, sophisticated professional, mocking, ritual character, and the very commission of extremist acts is becoming not just an occupation for the sake of curiosity, but professional activity certain groups of people;

· the desire of extremist-nationalist movements to involve in their ranks members of various aggressive youth subcultures, informal youth associations, groups, movements, as well as persons with previous convictions;

· the presence of an extremist-nationalist orientation in informal youth organizations (groups) of a sign of armament, including the presence of explosives.

The reasons that give rise to extremist moods among the youth include not only socio-economic contradictions modern society, but also cultural and educational problems: a change in value orientations, the collapse of the old moral foundations, the lack of desire for unity of all peoples living on the territory of Russia. The totality of causes (“sources”) of youth extremism in Russia:

the predominance of leisure orientations over socially useful ones;

Crisis of school and family education;

criminal environment of communication;

Inadequate perception of pedagogical influences;

lack of life plans.

It is impossible to ignore the spread of extremist materials in the media, the existing negative trends in the field of law enforcement countering extremist crime in the Russian Federation, the lack of necessary prevention in the field of extremist crime. One of the most acute problems of recent times is the placement by destructive organizations, including foreign ones, of extremist materials and publications on the international Internet. President of the Institute of Religion and Politics A. Ignatenko draws attention to the fact that the number of such sites that spread the ideology of extremism reaches 10 thousand. This reason is one of the most relevant, since young people are the most active users of the Internet.

Measures to prevent extremism in general and among young people:

instilling in teenagers the foundations of tolerance;

· Strengthening state control over the activities of public and religious organizations (charitable organizations, military-patriotic clubs);

· tighter control over the activities of the media and monitoring of the Internet;

· the development of a comprehensive youth policy, otherwise, if the state does not take care of the youth, others will take care of it - the preachers (emissaries, ideologists) of Wahhabism, fascism, nationalism.

Extremism is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that adapts to the political and socio-economic situation in the state, and in order to successfully combat it, it is necessary to constantly improve the measures of influence both on the part of law enforcement agencies and on the part of the entire society as a whole. Naturally, it takes time to solve such a complex and multifaceted problem. The state needs to apply the whole range of measures, including both "forceful influence" - the elimination of militants, their accomplices and sponsors, who are increasingly drawing the younger generation into their activities, and "peaceful means" - social, economic, political, cultural and educational transformations our society.

Extremism among the youth

We live in a complex and constantly changing world, in which the problem of national, ethnic, social and political extremism is particularly acute. Every day we hear about more and more new cases of xenophobia and nationalism, the main participant of which is young people, who react most acutely and sensitively to all changes in society.

Extremism is the adherence to extreme views and measures. Scientists insist that when defining extremism, the emphasis should be on actions, and not on people, because naming people and groups as extremists is rather ambiguous, since it depends on the position and group affiliation of the person using this term: the same group alone can call extremists, and others - freedom fighters. Extremist acts can be defined more precisely based on two main criteria. Acts of violence are classified as extremist if: a) they are not only used as a direct means of achieving political, ideological and social goals, but are also an instrument of publicity and intimidation; b) they are aimed at causing harm not to the direct enemy, but to other people.

Ethnic and religious tolerance of students is an important factor in countering extremism

At the present stage of development of Russian society, it is important to develop a comprehensive system of measures to form the consciousness of students in the spirit of tolerance. Our country is now going through a period of consolidation: "Russia is concentrating," as the remarkable diplomat and statesman A. Gorchakov said. Consolidation implies the formation of the basic values ​​of society. This in no way means the creation of a single state ideology. Students, as the most educated and mobile part of society, must be ready for the challenges of the global world. Russia, being a part of the global system, has its own peculiarities in mentality and culture.

Skinhead movement - escalating youth violence

The skinhead movement originated in England in the 1960s. as one of the youth subcultures. In the 1970s some skinhead groups turned into fans of the "Aryan" rock music "Oh" and began to profess its racial ideology. In the late 1970s British skinheads united in an organization called "Blood and Honor", which revived the famous slogan of the SS. Soon this group became the largest association of Western skinheads. Following the example of the British, similar racist "Aryan" rock bands arose in the early 1980s. and in Germany, where they campaigned for purity of blood and were active in anti-immigrant propaganda. This movement reached its peak in 1992-1993, when, with the words of a popular rock song on their lips, German skinheads began to kill Africans and Turks.

Causes of modern teenage and youth aggressiveness

I. During the period of socialism and the proclamation of a "new community" - the Soviet people - a huge and ponderous ideological apparatus was engaged in the artificial adjustment of our life to the decisions adopted by the supreme authorities. In propaganda articles and reports on the complete harmony of interests of all nations achieved in the country, the presentation, as a rule, began with the words: "In accordance with the decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU ...". It was not accepted to object to the assertions made from the high tribunes that the national question had been solved and that orders and directives issued from above were not accepted. Interethnic conflicts were presented as "separate shortcomings" in ideological and educational work, and the "solution" of specific national problems was often accompanied by coercive measures. Such an attitude to ethno-national problems, skillfully used by the national elite of a number of regions, was one of the reasons for the collapse of the USSR.

Asocial informal youth associations are one of the sources of political and ethnic extremism

The problem of political and ethnic extremism is considered in relation and interconnection with informal youth associations (YOM), as the part of society most susceptible to the influence of extremist ideas.

As part of the study, the author relies on the concept of "extremism", proposed by the PACE organization (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) in 2003. According to the definition, "extremism is a form of political activity that directly or indirectly rejects the principles of parliamentary democracy."

Socio-economic problems of youth as a factor in the growth of extremism among the youth

The processes of socio-political and economic transformations in the country over the past 15 years have quite clearly exposed many serious, critical problems. And since young people are one of the most sensitive and vulnerable categories of the population, it is they who are most affected by these problems. Chronic stressful moral and psychological loads generated by the modern Russian reality, fall on the fragile shoulders as a heavy burden. Young people perceive the current realities very acutely, the formation of the social status of the vast majority of young people takes place in unfavorable conditions: a difficult financial situation, a sharp property polarization in society, the absence of their own housing, the inability for many to continue their studies, the commercialization of the leisure sector, which excludes (again for many) the opportunity to improve their spiritual and physical culture. Let us dwell in more detail on the social position of young people in the republic.

Extremism as a Spiritual and Moral Vacuum in the Youth Environment

The extremist behavior of young people is one of the most pressing socio-political problems. Modern political vocabulary defines extremism as a commitment in politics and ideas to extreme views and actions. A broader interpretation of this concept is given by the researcher of the problem of political extremism Grachev S.A., who believes that “political extremism is a specific, perverted reaction of individual representatives of numerous “middle” and “intermediate” segments of the population to a sharp deterioration in their material and social situation.

Features of the people's patriotic behavior of youth

In a person, strength and kindness, honesty and loyalty, courage and hard work are valued. But still, only one is called a patriot in whom all these wonderful qualities are sanctified by love for the Motherland, a willingness to devote his life to serving her, protecting her from conquerors, preserving and developing the traditions and mental traits of her people. Today the boundaries of patriotism have expanded. Each generation goes through the school of patriotism in its own way. And yet, the main task of education is the cultivation of higher ideas related to our national values, the desire to achieve economic well-being, the preservation and development of the culture of the people. This is precisely the productive creative force of patriotism. From an early age, a child should be ready to fight, endure, overcome any difficulties in the name of duty and the preservation of cultural values, primarily of his people. These qualities are instilled in the family, school, everyday household and socio-cultural life.

Youth extremism is a special form of activity of young people that goes beyond the generally accepted norms, types, forms of behavior and is aimed at destroying the social system or any part of it. Such activity is conscious and has an ideological justification either in the form of a coherent ideological concept (nationalism, fascism, Islamism, pan-Slavism, etc.) or in the form of fragmentary symbols and slogans. In both cases, the carrier of extremist activity carries out actions aimed at causing harm to another, social group, society or state as a whole, bearing in mind any idea, concept or theory.

Youth extremism as a mass phenomenon of the last decade in the post-Soviet space, expressed in disregard for the rules and norms of behavior in society or in their denial, can be viewed from various positions. iti th. Scientists explore the philosophical and psychological nature of extremism in order to characterize this phenomenon in all its manifestations, classify and typify cases of extremist behavior. No less important is the establishment of the causes of youth extremism in order to understand it as a phenomenon.

As you know, any phenomenon in the history of mankind has its own causal relationship. Such a phenomenon of our reality as youth extremism is no exception, the active spread of which is facilitated by certain factors. These factors can be divided into:

  • - socio-economic;
  • - psychological;
  • - legal;
  • - political;
  • - demographic and geographical-climatic.

The economic and political crises that arose after the collapse of the USSR became a moral and personal crisis for many young people in the early 1990s. The social stratification of society that emerged at that time, which brought some wealth to others and material deprivation, caused in some young people a feeling of disappointment, loss of life prospects, and also a feeling of despair. The mood of hopelessness and despair that gripped some sections of the youth found manifestations in various forms of antisocial behavior.

Almost all varieties of extremism have certain common features:

  • - violence or its threat, usually armed;
  • - one-dimensionality, one-sidedness in the perception of social problems, in the search for ways to solve them;
  • - fanaticism, obsession in an effort to impose their principles, views on opponents;
  • - thoughtless, unquestioning execution of all orders, instructions; reliance on feelings, instincts, prejudices, and not on reason;
  • - inability to tolerance, compromises, or ignoring them.

Extremism merges with extreme radicalism, terrorism,

nihilism, revolutionary leaderism.

Of the general factors influencing the development and formation of youth political extremism, of any kind, we can distinguish:

1) Weakening of the educational direction of work with youth. In modern conditions, there is a clear lack of educational influences on the personality of a young person, as well as educational measures about the national, cultural, confessional and other characteristics of the peoples of the country.

The research data of sociologists show that today the leisure self-realization of young people is carried out outside cultural institutions - it is limited to television, discos, nightclubs. Folk culture (traditions, customs, folklore) is perceived by the majority of young people as an anachronism.

  • 2) The crisis of the institution of the family and family education. The specific causes and conditions of underage extremism lie mainly in the spheres of the formation and life of a teenager: family, school, work and leisure, as well as a sharp decrease in the ability of the family to protect children from bad influence, to ensure the necessary level of their intellectual and moral development. The suppression of the individuality of a teenager, both on the part of parents and teachers, leads to social and cultural infantilism, to social inadequacy, children begin to commit acts of an illegal or extremist nature. Accordingly, an aggressive parenting style produces aggressive youth.
  • 3) Deterioration of living conditions, uncertainty of the situation. Providing conditions for youth employment in such areas as education, production and leisure can serve as a way to counter extremism among the youth.
  • 4) Active penetration of mass culture. A great contribution to the development of the prerequisites for extremism among young people was made by the so-called mass culture, when films copied from not the best Western standards, bloody action films and thrillers, as well as television programs that stimulate cruelty, violence and the desire to use it in practice are distributed among young people. Through this kind of television production, the level of spirituality decreases, many moral categories are leveled, far from the best examples of Western values ​​​​are introduced: the cult of money and brute physical force, the concept of permissiveness. A significant part of the youth, morally, mentally and spiritually crippled popular culture, grows up angry, soulless and cruel, ready for violence. Such young people are potentially dangerous and ready to use this violence against others, including being a member of an extremist association.
  • 5) Activation of the activities of religious extremist organizations. Among these organizations, the most attractive to young people are far-right and far-left extremist organizations that give a sense of risk, romance, the possibility of action and do not emphasize the moral and mental qualities of the individual.

So, for example, intolerance towards religious dissent may initially carry a predisposition to the forcible dissemination of only one's own teaching. In such cases, the extremist ideology itself develops. Appeal to well-known religious and other teachings serves as a powerful factor in influencing the masses and attracting them to their side, especially if these teachings are traditional for society or meet the needs of some part of it. At the same time, the proclamation of all those who disagree with such an ideology as its opponents is a strong psychological factor that not only unites the supporters of extremist ideology, but also raises their own social status in their eyes.

6) Widespread use of modern mass media and informatization. Today, the Internet is singled out as the main habitat for radicals. It is in the virtual world that they receive the freedom of creativity that is unacceptable in a real society and become not only consumers, but also creators of extremist slogans. Unlike a real society, the radical Internet space teaches potential extremists radical rhetoric faster, because it introduces them into a context filled with like-minded people. In recent years, extremist ideas have been actively functioning in the Internet space. At the same time, the mechanism that prevents the public manifestation of extremism on the pages of national newspapers and TV channels does not work on the Internet. This makes it a favorable environment for promoting extremist ideas. The Internet space is regarded by extremist ideologists as an attractive platform for conducting ideological propaganda and struggle. The threat of using new communication technologies by representatives of extremist organizations is much more dangerous in terms of its consequences than individual public manifestations of extremism: distribution of leaflets, newspapers, organization of public speeches, street riots, etc.

From the second half of the 1990s. counteracting extremist tendencies on the Internet has become the most important area of ​​anti-extremist activity of advanced Western states. That is why foreign experience in combating manifestations of extremism on the Internet, both in the field of ideology and in the field of legislation, is of considerable interest.

The events in Moldova, Iran, XUAR (an autonomous region of the PRC) that took place in 2009 clearly demonstrate the fact that extremist organizations of any orientation are actively mastering new technologies, including Flashmob and Twitter.

Flashmob(from English flash - flash, moment, moment; mob - crowd, translated as "flash of the crowd" or as "instant crowd") - this is a pre-planned mass action in which a large group of people (mobbers) suddenly appears in a public place, for several minutes, people with a serious look perform predetermined actions of absurd content (script) and then simultaneously quickly disperse in different directions, as if nothing had happened.

In recent publications, they also write about the so-called “Twitter revolutions”. Twitter (from the English twitter - "tweet") is an open global "social network".

When analyzing youth extremism, several types of it can be distinguished:

  • - extremism in the sphere of interethnic relations, which is based on nationalistic, fascist ideas and the content of which is a conflict between representatives of different nationalities. The direction of the manifestation of extremist activity can be carried out both from the titular nation in relation to the peripheral, and vice versa.
  • - religious extremism. This type of extremist activity is based on a conflict between representatives of different confessions, religions, religious movements living in the same territory.
  • - political extremism. It is directed against the established political system of the state, its representatives or against political opponents.
  • - extremism in the sphere of youth subcultures. This type of behavior is based on a conflict between representatives of various youth subcultures that are carriers of opposite values, types, behaviors and worldviews.
  • - social extremism. It is based on the conflict of different social groups and is focused on the eradication and destruction of individual communities.

Each of them has its own specifics, but they are united by a sharply destructive, aggressive, cruel manifestation that does not have a clear addressee.

It should be noted that the contingent of juvenile delinquents is distinguished by more pronounced features of adolescence: insufficient maturity of thinking and consciousness, increased emotional excitability, easily turning into aggression, an increased need for self-assertion by any means, instincts of imitation.

Most crimes of an extremist nature are committed by minors as part of a group. This is a very important difference between juvenile delinquency in general and juvenile extremism in particular. The commitment of children and adolescents to commit crimes or other antisocial actions as part of a group has the following justification.

Being individually relatively powerless, but when gathered together, aggressive teenagers can threaten the social order, especially in schools. In such deviant, teenage groups, their members find acceptance and status for themselves, here they feel their importance.

It is under these conditions that the conviction about the correctness of the chosen ideology and lifestyle is laid. It is well known that mutual support plays an important role in juvenile delinquency. Any deviant teenager Alone, he may not dare to break the law (let alone commit an act of an extremist nature), but together with other members of the gang, he feels brave and decisive.

Thus, the desire of adolescents to unite, to commit various actions of an extremist nature as part of a group is one of the main reasons for the development of this negative phenomenon not only in our country, but throughout the world.

Social alienation manifests itself most often in apathy, indifference to the political life of society, in the position of an "outsider" leads to the fact that young people choose several options for interacting with the existing reality: adapting to it, leaving it in the virtual space or subculture, protesting and accepting nihilism, which in the end can lead to extremist manifestations.