In what cases is it possible to leave the temple before the end of the service? Should I come to the liturgy if I was not going to receive communion? Correspondence service in the church does not go why

Archpriest Alexander Ageikin, Rector of the Epiphany Cathedral in YelokhovoArchpriest Alexander Ageikin, Rector of the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhovo:

– Holy images, hymns and readings – the whole structure of worship in the temple cannot be reproduced simply by turning on the audio or video recording of the liturgy at home. Especially if we do this not because we are seriously ill and unable to reach the temple, but only because of our own negligence.

If a person does not participate in temple prayer, avoids the company of his fellows in Christ, he avoids fellowship with Christ. It is not given to us to comprehend how God's grace works. We should not compare, which is more important, to oppose unity in the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the grace that visits the soul during church prayer. Otherwise, we will begin to serve the letter, and not the spirit.

If we talk about preparing for communion, then in practice it usually turns out like this: if a person lives in the Church, prays, fulfills the prayer rule, then this is already enough to prepare for communion, and the confessor, who observes the spiritual life of the flock, blesses him. In this case, the acceptance of the Holy Mysteries of Christ becomes absolutely natural and logical: it is already an integral part of life. The priest himself should be a model of such a life in the Church for his parishioners.

But often we pray very irregularly, and we still don’t want to learn this. Then, of course, the rules of a three-day fast and intense prayer are necessary before receiving the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

The main thing is that there should not be an ordinary attitude to the Eucharist, “addiction”, when reverence, that is, the memory of God, is lost. This is a dangerous spiritual state. Therefore, the most difficult thing is to constantly maintain attention to yourself, to your spiritual world, to every step of your life. After all, we all walk everywhere and everywhere before God.

Priest Alexander Starodubtsev, Cleric of the Church on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment at the EXPO CenterPriest Alexander Starodubtsev, Cleric of the Church of Seraphim of Sarov on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment:

– To be at the Liturgy, if for some reason you do not receive communion on that day, is not only not reprehensible, but important and spiritually beneficial. The fourth commandment tells us to dedicate the seventh day to God. Not thinking about God, lying on the sofa waiting or preparing dinner, we should spend this day. And already in the morning they should be in the temple of God. Even if we don't partake. Prayer in the church is important because temple prayer is a conciliar prayer: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). It turns out that every real meeting of Christians is accompanied by the personal presence of Jesus Christ. The Lord promises to give us or those to whom we ask something, if it is for good.

The temple is a place of special residence of the grace of God. Prayer at the service, where the Bloodless Sacrifice is offered, is an extremely important event for a person. Of course, it is commendable if a person takes communion regularly, once every two or three weeks. But we will say again and again that even if a person does not take communion, prayer at the liturgy is a special prayer, and its presence in life is very important. It is no coincidence that we know from the ancient rules that those who did not attend more than three Sunday liturgies received excommunication. In fact, he testified of himself that he was a Christian only occasionally.

The holy righteous John of Kronstadt says: "After listening to the Divine Liturgy, fall on your face and give thanks to the Lord, who has granted you such great happiness."

Here is how Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov) writes about our issue: “My friends, remember the rule of the holy fathers: a person who has not been to the liturgy for three Sundays in a row; deprived of a Christian burial. Do not miss these meals of the Lord, consider lost that feast day on which you did not hear the Divine Liturgy. I will tell a parable: one peasant had a hundred pounds of bread and exchanged it for rags. Tell me, did he act wisely? No, it's not reasonable. How even more foolish is the one who exchanges the Bread of Heavenly life for the rags of earthly life! The Lord calls for the Last Supper, and he answers: "You need to go to the auction, the garden has not been cleaned, the strip has not been sown." He does not know, unhappy, that the grain that he throws into the ground during the liturgy will come out sick, stunted, will not bear fruit for him. My friends, let us pray with me: "Lord, we thank You for Your gift, we thank You for making us worthy to listen to the Divine Liturgy and partake of Your Most Pure Body and Your Life-giving Blood. We pray to You also for those who have departed from Your Holy Chalice They do not want to find consolation in the Mysteries of Your salvation. Thou enlighten and bring them to Thee, so that they too may be with us in Thy Church."

You can listen to hymns at home, but how can you hear a priest and a deacon, crying out and speaking, a priest explaining the Holy Scripture of the day? How to stand before the praying images, how to especially feel like a part of the earthly Church, the way we feel it in the temple? Returning to the Old Testament and the events of the emergence of the first temple - the Tabernacle - let's remember that God said to create it. And God also said to visit her. And we have to either listen to God or ourselves.

In order to receive communion often, you should take the blessing of a priest who knows you, preferably a confessor. As a rule, he knows how seriously the preparation usually goes, how a person's life is subordinated to spiritual striving. If the blessing is given, then it is clear that the preparation should be as serious as possible. The time between the sacraments should be spent in sobriety and focus on how I live. It is strange to take communion often, and to spend the time between receiving the sacraments in idle and non-spiritual pursuits.

Those who often take communion can talk about such a sinful phenomenon as getting used to the shrine. This is one of the most dangerous sins. This is partly why, on average, people take communion once every two or three weeks, some even once a month. Of course, the amount of fasting and the prayer rule must be agreed with the confessor. From the service book, we know that for a priest, regardless of the frequency of his service, the rule is not proposed to be reduced, therefore, in terms of prayer, the canons and the Follow-up are seen as mandatory reading in any case for someone who decides to often approach the Chalice. The question of frequent communion is very, very individual, often the time when the Sacrament of Communion becomes more frequent is great post. This happens for special grace-filled help to a person in fasting. For example, a person begins to receive communion weekly, and in the last week of Lent, also on Maundy Thursday and Easter.

Archpriest Alexander Abramov, rector of the church in Krapivniki

—Our ecclesiastical consciousness has already gone very far in its regression. It is clear that the tradition of church life was interrupted, that today we have to create it anew, people have been deprived of full-fledged spiritual discipline for decades, and our knowledge about this discipline is mainly from books, and not from our own living experience. But sometimes it is worth remembering that such discipline exists. The canons of the Church punished those who did not attend the liturgy three Sundays in a row.

This is evidenced by the 80th canon of Trullo Cathedral. It prescribes attending worship services in Sundays, leaving the question of participation in the Sacrament of the Eucharist to the discretion of everyone: “If anyone, a bishop, or a presbyter, or a deacon, or any of those who are numbered among the clergy, or a layman, without any urgent need or obstacle, by which he would be permanently removed from his church, but staying in the city, on three Sundays in the course of three weeks, he will not come to the church meeting: then let the clergy be expelled from the clergy, and let the layman be removed from communion.

In our parish, in practice, it so happened that members of the community, that is, those who regularly go to church, pray and fast, try to go to confession often. At least it happens once a week or once every two weeks. Many of them try to take communion more often. These people are already living the church life, they have the experience of prayer, so preparing to receive Communion is also a natural part of their life for them. Sometimes, for one important reason or another, a spiritual father can bless them to take communion, even if for some reason they have not subtracted the full prayer rule or weakened their fast in some way. The absolute minimum in this case is attendance at Holy Communion. But this, nevertheless, is an exception - it is advisable never to shorten the prayer rule.

There is a common misconception: some people who are preparing for Communion, while strictly observing the food side of the fast, for some reason consider it possible to skip the evening service and come only to the liturgy. This is just unacceptable. The main theological content of the events commemorated during the divine service is precisely set forth in the variable hymns of the All-Night Vigil. It is bad if a person strives for the Chalice, wants to take communion, but at the same time does not want to participate in divine services more meaningfully and understand their meaning.

From experience I can say that in recent times the number of those who approach the Sacrament of Communion has been growing. In our parish, at least half of those who were at the Liturgy usually receive communion, if we are talking about Sunday.

In any case, just as if you made a commitment to pray in the morning and in the evening, even if the prayer “does not work”, you do not give up everything, but you still read the rule and, despite forcing yourself, receive spiritual benefit. So is prayer at the liturgy: even if for some reason you do not receive communion on this day, this is not a reason to excommunicate yourself from communion with God. By your coming to the liturgy, you testify to your fidelity to Christ, that you belong to his flock, that you confess Him. The Savior said: “Therefore, anyone who confesses Me before people, I will confess him also before My Father in Heaven; but whoever denies me before men, I will also deny him before my Father in heaven” (Matthew 10:32-33).

Archpriest Gleb Grozovsky, Confessor of FC Zenit

– The answer is very simple and unequivocal, voiced quite a long time ago by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself: "Take, eat..." (Mark 14:22). He didn't say once a year or once a week, but "Drink all of you from her..." (Mk. 14:24). And so it was every time the disciples of our Savior gathered together to break bread (Acts 2:42). Every time. And they met at least once a week, and sometimes every day. In the monasteries of the 4th-5th centuries, the monks, even when fleeing in the desert, gathered once a week for a common liturgy, during which everyone was sure to unite with God in the Sacrament of Communion.

Periods of Eucharistic decline and rise have been observed at various times throughout history. In the 19th century, it sometimes reached the point of absurdity when officers sent lists of soldiers who received communion once a year to the Diocesan Administration.

How often should you take communion? This question is discussed both in Optina Pustyn and in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, but an unequivocal answer can only be found in the New Testament or Sacred Tradition.

So that there are no disputes and disagreements, it will be useful for all Orthodox to read the works of St. Nikodim the Holy Mountaineer and Reverend Macarius Corinthian "The most soulful book about the unceasing communion of the Saints Mysteries of Christ". Whoever cannot find time for this, let him be familiar with the saying of the holy Apostle Paul: "... Every time you eat this bread and drink from this cup, you testify to the death of the Lord. Do this until He comes "(1 Cor. 11:26). Well, so that there is no doubt at all, I recall the words from the 9th Apostolic Canon: "All the faithful who enter the church and listen to the writings, but do not abide in prayer and Holy Communion to the end, as if they are causing disorder in the church, it is fitting to excommunicate from the communion of the Church. "That is, all those believers who come to church and listen to the Scriptures, but do not remain in prayer and do not partake of Holy Communion, should be excommunicated from the Church, because make a mess in the church.

Of course, "a man must examine himself before eating the bread and drinking from the cup," (1 Cor. 11:28), but look for the reason in "godly" excuses such as "I am not worthy" or "I am not ready" , not very soul-saving!

This is the practice in our parish. I call and exhort in different ways: if you come to the liturgy, then do not be like a person who was invited to a birthday party, they cooked, tried, set the table, and he refuses to eat ... Is there really no desire to share the Meal of Love? Christ did everything for us, we only have to accept His Gift with gratitude, and instead of looking for opportunities, we are looking for the reason for our non-participation in the Savior. For whom did Christ die and for whom did He rise again? Who is the service for? For the sake of the righteous or sinners? The priest before Communion says: "Holy to the holy." To whom? Saints? Who are they? And the choir answers: "One is Holy, One is Lord Jesus Christ...". Then to whom are the words "Holy to the holies" addressed? To us, to everyone who came to the liturgy! "Holy" in Hebrew means "chosen", and not at all sinless. Yes, these words are addressed to us sinners, but to the elect! And then the necessary condition for uniting with the Lord is called: "Come with the fear of God, faith and love"! And at the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, the words are heard: "Let us approach by faith and love, that we may be partakers of eternal life." The Liturgy is served for the faithful (the baptized), so that at the end of it all partake of the Body and Blood of our Lord.

Archpriest Andrey Sommer, Department of Youth Affairs of the Russian Church Abroad

—Unfortunately, the practice of parish life in the Church Abroad took shape after the first wave of emigration. And it was such that parishioners rarely took communion. Now this is changing, and it is considered normal for us to take communion on all the twelfth holidays or when conscience prompts - maybe even almost every Sunday.

At the same time, everyone: both parishioners of the old school, who, as a rule, take communion only during Great Lent, and young people, on the days Holy Week He makes every effort to partake of the Sacraments of Confession and Communion.

But even among our Orthodox Christians abroad, who are not very churched, the thought does not arise that you do not need to be at the liturgy if you do not take communion. The temple is a vessel of grace, each time if the liturgy is performed, then grace is added to this vessel. The temple itself is anointed with chrism during consecration. This is already the beginning of the accumulation of grace "in the vessel." By attending the liturgy, we touch this grace. But then the pastor needs to explain to the parishioners that not only do you need to touch Divine grace, but you need to accept it, and completely change your mind and your life. And this is impossible without the Sacraments of Confession and Communion.

We try in our sermons to emphasize the importance of more frequent Communion. And the preparation for receiving the Holy Mysteries is confession. To do this, I have compiled a small pamphlet about confession: we give it to everyone who comes to our church, including those who are waiting for their turn to confess. At the very least, while they are standing in line, they will have the opportunity to consider how serious the Sacraments they are about to begin.

Morozov.jpgHegumen Nektary (Morozov), rector of the temple "Satisfy my sorrows" in the city of Saratov, Chief Editor magazine "Orthodoxy and Modernity":

Unfortunately, for quite objective reasons, the vast majority of contemporary Christians cannot take communion as often as Christians in the first centuries of the existence of the Church. Not because "it is impossible" or "forbidden". No, it’s just frequent communion, several times in one week (and I remember that St. Basil the Great wrote that in his times in Cappadocia it was common for the laity to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ four times a week) requires both a certain structure of all life, and more strictness to oneself, and more attentiveness, seriousness. And not everyone is ready for this...

As for attending the Divine Liturgy on those days when a person was not going to receive communion, then, of course, there is nothing reprehensible in this - it is enough to refer to the example of monastic cloisters, in which the Liturgy is served daily and the brethren attend all services daily. Although they do not join every day. Experience itself testifies that the more often a person is in the church, when the Eucharist is celebrated, the better: the action of the grace of God is like the action of the sun, under the rays of which a person warms up, comes to life. And during the liturgy, the soul warms up and comes to life.

You need to decide: what does it mean to "commune often"? There are very different points of view on this. Personally, the opinion of Archimandrite John (Krestyankin) is closest to me, who advised taking communion on average once every two weeks. Therefore, "to take communion often," it seems to me, means to take communion more often than with such frequency. Man is a creature that quickly gets used to both good and bad - to everything, and even to the great and terrible. And getting used to the shrine, as you know, is not a safe thing. Therefore, if a person wants to take communion more often, then he needs the blessing of a confessor who will confirm that it will be useful for him personally, and not harmful. Such a person needs more intense prayer work, more sobriety of life.
The well-known Athos ascetic Hieroschemamonk Ephrem of Katunaksky advised, for example, to read the akathist to the Mother of God on the eve of communion and turn to Her throughout the day, asking that She vouchsafe us to commune without condemnation. I think this is a wonderful piece of advice. But the time of fasting before communion can probably be reduced if a person takes communion, say, weekly and fasts on Wednesday and Friday. But this, too, is at the discretion of the confessor.

Eremeev.jpgHegumen Peter (Eremeev), abbot of the stauropegial male Vysoko-Petrovsky monastery in Moscow, rector of the Russian Orthodox University:

The question of communion at each liturgy cannot be considered in the plane of church discipline. Rather, it is a question of a person's inner readiness to partake of the Body and Blood of the Lord. And it is decided in the heart of a person and in confession.

When I was a layman, a student of theological schools, I did not think about it. After all, in the seminary and academy we took communion, although not at every liturgy, but quite often. The very rhythm of the life of the theological school and the prayerful atmosphere in the Lavra favored this.

Then, when I already became a priest, it often happened that in a series of daily activities, especially when traveling and traveling, you come to worship not at the very beginning, you pray at the altar, and at the end you eat antidoron with holy water - and this is yours. participation in the liturgy. And, already having the experience of communion at every liturgy served, I began to feel that the spiritual thirst in my prayerful liturgical presence remains not completely satisfied. After all, prayerful appeals to God at the liturgy prepare us precisely for the reception of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Therefore, taking communion at the liturgy is as natural as starting a meal, for the sake of which you sat down at the dinner table.

But, of course, it cannot be said that without the obligatory communion, the participation of a Christian in the liturgy is an unnecessary or undesirable prayer experience. Each of us knows that there are such moments of contrition of heart for sins when we do not fully feel ready to receive the Body and Blood. This, for example, includes cases of penance, when the soul needs more repentance. After all, according to the Apostle Paul, “Let a man examine himself, and thus let him eat from this bread and drink from this cup. For whoever eats and drinks unworthily, he eats and drinks self-judgment, not considering the Body of the Lord” (1 Cor. 11:28-29).

prepared by Antonina Maga,

Correspondent of the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchy

Is it necessary to attend the evening service? After all, you can confess right during the liturgy. Or should the presence at the All-Night Vigil be as obligatory for the faithful as the presence at the Liturgy?

Our sacrifice to God

Archpriest Igor Fomin, rector of the Church of St. Alexander Nevsky at MGIMO (Moscow):

The liturgical day is the totality of all divine services of the daily circle, the crown of which is the liturgy.

Why is it so difficult to pray at the All-Night Vigil and so easy at the Liturgy? Because the all-night vigil is our sacrifice to God, when we sacrifice our time, some external circumstances to Him. And the liturgy is God's sacrifice to us. And it is often much easier to take it. But strangely enough, the degree of acceptance of this sacrifice from God depends on how much we are ready to sacrifice to Him.

The All-Night Vigil is formally an obligatory service before Communion.

The whole structure of worship reminds us of the events of the divine world order, it should make us better, set us up for the sacrifice that Christ prepares for us at Holy Communion.

But there are various circumstances under which a person cannot get to the vigil: a grumpy wife, a jealous husband, urgent work, and so on. And these are the reasons that can justify a person. But if he is not present at the all-night vigil because he is watching the football championship or his favorite series (note that I am not talking about guests here - after all, this is a little different), then the person is probably sinning internally. And not before the church charter, not even before God. He's just stealing from himself.

In general, it is impossible to rob a Church, a temple, even if you take out all the icons and some material values ​​from there. The spiritual world is not a bank or a shop. You will not harm the Church with your unworthy behavior. But for you, the internal consequences of this are disastrous.

Everyone should think for himself. If he has the opportunity to attend the all-night vigil, then he must do so. If this is not possible, then it is worth considering: how can I worthily spend this evening before communion in order to prepare for the reception of Christ's holy Mysteries. Maybe you should not watch TV, but should focus on spiritual reflection?

If a person wants to take communion every Sunday and worries if he will also be in church every Saturday and will be left without days off, without rest, the question arises - why should he take communion every Sunday?

The Lord says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:21). If your treasure is in the cinema, at the TV, at the stadium - postpone the sacrament until better times: for a week, for a month, for a year.

Motivation that drives a person is very important here. If you are used to taking communion every Sunday, and this does not change you spiritually, does not transform you, then why do you need it?

Maybe then take a measure of frequency, which is in the church charter: communion - once every three weeks. The time for preparing for communion in the charter is defined as follows: a week - you prepare, fast on dry food, read prayers. Then you take communion, internally keep what you have received for a week, rest for a week and prepare again. There is an option when everyone discusses the form of preparation for communion with their confessor.

If a person sets himself a certain schedule for communion, that's good. Only then should he treat this sacrament accordingly.

Not only debt...

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko, rector of the Church of the All-Merciful Savior in the former Sorrowful Monastery (Moscow):

First of all, it is necessary to say about the beauty of the all-night vigil, its content, its spiritual and actual saturation: the service reveals the history of the holiday, and its meaning and meaning.

But since, as a rule, people do not understand what is read and sung in church, they simply do not perceive much.

It is surprising that the Russian Orthodox Church has preserved in its entirety a very complex, thoughtful service. For example, in Greece there is no such thing in the parishes. There they tuned in modern life, and this is justified in its own way. There is no evening service, Vespers is not served, the morning begins with Matins.

We serve both Vespers and Matins in the evening. This is a kind of convention, but it is well thought out, and those who made the decision about just such a course of worship understood the charter better than we did and decided that it would be more correct to remain faithful to the tradition.

Greece made a different decision. Matins is served there, as a rule, according to one type. We have an all-night vigil - solemn, bright, colorful, during which many hymns are sung. In Greece - more monotonous, but quickly. The entire service, including the liturgy, takes about two hours. But this is precisely in parish churches.

In the monasteries, and even more so on Mount Athos, the charter is preserved in all severity. The All-Night Vigil goes on throughout the night.

We do not, and this is also a kind of convention, a kind of reduction. But those who developed it, made the decision to reduce it based on certain circumstances, they still wanted to preserve the beauty of Orthodox worship for the laity.

But here a difficulty arises - we live in the 21st century: busy, long distances, people get tired, the environment is terrible, health, or rather, ill health, corresponds to it. Although I think that the peasants, who worked tirelessly from morning to evening in the summer, were physically tired more than ours. But still, they had enough strength to finish the working day earlier on Saturday, wash in the bathhouse and go to the church for the vigil, and in the morning for the liturgy.

It may be that in some ways it is more difficult for us than for our recent ancestors, physically we are much weaker. But, nevertheless, we urge not to hide behind our weaknesses, but to find strength and go to the all-night vigil, especially those who want to take communion. So that they can confess on the eve of the liturgy, without taking up the time of the Sunday service.

But if people have small children who have no one to leave with, or there are some other objective reasons, you won’t tell them: “If you weren’t at the all-night vigil, then you won’t take communion.” Although someone can say so: if a person showed precisely sloppiness, laziness, relaxation ...

It is important to strive to ensure that our parishioners love the worship of our Church and consider it not only a duty, but also a joy to be present in the temple.

Without "social protection"

Archpriest Alexy Uminsky, Rector of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Khokhly (Moscow):

There is a certain circle of divine services, and the all-night vigil is a necessary part of the Sunday service. But there are life circumstances of a certain level when a person is not able to go to the vigil. But he can go to the Liturgy and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

It is quite a common practice of services in our Russian Orthodox churches abroad that the majority of parishioners living in different cities come only for Sunday services. Therefore, in most cases, only Sunday liturgy exists in churches.

This is also due to the fact that if the priest serves not only the liturgy, but also adds, say, matins to it, then the service will be performed for about four hours. This is not only hard to understand, but also related to transport schedules, parking fees…

But the fact that only the liturgy is served is not an obstacle for the parishioners who come to take communion to receive the holy Mysteries of Christ.

But if a person has the opportunity to attend the All-Night Vigil, and simply out of laziness, out of negligence, does not want to go, then this can become an obstacle to communion.

Yes, it turns out that the temple "occupies" both weekends of an ordinary person working five days a week. But only those living in the 20th and 21st centuries are used to such things as two days off. Previously, people did not have such "social protection". They worked for six days, and devoted the seventh to the Lord God.

The question is not whether it is possible to lie on the couch instead of the vigil. Here the answer is clear. Another thing is that people can have quite justified family concerns. In the end, it is at this time that the ordered furniture from the store should be brought. Or - they invited a person dear to the whole family to the anniversary. If we have spent this jubilee godly, why should it be an obstacle to communion?

But this doesn't happen every Saturday. But simply deciding that the all-night vigil is an optional thing, and I will not go to it, is wrong.

1. To prepare for the morning visit, you need to prepare as follows:
Rising from bed, give thanks to the Lord, who gave you the opportunity to spend the night in peace and extended your days for repentance. Wash yourself, stand in front of the icon, light the lampada (from a candle) so that it evokes a prayerful spirit in you, put your thoughts in order, forgive everyone, and only then proceed to reading the prayer rule (morning prayers from the Prayer Book). At the same time, it must be remembered that it is better to read one prayer with sincere contrition of the heart than the whole rule with the thought of how to finish it all as soon as possible. Beginners can use an abbreviated prayer book, gradually adding one prayer at a time.

Before leaving, say:
I deny you, Satan, your pride and your service, and unite with you, Christ Jesus our God, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Cross yourself and calmly go to the temple, not being afraid of what a person will do to you.
Walking down the street, cross the road in front of you, saying to yourself:
Lord, bless my ways and keep me from all evil.
On the way to the temple, read a prayer to yourself:
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

2. You should arrive at the temple 10-15 minutes before the start of the service. During this time, you can submit notes, put a donation on the eve, buy candles, put them on and venerate the icons. If you are late, you must behave in such a way as not to interfere with the prayer of others. If it is not possible to freely approach the icons and put candles, ask them to pass the candles through other people.

3. During the service, men should stand on the right side of the temple, women on the left, leaving free passage from the main doors to the Royal Doors. It is forbidden to sit in an Orthodox church, the only exception can be ill health or severe fatigue of the parishioner.

4. In the temple it is indecent to show curiosity and consider others. It is unacceptable to condemn and ridicule the involuntary mistakes of employees or those present in the temple. It is forbidden to talk during worship. You should not condemn and rebuke a newcomer who does not know the rules of the church. It is better to help him with polite and kind advice. Candles need to be bought exactly in the temple to which you came. If possible, you should not leave the church before the end of the service.

5. When visiting temples, it is customary to dress in such a way that most of the body is covered. It is not customary to go to the temple in shorts and sportswear. Women should not come to church in trousers, short skirts, with bright makeup on their faces, lipstick on their lips is unacceptable. The head must be covered with a headscarf or scarf. Men must remove their hats before entering the church.

6. You should not ask for blessings from deacons and ordinary monks, since they have no right to do this. Bless priests and bishops, as well as abbesses of monasteries in the rank of abbess. When accepting the blessing, you should fold your palms crosswise (the right palm over the left) and kiss the right, blessing hand of the clergyman, you do not need to be baptized before this.

Can I eat before visiting the temple in the morning?
According to the charter it is impossible, it is done on an empty stomach. Retreats are possible due to weakness, with self-reproach.

How to be baptized?

On the right hand, we fold the thumb, middle and index fingers so that they touch with pads (the symbol of the Trinity is God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit), we press the remaining two to the palm (the symbol of the dual nature of Jesus Christ - God and Man). Next, we bring our hand to the forehead (in the Name of the Father), on the stomach (and the Son), to the right shoulder (and the Holy Spirit), to the left shoulder (Amen) and bow.

How long do you need to be on duty?
Service must be upheld from beginning to end. Service is not a duty, but a sacrifice to God. Will it be pleasant for the owner of the house, to whom guests have come, if they leave before the end of the holiday?

Is it possible to sit in the service if there is no strength to stand?
To this question St. Philaret of Moscow answered: "It is better to think about God while sitting than about standing feet." However, while reading the Gospel it is necessary to stand.

How to kiss icons correctly?
Lobyzaya St. the icon of the Savior, you should kiss the feet, the Mother of God and the saints - the hand, and the Image Not Made by Hands of the Savior and the head of John the Baptist - in sackcloths.

How should you behave when cuddling?
When burning, you need to bow your head, as if you are receiving the Spirit of Life, and say the Jesus Prayer. At the same time, one should not turn one's back to the altar - this is the mistake of many parishioners. You just need to turn around a little.

Where to put candles for health?

Candles for health are placed on any candlestick, except for the eve (table at the Crucifixion) - candles are placed there with a prayer for the dead. Which saint? As your heart desires, to whom the heart will indicate. Your prayer is to the Lord. And the saints are our intercessors before Him and intercessors. You can also put candles, for example, for the icons of the Mother of God or the Feast, which are especially revered by you and your family.

Types of notes:

- about health: proskomedia, litany, prayer service.
- about repose: proskomidia, litany, requiem.

For both the living and the dead, you can also order a magpie, semi-annual, annual, five-year and eternal commemoration.
Proskomedia: takes place before the Liturgy: particles are removed from the prosphora and placed in the Chalice, the liturgical prosphora is prepared - the Lamb. Names are read from notes submitted for proskomedia. And the particles are taken out for these people. Already during the Liturgy, after the Transubstantiation of the Gifts, the removed particles are immersed in the Holy Chalice with a prayer to Christ to wash away the sins of those who are commemorated.
Litany: the names are read during the Augmented Litany after the reading of the Gospel at the Liturgy.
Prayer: a separate service is ordered (more precisely, this is called a requirement). In a note for a prayer service, you can indicate to whom: for example, a prayer service to any icon of the Mother of God, a saint ...
memorial service: separate service for the dead. Done often. There are also Parental Saturdays, before which Parastas is served - a special memorial service. Notes submitted for Parents' Saturday are read the day before, on Friday, at the Parastas, and on Saturday at the Liturgy at the litany, and after the Liturgy at the memorial service.
Sorokoust: prayer while reading the psalter in the monastery for 40 days;
semi-annual, annual, five-year and eternal commemoration - respectively, according to the same principle.
Notes should be served in the candlestick of the temple. There are samples everywhere. If the sample is not posted, you can ask the temple candlestick about the design - they will explain everything to you.

Only the names of baptized people are written in the notes. Newborns (not yet baptized) are written like this: "mother's name" with a child. Pregnant - non-idle "name". If a person is sick - sick (go) "name". If the note is about the dead, then you can’t write suicides, unbaptized babies (they are prayed for at home).

What is confession?

Confession implies an open heart to God, a sincere desire to become better and part with bad thoughts and actions, get rid of the desire to do bad deeds (both in relation to others and to oneself). And repentance for the bad things that have already been done. What is sinful? There is enough sensible literature on this subject, which you can buy in a church shop, for example, “To Help the Penitent” by Ignaty Brianchaninov.

How to prepare for confession?

There is no universal recipe here. And you won’t ask anyone in particular: how do you prepare for confession? Because it's a very personal matter. Some generally write everything on a piece of paper the day before. The main thing to do is to tune in to reflect on your actions and thoughts.

How is the confession going?

Find out in the temple about the hours of confession. It can be evening (after or even during the service) and morning (before the Liturgy). If you know any priest (you saw him at the service, talked and were filled with confidence), find out in the candle-room when he confesses. It is better (especially for the first time) to go to confession to someone who disposes you to himself. Despite the fact that you confess to God, and not to the priest, the personal factor influences here, and at first we cannot do anything about it. Although it may not matter to some.

You must come to confession on a first-come, first-served basis. As you approach, bow your head. Start with "sinned" and list the sins. After you have said everything, finish the confession "Forgive me, Merciful Lord." After you have finished confession, the priest covers your head with an epitrachelion (an accessory of liturgical vestments is a long ribbon that wraps around your neck and descends to your chest with both ends) and reads a prayer. He will first ask for your name (do not forget that if your name is Rosa, and you are baptized with Hope, you must say “Hope”). After the prayer, you are baptized, kiss the Gospel lying in front of you, and the Cross (ibid.), and move away from the lectern.
The main thing is that you cannot take communion without confession, but you can confess without subsequent communion. Preparation for communion is much more difficult and longer than for confession.

How to prepare for Communion?

Three days before Communion it is necessary to fast (do not eat meat, dairy products, eggs, and fasting - and fish). Fasting also includes quitting smoking, drinking and abstinence. It is necessary during the preparation to read the rule for Communion (it is in any Orthodox prayer book). On the day of Communion itself, after 12 o'clock at night (that is, from the beginning of a new day), it is not supposed to eat and drink until the end of the Liturgy. Previously, people dressed in bright clothes for communion - there was such an Orthodox tradition. Before the service or the day before, confession is prescribed.
During the Liturgy, towards the end of the service, having heard the singing: “One is Holy, One is the Lord Jesus Christ to the glory of God the Father. Amen. ”, start slowly moving to the right side of the temple. It is from there that they approach the Chalice. After the priest’s words “Come with the fear of God and faith” (he takes out the Cup) and singing “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, God the Lord and appear to us” - the prayer “I believe, Lord, and I confess ...” is read (you will already recognize it after home preparation for Communion). Her father reads himself, but the whole church silently (sometimes, out loud) repeats. After the prayer to the singing of “Take the body of Christ…” those who take communion approach the Chalice. Hands are folded crosswise on the chest - right to left.

Approaching the Cup, say your name in baptism, open your mouth and receive the Body and Blood of the Lord. After that, kiss the edge of the Chalice and move further to the left side of the temple. Take a piece of prosphora there and drink it down. It is not necessary to be baptized and bow at the Chalice itself, so as not to hurt it. Also, before you drink, you should not say anything. After communion, you should not immediately leave the temple. Wait until the end of the service, kiss the Cross, which the priest will give after the sermon, and only after that leave the church refreshed. Do not forget to read the prayers after Communion at home. Or listen to them in the temple at the end of the service.

Upon leaving the temple

One must distinguish between worship before a shrine and before people, even if they are sacred. Accepting the blessing of a priest or bishop, Christians fold their palms crosswise, placing the right on the left, and kiss the right hand of the blesser, but do not cross themselves before that. This custom recalls that this hand held the Holy Chalice of the Eucharist.

Leaving their temple, make three waist bows with the sign of the cross.
The care of the Holy Church for us continues after the service, so that we do not lose the grace-filled mood, which, by the grace of God, we were honored in the temple. The Church commands us to disperse after the service in reverent silence, with thanksgiving to God, with a prayer that the Lord grant us to always visit His holy monastery until the end of our lives.
Smokers are forbidden to smoke even on the street within the church fence.
But it is absolutely necessary to delve into everything that takes place during church services in order to feed on them. Only then will each one warm his heart, excite his conscience, revive his withered soul, and enlighten his mind.

Now we answer to frequently asked questions:

- a basket of money (near the lectern at confession, near the drink after communion, or somewhere else in the church) is a voluntary sacrifice, not a payment for the sacrament. Decide according to your ability and conscience.

- the fact that Communion is given with one spoon, don't bother you either. No one has yet been infected by the Chalice.

- after the first confession (especially if you have repented of serious sins) you may not be allowed to take Communion. Rarely, but such cases do happen. Go quietly home, do what the priest said, and get ready for the next confession. It is impossible to approach the Chalice without blessing.

— if you have a need to tell a priest about something, arrange an individual appointment with him. During confession, long conversations are inappropriate - most likely, there are many more people behind you.

What should I do if, while standing at a prayer service or other divine service, I did not hear the name that I filed for commemoration?
It happens that the clergy are reproached: they say, not all the notes were read or not all the candles were lit. And they don't know what to do. Judge not lest ye be judged. You came, brought - everything, your duty is fulfilled. And as the priest does, so it will be asked of him!

22. How to overcome pride, anger, condemnation?
23. If suddenly there are questions
24. How to behave with beggars who meet in front of the temple?
25. Will the consecration of the apartment save from thieves, and the consecration of the car from the accident?
26. How many times a day should you pray?
27. How to apply to icons correctly?
28. How to choose a spiritual father?
29. How does Orthodoxy relate to various amulets and talismans, to folk signs?
30. What is the best way to read prayers at home: aloud, in a whisper or mentally?
31. If faith is not enough - how to increase it?
32. What is the correct way to address the temple servants?
33. How to be in the temple with children? Should they be brought to the temple?
34. Arriving at the temple, who should put a candle in the first place and what should you pray for? Who and how many candles should be placed? Is it possible to light a candle for the health of oneself?
35. Is it necessary to kneel in the temple?
36. Why do they go around the temple with trays and collect money?
37. What do bows mean and what are they?
38. What does censing symbolize and how should one behave when censing a temple?
39. What is a prayer service, memorial service, litany?
40. How can you commemorate a person?
41. What icons are placed in the center of the temple and how to apply to them correctly? Is it necessary to kiss the icon? Can you just touch your forehead for fear of infection?
42. Is it possible to pray and light candles for animals?
43. What should (or can be) the position of the hands during prayer - in the temple, at home, etc.? Sometimes people hold their hands in front of them bent at the elbows and clasping their palms in prayer. Sometimes they fold their arms crosswise on their chest, putting the right on the left. Sometimes - in front of you, closing them "in the lock" just below chest level. Most people just keep their hands down.
44. How can an Orthodox Christian properly spend his days off?
45. What does the folded fingers of the hand of the priestly blessing mean?
46. ​​How to endure grief at the death of a loved one?
47. What icons to buy for the home? Can any icon be hung in the house?
48. What is the use of taking prosphora and holy water?
49. What if there is nowhere to put a candle?
50. Why doesn't God make all people good?
51. Why is it necessary to confess?
52. What is sin? How to destroy it? Are all people sinners?
53. Where to put last year's consecrated willow?
54. Are repentance and confession one and the same?
55. On what days is a wedding not performed in the church?
56. What do the words "Take up your cross and follow me" mean?

3. Is it possible to enter the temple with bags?
If there is a need, you can.

Only when a believer approaches Communion should the bag be put aside, since during Communion the hands are folded crosswise on the chest.

4. How many prostrations should be made before entering the temple and how to behave in the temple?
Before entering the temple, having previously crossed yourself, bow three times, looking at the image of the Savior, and pray for the first bow:
God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
To the second bow:
God, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me.
To the third:
I have sinned without number, Lord, forgive me.
Then do the same, entering the doors of the temple, bow on both sides, saying to yourself:
Forgive me brothers and sisters, stand reverently in one place, without pushing anyone, and listen to the words of the prayer.

5. How long do you need to be on duty?
Service must be upheld from beginning to end. Service is not a duty, but a sacrifice to God. Will it be pleasant for the owner of the house, to whom guests have come, if they leave before the end of the holiday?

6. M Is it possible to sit in the service if there is no strength to stand?
To this question St. Philaret of Moscow answered: "It is better to think about God while sitting than about standing feet." However, while reading the Gospel it is necessary to stand.

7. What is important in bowing and prayer?
Remember that the matter is not in words and bows, but in the raising of the mind and heart to God. You can say all the prayers and put down all the aforementioned bows, but not remember God at all. And, therefore, without praying, fulfill the rule of prayer. Such prayer is a sin before God.

8. How to kiss icons correctly?
Lobyzaya St. the icon of the Savior, you should kiss the feet, the Mother of God and the saints - the hand, and the Image Not Made by Hands of the Savior and the head of John the Baptist - in the sacks.

9. What does the candle placed in front of the image symbolize?
A candle, like prosphora, is a bloodless sacrifice. Candle fire symbolizes eternity. In ancient times, in the Old Testament Church, a person who came to God sacrificed to him the inner fat and wool of a slain (killed) animal, which were placed on the altar of burnt offering. Now, when we come to the temple, we sacrifice not an animal, but a candle symbolically replacing it (preferably a wax one).

10. Does it matter what size candle you put in front of the image?
Everything depends not on the size of the candle, but on the sincerity of your heart and your capabilities. Even if a person is poor, and his heart burns with love for God and compassion for his neighbor, then his reverent standing and fervent prayer is more pleasing to God than the most expensive candle, set with a cold heart.

11. What do the words "Amen" and "Hallelujah" mean in prayers?
"Amen" means "so be it". In Hebrew, the word "amen" is etymologically related to the words "firm", "reliable", "constant". The word "hallelujah" is translated from Hebrew as "praise the Lord." These words have passed almost unchanged into all translations of the Bible.

12. What moment is considered the end of the morning service?
The end, or completion, of the morning service is the exit of the priest with the Cross. This moment is called a break.

During the holidays, believers approach the Cross, kiss it and the priestly hand holding the Cross as its footstool. Moving away, you need to bow to the priest.

Pray to the Cross:

I believe, Lord, and I worship Your Honorable and Life-Giving Cross, as if on Him I made salvation in the midst of the Earth.

13. How to order a prayer service for memorial and thanksgiving?
A prayer service is ordered by submitting a note, drawn up accordingly. The rules for designing a custom prayer service are posted at the candle counter.

In different churches, there are certain days when prayers are performed, including blessings of water. At the prayer service for water, you can consecrate a cross, an icon, candles. At the end of the prayer service for water, believers with reverence and prayer take holy water and take it daily on an empty stomach.

14. How many times a year should you take communion?
The Monk Seraphim of Sarov commanded the Diveyevo sisters: “It is inadmissible to confess and commune during all fasts and, in addition, the twelfth and great holidays: the more often, the better - without tormenting yourself with the thought that you are unworthy, and you should not miss the opportunity to use grace as often as possible, bestowed by the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

The grace bestowed by communion is so great that no matter how unworthy and no matter how sinful a person is, but only in a humble consciousness of his great sinfulness will he come to the Lord, who redeems all of us, even if from head to toe covered with ulcers of sins, then he will be cleansed by the grace of Christ, become more and more bright, completely enlightened and saved.

It is very good to receive communion both on the days of your name day and on birthdays, and for spouses on the day of their marriage.

15. What is unction?
No matter how carefully we try to remember and write down our sins, it may happen that a significant part of them will not be said at confession, some will be forgotten, and some are simply not realized and not noticed, due to our spiritual blindness.

In this case, the Church comes to the aid of the penitent with the sacrament of Unction, or, as it is often called, "unction." This sacrament is based on the instructions of the Apostle James, the head of the first Jerusalem Church: “Is any of you sick, let him call for the elders of the Church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven" (James 5:14-15).

Thus, in the sacrament of the Unction of the Unction, sins are forgiven us that are not said at confession due to ignorance or forgetfulness. And since sickness is a consequence of our sinful state, liberation from sin often leads to healing of the body.

16. How often should you visit the temple?
The duties of a Christian include attending the temple on Saturdays and Sundays, and always on holidays.

The establishment and observance of holidays is necessary for our salvation, they teach us the true Christian faith, excite and nourish in us, in our hearts, love, reverence and obedience to God.

But they also go to church to perform rites, rituals, in order to simply pray, when time and opportunities allow. Every visit to the temple for a Christian is a holiday, if the person is truly a believer. According to the teachings of the Church, when visiting the temple of God, there is a special blessing and success in all the good undertakings of a Christian. Therefore, it should be done so that at this moment there is peace in the soul and order in clothes. We don't just go to church. Having humbled ourselves, our soul and heart, we come to Christ. Precisely to Christ, who gives us the good in relation to us, which we must earn by our behavior and inner disposition.

17. What is a spiritual leader for?
In order to march without error with his help and reach the Kingdom of Heaven, and for this it is necessary, mainly, in practice to fulfill the instructions, advice and instructions of the confessor, to spend one's life piously.

There were examples of how some people, having the opportunity to often visit the elder, constantly heard his instructions and instructions, lived with him and remained barren, and some, rarely having the opportunity to be with the elder and briefly hear the instructions, succeeded.

So, the strength lies not in visiting the spiritual father often, but in fulfilling his instructions and not being fruitless. When they teach their children to read and write, why do they send them to a school and hire teachers who would explain what is written in the books? They would give them only books and textbooks, and let them study on their own without teachers. And they do it to teach the sciences, for a few years, although the sciences are useful only in this short-term life. How is it that they so neglect the immortal soul, saying that a guide is not needed for spiritual life?

18. How should grief be handled?
Sorrows should be endured in secret, like any feat. Then we will not lose our reward in heaven. Only with a spiritual father can we talk about sorrows, asking for his advice, and pray to God to patiently endure any temptation.

19. How to overcome shame in confession?
To be ashamed in confession to reveal sins is from pride. Having reproved themselves before God in the presence of a confessor as a witness, people receive peace and forgiveness.

Remember that unrepentant heavy sins after death will bring great and eternal punishment. First of all, you should confess that which most disturbs your conscience. Many talk about the insignificant, but keep silent about the important and, thus, leave unhealed from sinful ulcers and unresolved.

20. What is the mortal sin?
A mortal sin is such a sin, because of which, if you do not repent of it before death, then you go to hell; but if you repent of this sin, it will immediately forgive you. It is called mortal because the soul dies from it and can come to life only from repentance.

21. How to deal with illness?
God sent sickness. Give thanks to the Lord, for everything that comes from the Lord is for good.

If you feel and see that you yourself are to blame, then start with repentance and pity before God that you did not save the gift of health given to you by Him. And then, nevertheless, reduce it to the fact that the disease is from the Lord, for every combination of circumstances is from the Lord and nothing happens by chance. E There are such illnesses, the healing of which the Lord sometimes imposes a ban, when He sees that illness is more necessary for salvation than health. And after this, thank the Lord again!

Illness humbles, softens the soul and relieves its usual heaviness from many worries.

22. How to overcome pride, anger, condemnation?
Anger and condemnation from pride. Seek humility - anger and condemnation will lag behind by themselves. Against anger - gritting your teeth to be silent. This is the first start.

The second - when it takes away - to retire a little, so as not to see the one that provokes anger. When anger does not subside from this and you have to say nonsense and malfunctions, take a thicker rope and whip yourself, but only so that it is sensitive. Do this after every outburst of anger. This technique is also good against pride.

Against condemnation - rather remember your sins and keep them in front of your consciousness - and condemnation will depart. Fight in every way against these and other passions, driving away their very beginnings with prayer to the Lord.

23. If any questions arise
If you want to ask a priest something, first turn to him with the words: “Batiushka, bless!”, And then ask a question. When accepting the blessing, fold your palms crosswise (palms up, right to left) and kiss the right, blessing you, hand of the clergyman.

If the priest is not in the temple at the moment when you need to talk to him, then you can clarify when the priest will be there - go to the candle box and ask a question to the one who will stand behind him. If you have a question regarding a wedding, baptism or funeral service, then you can ask about it there.

Candle box (church box) - a place, usually at the entrance to the temple, where candles, icons, books, crosses and other items of external expression of faith are offered to believers. Behind the candle box, you can order prayers, panikhidas, christenings, funerals, weddings, commemorations of health and repose, and other rites.

24. How to deal with beggars who meet in front of the temple?
When you see the poor, remember first of all that Christ our Lord and the Holy Fathers teach and, one might say, ask us to give to the poor.

Doing good to others, everyone should remember that the Lord will not leave him. "Do you think that he who feeds Christ (that is, the poor)," says St. Augustine, "will not himself be fed by Christ?". After all, in the eyes of the Lord Himself, we should look, according to our sins, much more terrible and worthless than these unfortunate people living on alms.

We should not tempt (embarrass) ourselves with the idea that the beggars "earn" no less than we do, and sometimes they are dressed no worse. Everyone will be asked, first of all, for his deeds.

Your business in this case is to show mercy, regardless of faces, with ease of heart. If, however, you see that there are beggars in front of you, using all the means for drinking, lend them not in money, but in food: give an apple, cookies, sweets, bread, etc. When the Monk Ambrose was asked why he gives to drunkards, he answered: to save them from another sin - theft.

25. Will the consecration of the apartment save from thieves, and the consecration of the car from the accident?
The consecration of an apartment, a car, an icon, a prayer is not a pagan amulet, not a spell from trouble. This should be a change in the inner world, in particular the attitude towards the thing that was consecrated, towards God, to whom they turned with prayer.

The man sanctified the car and stopped smoking, swearing, and acting out on the road in it, he remembers that the Guardian Angel is with him from now on.

He consecrated his house - that means he made it his small church.

And if, after consecration, a person does not keep the shrine, then how will God keep it and him?

Or does he make God dependent on his whims: since I turned to You, are You obliged to keep me?

The Lord always wishes good to a person, and that is why sometimes, like a strict Father, he admonishes us, forcing us to think about life, the world, and Divine Providence.

26. How many times a day should you pray?
Mandatory for Orthodox Christians are morning and evening prayers, as well as prayers before and after the meal. On the eve of the day of communion, you need to read the Following to Holy Communion and three canons: the Penitent One (or Jesus the Sweetest), the Most Holy Theotokos and the Guardian Angel.

Beyond this, the prayer rule for each day must be individualized. It is necessary that it correspond to the strength of a person and his life circumstances. It is unreasonable to take the rule beyond one's strength and capabilities. Then temptations may arise. The end result of this is despondency and relaxation.

27. How to apply to icons correctly?
It is customary to kiss the icons, that is, to kiss, applying to the images of hands, feet and clothes.

Thus, a Christian is called to exercise in humility and reverent attitude towards those depicted. It is impossible to kiss the faces on the icons.

28. How to choose a spiritual father?
There is no need to specifically look for or choose a spiritual father.

One day you will meet a priest with whom you will feel a spiritual connection. You will begin to go to him for confession, ask him for advice in difficult life situations and one day ask him to become your confessor.

If, however, such a connection did not arise with any of the priests, then there is no need to lose heart or undertake special searches. You just need to pray that the Lord would give a confessor and wait patiently.

29. How does Orthodoxy relate to various amulets and talismans, to folk signs?
All this Christianity regards as superstition, and nothing more.

Such superstitions sometimes so enslave a person that he can even fall ill. The great scholar Blaise Pascal wrote: "The unbelievers are the most gullible." And this gullibility prevents them from living calmly and with peace in their souls.

If the feeling is cold, and the thought runs away, then pronounce it with such a loudness that the ear, as it were, listens to the words. This is how attention is gathered “in hearing” and helps the integrity of prayer.

31. If faith is not enough - how to increase it?
Faith does not need to be "multiplyed" - try to live as the Gospel commands us, and this experience will help you treat God with greater trust, which is the essence of faith.

32. What is the correct way to address the temple staff?

It is difficult for a person who has crossed the church threshold for the first time to find a suitable appeal to his neighbor. Indeed, how to call a candlestick - "woman", "lady", "citizen"? How to address a priest - "sir", "sir", "comrade"? But there are no difficulties. Christians are one family where everyone is related to each other. Relatives do not need conventions. "Brother", "sister" - the best appeal to the laity. We are all children of the One God and descendants of Adam and Eve.

"Father" or "father" - this is how priests are called as performers of the sacraments, through which people are born into spiritual life. Usually, after the words "father" a name is added, for example, "father Peter".

You can address a deacon as "father deacon", to the rector of a temple (monastery) "father rector".

In the conversations of Orthodox people, the word "father" is often heard. It must be remembered that this word is used only when referring directly to a person. It is impossible, for example, to say "Father Vladimir blessed me", this is illiterate.

It is not worth addressing the clergy as "holy father", as is customary in Catholic countries. The holiness of a person is known by his death.

The wives of the altar servers, as well as older women, we call the affectionate word "mother".

Hierarchs—bishops, metropolitans, Patriarchs—should be addressed as "Vladyka" as invested with ecclesiastical authority.

33. What about the children in the temple? Should they be brought to the temple?
Some people think so: he will grow up, then he will figure it out, he will understand. But this is not true: he will grow up and will not understand if you do not teach him! Bring your kids to church!

How should they behave there? Unfortunately, children often interfere with the service, prevent parishioners from praying. Parents should try to keep their children with them. Mothers should know how to take a child so that he does not act up, but this must be done quietly, without embarrassing anyone. Everyone understands that a child is a child who finds it difficult to stand motionless for an hour and a half. But this must be taught.

To instill the skill to be in the service, to stand without being distracted, is the business of parents.

34. Arriving at the temple, who should put a candle in the first place and what should one pray for? Who and how many candles should be placed? Is it possible to light a candle for the health of oneself?
First of all, it’s good to put a candle about the health of your loved ones in the center of the temple, where on a lectern (a special table with an inclined surface) lies an icon of a holiday or a temple icon, as well as to the image of the Savior, the Mother of God.

For the repose of the dead, they put a candle to the cross on a rectangular candlestick (this is the eve). You can put a candle to any saint or saints. It is necessary to pray for the forgiveness of sins, to thank the Lord for His good deeds, to ask for help in existing needs.

There are no binding rules on where and how much to put candles. Their purchase is a small sacrifice to God, voluntary and not burdensome. A large and expensive candle is not at all more beneficial than a small one. It’s good to put a candle to the “holiday” (central lectern) or a revered temple icon, then to the relics of the saint (if they are in the temple), and only then - about health (to any icon) or repose (on the eve - square or rectangular crucifix table).

Well, you can, of course, put a candle on the health of yourself. Whoever does not pray for himself, the righteous will not help him either.

35. Is it necessary to kneel in the temple?
If the priest and all the worshipers kneel, then you must also get up.

In exceptional cases, when a person is sick (for example, he has sciatica or sore legs) or when it is very crowded in the temple, you can not kneel.

36. Why do they go around the temple with trays and collect money?
As you know, the Church in our country is separated from the state, so it must support itself.

Donations are used to support liturgical activities and various economic needs: payment of utility bills (electricity, gas, heating, water supply, etc.), for the restoration, restoration and maintenance of the church and adjacent premises, for the salary of clergy and church employees ( singers, candle-makers, cleaners, janitors, watchmen).

Funds received for christenings, weddings, funerals and notes also go to the numerous needs of the church community.

37. What do bows mean and what are they?
Realizing their sinfulness and unworthiness before God, as a sign of humility, prayer is accompanied by bows.

Bows are waist, when they bend to the waist, and earthly, when, bowing and kneeling, they touch the ground (floor) with their heads.

38. What does censing symbolize and how should one behave when censing a temple?
Liturgical censing is complete when it covers the entire church, and small when the altar, the iconostasis and the people from the pulpit are censed. When incense is performed on sacred objects - icons, temples - it refers to God, giving Him due honor and glory. When the censer turns to people, this testifies that the Holy Spirit descends on all the faithful as bearing in themselves the image of God.

When a clergyman burns the temple, one must step aside so as not to interfere with him, and when burning the people, slightly bow his head. At the same time, one should not turn one's back to the altar - this is the mistake of many parishioners. You just need to turn around a little. You should not be baptized at this time.

39. What is a prayer service, memorial service, litany?
After the Liturgy, a moleben is usually served - a special service, during which they ask the Lord, the Mother of God and the saints to send down mercy or give thanks for receiving blessings. A prayer service can be a thanksgiving, for the sick, for travelers, and you can order it to the Savior, the Mother of God (to Her various icons) or saints. You can order a water-blessed prayer service - in this case, a small consecration of water is performed, which is then distributed to believers.

Panikhida is a special divine service, consisting of prayers for the forgiveness of sins and repose in the Kingdom of Heaven of the souls of the departed Orthodox Christians. A memorial service is served before the eve. Near the eve, on a special table, you can leave an offering in memory of deceased loved ones. Usually on the eve they put bread, cookies, sugar - everything that does not contradict fasting (as there may be a fast day). You can donate lamp oil, Cahors on the eve.

Litany is a Greek word and means "diligent prayer." Litany - a petition to the Lord, which is proclaimed by a priest or deacon during worship. During Divine Liturgy after reading the Gospel, litanies are performed, on which custom-made notes about health and repose are read. Each litany ends with a cry from the priest, glorifying the Most Holy Trinity.

40. How can you honor a person?
In addition to notes on one-day commemorations, churches and monasteries also accept notes on the daily commemoration of the living and deceased Christians for long periods: for a month, for 40 days (magpie), for six months, for a year, for several years.

A long commemoration can be “with a particle” (when every day during the entire period a particle is taken out of the prosphora on the proskomedia) or “without a particle” (in this case, the names are recorded in the memorial synodic and the brethren of the temple or monastery during the specified period pray for each divine service these people).

Eternal commemoration lasts as long as the monastery exists.

41. What icons are placed in the center of the temple and how to apply to them correctly? Is it necessary to kiss the icon? Can you just touch your forehead for fear of infection?
In the center of the temple, on a lectern, an icon of the holiday is placed (if there is any religious holiday) or an icon depicting a saint whose memory is celebrated on this day. On other days, a temple icon lies on the analogion, that is, the icon of that holiday or saint, in whose honor the main altar of the temple is consecrated.

You should approach the icons slowly, without crowding, mentally saying a prayer (before the image of the Savior, you can say the Jesus prayer to yourself: “Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.” Or briefly: “Lord, have mercy.” Before the icon Holy Mother of God you can say a short prayer: "Most Holy Mother of God, save us." Before the icon of the saint: "Holy servant of God (name), pray to God for me (for us))".

You should cross yourself twice with a waist bow, then kiss the icon as a sign of love and veneration depicted on it. After that, cross yourself for the third time, bow and move away. The Savior depicted on the icon should kiss the feet, blessing the right hand (right hand), the edge of the clothes. The Mother of God and the saints have a hand or a hem of clothing, and the miraculous image of the Savior and the head of John the Baptist are in sackcloths.

If the icon depicts several saints, it is enough to venerate it once.

Kissing the holy icons and worshiping them testifies to love for those depicted on them - for God, the Mother of God and the saints. Through the veneration of holy icons, the blessing of God and the love of the holy saints of God are attracted to a person. No one ever gets infected through the shrine, on the contrary, numerous cases of healing from various ailments are known.

42. Is it possible to pray and light candles for animals?
Since God is the Creator of every creature, it is possible to pray for animals, but it is better to do this in home prayer. In the prayer books there are special prayers that are read in case of illness and loss of livestock.

Animals have a soul that dies with the body. The human soul is immortal, since it was created in the image and likeness of God and received from Him the gift of eternal life. A church candle has many deep spiritual meanings, one of which is evidence of a person's involvement in the Divine light. Therefore, it is necessary to put candles for people, and not for animals.

43. What should (or can be) the position of the hands during prayer - in the temple, at home, etc.? Sometimes people hold their hands in front of them bent at the elbows and clasping their palms in prayer. Sometimes they fold their arms crosswise on their chest, putting the right on the left. Sometimes - in front of you, closing them "in the lock" just below chest level. Most people just keep their hands down.
The position of the hands during prayer is not important. The main thing in prayer is attention to the spoken words. The closing of the palms is rather a tradition of the Western, Catholic Church. In Orthodox churches, it is customary to keep your hands lowered, which is called "at the seams", raising your right hand to overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross.

In the practice of ancient ascetics, there is even a method of beating oneself in the chest with a hand, for, as it were, a purely exaltation of words, but this is a private practice. In a word: "Where it is simple, there are a hundred angels"!

44. How can an Orthodox Christian spend the weekend correctly?
It is the duty of every Christian to try to attend the Sunday Divine Liturgy.

After it, it is advisable to put idle affairs aside and give your soul time for spiritual nourishment, because Monday will come, and these pressing matters will pile up with great force. What is the best thing to do with yourself? Everything depends on the person himself. A person who is predisposed to solitude can light a lamp and engage in prayer or spiritual reading. One who is close to fellowship might be advised to spend the evening with good friends who are able to talk on spiritual topics. A workaholic can do physical labor. A family man - to tidy up at home, naturally, illuminating all his work with inner prayer, and a lonely person can find some kind of obedience in the temple, guided by a reasonable initiative.

In general, the rest of an Orthodox Christian should not be idleness, because idleness is a sin. A Christian's rest should be useful, and by choosing such a rest, one can be sure that on a weekend spent in this way, a person will receive a spiritual charge for the entire upcoming work week.

45. What does the folded fingers of the hand of priestly blessing mean?
The priest blesses in the name of Christ, or rather Christ blesses through the priest or bishop.

Two fingers fold into the letter “X” and mean Christ, one finger (little finger) stands alone and means the Slavic letter “I” and means Jesus, the other two fingers fold crosswise and mean the Cross of the Lord. Therefore, the priestly blessing contains the name of Jesus Christ and the Cross of the Lord.

46. How do you deal with grief at the death of a loved one?
You don't have to burn. It is necessary to pray intensely for the deceased, and it will become easier - you will feel a connection with him. After all, a loved one did not die, but moved to another, eternal world, for the immortal soul of a person - from God, to God and leaves. This life is temporary and filled with various sorrows, and no one can avoid them. And a loved one has now got rid of all these earthly sorrows, and will live forever in another world, where "there is neither sickness nor sorrow, but endless life." The whole human race goes there - no one can stay here.

47. What icons to buy for the home? Can any icon be hung in the house?
Be sure to have at home the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God. In addition, there are many icons of God's saints. It is good to have at home an icon of a heavenly patron, that is, a saint whose name a person bears. It is better to purchase icons in an Orthodox church or in special church stores, where they have already been consecrated.

48. What is the use of taking prosphora and holy water?
If a person uses prosphora and holy water, then an unclean spirit does not approach him, the soul and body are sanctified, thoughts are illuminated to please God, and the person is more disposed to fasting, prayer and all virtue.

Not only Church Tradition convinces of the miraculous effect of holy water, but also personal experience believers. The grace descending on the water through the prayers of a priest of God gives her the power to heal illnesses (whether it be a headache or insomnia, irritation or what is called a “stressful state”), quench passions and weaken emerging sinful desires, free from all evil, cleanse from filth. Any thing from the everyday life of an Orthodox Christian is consecrated with holy water.

But, of course, all this must be done with faith.

49. What if there is nowhere to put a candle?
You can and should put a candle on a candlestick if there is nowhere to put it. Those who put two candles in one cell or take off someone else's candle to put their own do it wrong.

50. Why doesn't God make all people good?
God gave people free will. If this freedom were devoid of real choice, then it would not be needed. People would never know what good is if they didn't know what evil is. This is the real value and beauty that a person chooses the Kingdom of God and His love voluntarily, although there are many temptations around him. After all, everything that is done by force is devoid of true joy and happiness.

51. Why do you need to confess?
And why do you need to wash off the bodily dirt? However, a person takes care of the body, which lives temporarily, but even more, he must take care of the soul, which will live forever.

The dirt of the soul is the sins that can be cleansed only at Confession. The accumulated sins and transgressions that have not been removed from the conscience (not only large, but also many small ones) burden it so that a person begins to feel inner unrest or emptiness. He can suddenly fall into irritation, into some kind of nervous breakdown, he does not have internal hardness. A person often does not understand the reason for everything that happens, but it lies in the fact that unconfessed sins lie on his conscience. Through Confession, the purity that was lost due to sins returns.

Confession is God's great mercy to mankind, weak and prone to fall. This is a means available to all, which leads to the salvation of the soul, constantly falling into transgressions. Sincere confession brings a Christian not only the forgiveness of sins, but also the fullness of spiritual health: it restores peace of conscience and peace of the soul, weakens bad inclinations and passions, and keeps from new sins.

This Sacrament restores the state received in Baptism.

52. What is sin? How to destroy it? Are all people sinners?
Everything is a sin that offends the conscience and delights the flesh.

Sin is not a fact in a biography that can be lightly forgotten. Sin is a “black seal” that remains on the conscience until the end of days and is not washed away by anything except the Sacrament of Confession. Sin has a corrupting power that can cause a chain of subsequent, more serious sins.

These are the steps by which sin enters us: image, attention, interest, attraction, passion.

It's good not to be indebted to anyone. It is good to pay debts more often, otherwise they, having accumulated, become too large, burdensome, unpayable. So it is good to pay for sins - our debts to the Lord - as often as possible, repenting, confessing to the priest, and inwardly daily, hourly, constantly repenting before the Lord. The roots of sin are destroyed by the struggle with sinful thoughts and the repetition of confession even when thoughts begin to overcome.

Yes, all people sin a lot before God. Are not condemnation, vanity, idle talk, hostility, ridicule, intransigence, laziness, irritability, anger, constant companions of human life? More serious crimes are also on the conscience of many: infanticide (abortion), adultery, turning to sorcerers and psychics, envy, theft, enmity, revenge and much more, making people sinners who are obliged to atone for their sins by repentance and good deeds.

53. Where to put last year's consecrated willow?
The consecrated willows are kept for a year as a sign of the all-pervading grace of God. Then the branches are burned (the ashes are not thrown into the trash, but buried in a place that is not trampled under foot or lowered into running water), replacing them with new ones, or they stuff a pillow with them, which they then put in a coffin under the head of the deceased Christian.

54. Are Repentance and Confession the Same?
Repentance is a sincere desire to change life according to the commandments of God, it is the most strict and captious self-criticism and self-assessment of all one's delusions, vices, passions - not only obvious, but also secret. Repentance requires that a person become a good example for others.

Confession is accusing oneself of sins before God with the testimony of a priest. True repentance consists not only in frankly confessing sins to the spiritual father, but also in not returning to them, in order to regret former sins with a contrite heart, and not only to regret, but also to make amends for them with good deeds, labors of repentance.

55. What days are weddings not held in the church?
According to the church charter, the Sacrament of the Wedding is not performed during many days of fasting (Great, Christmas, Petrov and Assumption), during Christmas time - from January 7 to 20, at Shrovetide (the week before the start of Great Lent, starting from the Meat Week, and on the Cheesefare Week ), on Bright Week (a week after the Easter holiday), on the days (and on the eve) of the Beheading of John the Baptist (September 11) and the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 27), on the eve of the Twelfth, great and temple holidays, as well as on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of every week.

56. What does the words "Take up your cross and follow me" mean?
To take up one's cross means, with humility and humility, to submit to those temporary sorrows and calamities that the Lord is pleased to allow us to purify our sins. Taking up one's cross means voluntarily and with zeal to submit to hardships and exploits that curb the wordless aspirations of our flesh.

The temple is not only a house of prayer, but also a place of special presence of God, and just as when we are going to visit, we try to look worthy, so when we come to Church, we should remember Who we are coming to and Who is looking at us. A person who carefully monitors the state of his soul will surely notice that his behavior, thoughts, wishes also depend on clothing. Strict clothing obliges a lot.

Women should not come to the Church in trousers, short skirts, sweaters and sleeveless blouses (with open arms), with makeup on their faces. Lipstick is especially unacceptable. A woman's head should be covered with a headscarf, kerchief or scarf.

Men are required to remove their hats before entering the temple. You can not appear in the church in T-shirts, shorts, sports untidy clothes.


Doing good to others, everyone should remember that the Lord will not leave him. "Do you think that he who feeds Christ (that is, the poor)," wrote St. Augustine, "will not be fed by Christ?" Indeed, in the eyes of the Lord, because of our sins, perhaps we look more terrible and insignificant than all these unfortunate people living on alms.

We should not tempt ourselves with the idea that the beggars "earn" no less than we do, and sometimes they are dressed no worse. Everyone will be asked first of all for his deeds. Your job in this case is to show mercy.

If you see that there are beggars in front of you, spending all their money on drinking, give them not money, but food: an apple, cookies, bread, etc.


You should arrive at the temple ten to fifteen minutes before the start of the service. This time is usually enough to submit notes, buy and light candles, and venerate icons.

Approaching the temple, pious Christians, looking at the holy crosses and domes of the church, make the sign of the cross and bow from the waist. Rising to the porch, they again make the sign of the cross with a bow three times.

Entering the temple, you should stop near the door and make three bows with prayers:

God, be merciful to me, a sinner. - Bow.

God, cleanse me, a sinner, and have mercy on me. Bow.

Lord, who created me, forgive me. Bow.

After that, notes are served, applied to the icons, candles are placed and they take a comfortable place, standing with reverence and fear of God.

According to ancient custom, men stand on the right side of the temple, women - on the left, leaving free passage from the main doors to the Royal Doors.

In addition, to this day one can observe the pious rule when women let the men go ahead during the Anointing, Communion, veneration of the festive icon and the Cross. At the end of the service, the same prayers are read as at the entrance to the church.

Being in the temple of God, let us remember that we are in the presence of the Lord God, the Mother of God, holy angels and saints.

Be afraid, voluntarily or involuntarily, to offend those praying and those shrines that surround us in the temple of God with your behavior.

If you came to the temple during the Divine Service, it is better to refrain from squeezing through the worshipers and placing candles in front of the icons. A candle is a sacrifice to God, but in this case, remember that another sacrifice is more pleasing - "a broken spirit", a humble awareness of one's sinfulness before the Lord, which will illuminate all your desires and needs brighter than any candle.

If possible, refrain from remarks, unless, of course, there is obvious hooliganism or blasphemous behavior. It is permissible for a person who violates the norms of behavior to make comments in a delicate form, without irritability and arrogant instruction in his voice.

It is unacceptable to walk around the temple during the service, especially the conduct of conversations.

During worship in Orthodox Church they pray standing up, and how can one sit in the presence of God, because in prayers we turn to the King of kings, the Creator of the universe. Sitting is allowed only due to special infirmity, illness, so that, as Metropolitan Filaret (Drozdov) said: "It is better to think about God while sitting than standing about your feet." However, you can not sit with your legs crossed or legs stretched out. Before you sit down, ask God to strengthen you physically. During the reading of the Gospel and especially important places of the Liturgy, you need to stand.

Parents, having come to the temple with their children, should observe their behavior and not allow them to distract the worshipers, play pranks, and laugh. A crying child should be tried to calm down, if this fails, you should leave the temple with the child.

It is forbidden to enter the temple with animals and birds.

It should be applied to the icons, leaving aside bulky bags.

Approaching the Chalice during Communion should be with arms crossed on the chest - the right over the left.

During the censing of the temple, one should not turn around after the clergyman and stand with his back to the altar.

During the opening of the Royal Doors, you must bow. Smokers are forbidden to smoke even on the street within the church fence.


Service must be upheld from beginning to end. Service is not a duty, but a sacrifice to God. Will it be pleasant for the owner of the house, to whom guests have come, if they leave before the end of the holiday?

Remember that leaving worship without extreme necessity or because of urgent circumstances is a sin before God. Especially try not to leave the temple during the Liturgy, at least until the singing of "Our Father ...".

The end of the morning service is the exit of the priest with a cross. This moment is called a break. During the holidays, believers approach the Cross, kiss it and the priest's hand holding the cross. Stepping away, you need to bow to the priest.

The care of the Holy Church for us continues after the service, so that we do not lose the grace-filled mood, which, by the grace of God, we were honored in the temple. The Church commands us to leave the temple in reverent silence, with thanksgiving to the Lord, who has made us present in the temple, with a prayer that the Lord will grant us to always visit His holy house until the end of our lives.


The liturgical robes of the clergy have different colors, each of which symbolizes the spiritual significance of the event in honor of which the service is performed. The main colors of liturgical vestments are white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, black.

Before the divine service, while vesting, the clergy read special prayers prescribed by the charter, in which the symbolic meaning of sacred garments is revealed.

On holidays in honor of the Lord Jesus Christ, as well as on the days of the memory of the prophets, apostles and saints, the color of the vestment is royal: gold or yellow of all shades due to the fact that Christ is the King of Glory, and His servants have in the Church the fullness of grace of the highest degree of priesthood .

On holidays in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos and angelic forces, as well as on days of remembrance of holy virgins and virgins, the color of the vestment is blue or white, symbolizing special purity and purity.

On the feasts of the Cross of the Lord, the color of the vestments is purple or dark red, symbolizing the feat of the Cross of the Savior.

On holidays and days of remembrance of the holy martyrs, the dark red color of the vestments is adopted as a sign that the blood shed for the faith of Christ was evidence of their fiery love for the Lord.

In green vestments of all shades, the day of the Holy Trinity, the day of the Holy Spirit and the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem are celebrated, since the green color is a symbol of life, for everything that has life by the will of the Father and through the Son is quickened by the Holy Spirit. Divine services are also performed in green vestments in honor of the saints, ascetics and holy fools, since their feat, killing the sinful principles of human nature, does not kill the person himself, but renews his whole nature and leads to eternal life.

During Lent, the color of the vestments is dark: dark blue, purple, dark red, black. Black clothes are usually served on weekdays of Great Lent.

Burials, as a rule, are performed in white vestments, since for a Christian, death is only a transition to another world.

The white color of the vestments is accepted on the feasts of the Nativity of Christ, Theophany (Baptism), Transfiguration and Ascension of the Lord, as it symbolizes the Divine Light that comes into the world and sanctifies God's creation.

The feast of the holidays - Easter of Christ - begins in white vestments as a sign of the Divine light that shone from the Tomb of the risen Savior. In some churches, it is customary on Easter morning to change vestments on each of the eight songs of the canon, so that the priest each time appears in robes of a different color. The play of colors is very appropriate for this "triumph of celebrations". The Paschal Liturgy, like all the services of the subsequent Bright Week, is performed in red vestments, symbolizing the victory of the "Sun of Truth" - the risen Lord Jesus Christ.


Since the honor paid to the icon is raised to the person depicted on it, then kissing it (applying to it), we mentally touch this face.

The icons should be approached slowly, without crowding. Mentally say a prayer, cross yourself twice with half bows and venerate the icon as a sign of love and respect for the image depicted on it. Then for the third time make the sign of the cross over yourself and bow.

In the same order, Christians should approach any shrines: icons, the Holy Gospel, the Cross, holy relics.

When kissing the icon of the Savior, one should kiss His feet; Mother of God and saints - hand; to the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands and to the icon of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist - hair. You should not kiss the face on the icons.

Several sacred persons can be depicted on the icon, but when a crowd of worshipers gathers, it is supposed to kiss the icon once, so as not to detain others and thereby violate the decorum in the temple.

Before the image of the Savior, you can say the Jesus Prayer to yourself:

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner (s)".

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, you can say a short prayer:

"Holy Mother of God, save us."

Or the following:

"My Queen, my hope is the Mother of God, a friend of the orphans and a strange Representative, squealing joy, offended Patron, see my misfortune, see my sorrow. Help me, as if I am weak, feed me, as if strange. ; as if I don’t have other help, except for Thee, nor another Representative, nor a good comforter, only Thee, O Bogomati, as if save me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Before the honest Life-Giving Cross of Christ, the following prayer is read:

"We worship Thy Cross, Master, and we glorify Thy Holy Resurrection."

Before the icon of the saint:

"Holy servant of God Nicholas (or the great martyr and healer Panteleimon, the faithful prince Alexander, etc.), pray to God for me a sinner (sinner), may the Lord forgive me all my sins and with your holy prayers LOVE to reach the Kingdom of Heaven."


“The holy icons are of great benefit to us in the matter of our salvation.

1. Holy icons have a beneficial effect on all the spiritual forces of a person:

A) they serve to enlighten the mind of Christians. Illiterate people, unable to read Holy Scripture, understand the economy of our salvation from icons, assimilate the history of the Old and New Testaments and especially the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, and those who read the same events are deeply imprinted in the soul through holy images;

B) holy icons in the heart of a Christian arouse love for the Lord God and the saints depicted on them, move Christians to the most fervent prayer, strengthen feelings of compunction and contrition for sins;

C) holy icons strengthen the will of Christians in the fight against sin and in doing good deeds by examples and exploits of the saints depicted on them, the executions of sinners, the view of the Last Judgment, etc.

2. By arranging and kissing the holy icons and worshiping them, we thereby testify to our love for God and the saints depicted on them. “The honor of the image,” says St. Basil the Great, “passes over to the prototype; thus, through the veneration of the holy icons, we attract to ourselves the blessing of God and the love of the saints of God.

3. For the Lord God, holy icons serve as an instrument for the manifestation of His Divine power for our salvation: through them He performs great signs and wonders to affirm faith in Him and His holy Church, to comfort sorrowful hearts, to heal diseases. If the Lord pours out his grace through the holy icons visibly, then all the more does he minister to our sanctification and salvation invisibly. And if God Himself apparently works through the holy icons to our salvation, then one must have a lot of courage (if not more) to assert that icons do not have great significance in the matter of salvation.

4. Where there are holy icons, the intrigues of the enemy of the human race, the evil spirit, are inactive or less effective, therefore he tries with all his might to destroy them. If holy icons help Christians in the fight against visible enemies, then all the more they help them in the fight against invisible enemies; we know that through holy icons, evil spirits were completely expelled from people possessed by them.

Let us conclude our conversation with the words of St. John of Damascus; "Away with you, envious devil! You are jealous that we see the image of our Lord and through him we are sanctified; you are jealous that we see His saving sufferings, we are amazed at His cooperation, we contemplate His miracles, we recognize and glorify the power of His Divinity; you are jealous of the honor of the saints which they are awarded from God; you do not want us to look at the images of their glory and become zealots for their courage and faith; you do not tolerate the bodily and spiritual benefits that come from our faith. But we do not listen to you, misanthropic demon "".

Doctor of Theology Archbishop Sergius Spassky